Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2-year-old kid in China smoking like a pro...

See also:

  1. Violins can also be used as cigarette lighters!!!
  2. In Saudi Arabia you get a free wedding ... if you stop smoking!!!

Air India, the bankrupt maharajah...

India's state-run and oldest airline Air India is bankrupt. Shantanu Guha Ray explains what ails the airline which carries one of India's most enduring mascots - the maharajah.

They are calling it the case of the bankrupt maharajah. 

Saddled with lost man-days, unwarranted expenses, unviable routes and huge salary bills, the state-owned Air India - the airline with a mascot of a maharajah or Indian king - is in a mess like never before. 

Its losses have almost doubled to over $800m in 2008-09 and it does not have the money to foot the monthly salary bill of its 31,500 employees. More...

See also:

  1. Air India asks senior staff to sacrifice July pay...
  2. Air India sacks 10 air hostesses for being overweight...
  3. Pilots in India, and the alcohol problem...
  4. OMG! Air India pilots fall asleep and miss destination!!!

Do we really need to drink milk?

Young adults are not drinking enough milk, according to a study published in the July/August issue of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior by researchers from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 

Well, at least that's according to the press release about the study, along with a few press reports on the matter. But according to lead author Nicole Larson, the focus on the study was on calcium. 

Once again, we see the words "milk" and "calcium" used interchangeably in the popular press. Milk is a calcium source, but by no standard other than that of the National Dairy Council is it the best calcium source. More...

See also:

  1. Giving up milk and dairy products results in better health...
  2. Why I eat meat (and why you should too...)
  3. This is where your milk, beef and veal may be coming from...
  4. Making ice-cream from ... mama's breast milk???
  5. Herman's Hermits and No Milk Today...
  6. Say cheese! A look at Swiss cheese-making...

India's "Dalit Queen" Mayawati goes on a statue-erecting spree, many dedicated to herself!!!

Mayawati, the controversial 'queen' of India's 'untouchable' Dalit caste, has been ordered to explain why she has spent millions of pounds of public money on statues of herself.

The chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, one of India's poorest states, was ordered by the Supreme Court to account for the erection of 15 sandstone memorials to Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar, the Dalit author of the Indian constitution; her late mentor Kanshi Ram, the founder of her Bahujan Samaj Party; and herself. More...

See also:

  1. Is it Mayawati time for India's Dalits...
  2. India's brutal and murderous caste system...
  3. Geneva store's shoe-hanging Buddha statue shocks Indians
  4. India: Charlie Chaplin statue not welcome because...
  5. Bob Marley statue goes up in Serbian village...
  6. Tony Blair claimed £7,000 for new roof just TWO days before leaving Downing Street...

Terence trent d'arby and Sign your name...

See also:

  1. Manhattan Transfer and On a little street in Singapore...
  2. The Hollies: He ain't heavy, he's my brother...

Nepal bans airline staff pockets to prevent bribe-taking...

Staff at Nepal's main international airport are to be issued with trousers without pockets, in an attempt to wipe out rampant bribe-taking.

The country's anti-corruption body said there had been growing complaints about staff at Kathmandu's Tribhuvan airport. 

A spokesman said trousers without pockets would help the authorities "curb the irregularities". More...

See also:

  1. Indian police 'threw pregnant mother from train for failing to pay bribe'
  2. Cops in India have their hands full .. with bribes!!!
  3. Blackout: the great MPs' expenses cover-up...
  4. Corrupt and lying Euro deputies come under fire...

Bollywood invaded by ... British beauties!!!

More British beauties are eyeing a career in Bollywood than ever before. Some of them have already lapped plum roles with the superstars of the Hindi film industry.

Salman Khan is already working with former Miss UK-Universe Lisa Lazarus in producer Vijay Galani’s film Veer while Saif Ali Khan is said to be introducing Brit beauty Florence Brudenell Bruce in his home production Love Aaj Kal .

Increasing popularity of Indian films following the success of Slumdog Millionaire and other Hollywood movies based on Indian stories has been inspiring young British actresses to opt for Bollywood careers. More...

See also:

  1. 'Hot bhabhi' turns India on...
  2. Hollywood stars making big bucks for Far East commercials...
  3. Nicole Kidman as a Bollywood princess for Schweppes!!!
  4. The Slumdog Price is Right!!! Hilarious...
  5. Escape from Bollywood!!!
  6. Bollywood directors and unnecessary sex scenes...

China postpones controversial anti-porn filter...

China postponed a plan to require personal computer makers to supply Internet-filtering software Tuesday, retreating in the face of protests by Washington and Chinese Web surfers just hours before it was due to take effect.

The rule would have required manufacturers to include filtering software known as Green Dam with every computer produced for sale in China starting Wednesday.

A two-sentence announcement by the government's Xinhua News Agency said regulators "will delay" the plan but gave no indication whether it might take effect later. It gave no other details. More...

See also:

  1. 'Hot bhabhi' turns India on...
  2. China's anti-porn software makers threatened...
  3. China attacks Google over porn...
  4. Blind wife in Hong Kong burns cheating husband's genitals...
  5. China sex theme park, Love Land, demolished!!!

Hommage to Neda and Iran's courageous youth...

Hommage à Neda et à la jeunesse courageuse de l’Iran…

See also:

  1. Fiery speech in Iranian parliament! Wow!
  2. Neda's fiance tells the BBC how she was killed...
  3. Young Iranian girl killed by State militia in Tehran. (Graphic)

Dude smashes car into church in suicide attempt, wanted to be "closer to Jesus..."

 A 54-year-old Largo man wanted to be closer to Jesus, so he rammed his car into a church.

Largo Police say Phillip Wagner told them he intentionally drove his vehicle into The Faith United Methodist Church in an attempt to "kill himself and be closer to Jesus."

When investigators arrived at the church, located at 610 West Bay Drive, they found Wagner's vehicle partially inside the Education Center.

Officers took Wagner to the Pinellas County Jail, where he is under suicide watch.

Damage to the church is estimated to be around $10,000.


See also:

  1. Man in India commits suicide to "see what lies beyond..."
  2. Boy in Thailand banned from video games; commits suicide...
  3. Teacher in India fakes suicide ... to marry out of her caste!!!

Les DVD pirates en mémoire de Michael Jackson déjà en vente en Chine!!!

Quelques jours à peine après la mort de Michael Jackson, les boutiques de Pékin étaient à même de proposer des DVD commémoratifs et totalement pirates de la star, y compris le disque "complet des 50 ans" du chanteur décédé brutalement. Le coffret de deux disques contient tous les clips vidéo des tubes de la star comme des extraits de concerts en Roumanie et au Japon. 

"Ca se vend vraiment bien. On devrait recevoir une nouvelle livraison demain avec plus de choix", a commenté mardi un vendeur de DVD dans un quartier diplomatique du coeur de Pékin. 

Le "roi de la pop" est mort jeudi dernier chez lui à Los Angeles. Il était très populaire en Chine où sa musique a été une des premières musiques pop occidentales introduites après l'ouverture économique du pays à la fin des années 70.


Voir aussi:

  1. L'hommage de la rédaction de 20minutes à Michael Jackson...
  2. Hommage des parisiens à Michael Jackson...
  3. RapidShare condamné à une amende de 34 millions de dollars...

Trois quotidiens marocains condamnés pour avoir «diffamé» Kadhafi ...

«Face à une telle farce, je ne peux répliquer que par l’ironie. Je suggère à M. Kadhafi de poursuivre l’Etat marocain qui l’a humilié en ne le suivant pas dans sa requête. La justice marocaine a chiffré le tort subi à 100 millions. Je vais continuer d’écrire ce que je pense du régime libyen et faire en sorte que les procès se multiplient et donner gain de cause au Guide pour qu’il obtienne les 3 milliards qu’il nous avait réclamés en guise de dommages et intérêts ». Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. La Libye a pris des sanctions financières contre la Suisse...
  2. «Affaire Kadhafi»: Genève refuse de s'excuser...
  3. Au Maroc, le martyre de Zahra...

Beat It de Jackson à la mexicaine!!!

Jackson's Beat It, Mexican style!!!

Voir aussi:

  1. Michael Jackson and Heal the world...
  2. Michael Jackson and Beat It...
  3. Les saoudiens dansent à la Michael Jackson !!!

La Chine diffère l'installation d'un logiciel anti-porno controversé...

La Chine a décidé de différer l'installation sur son territoire d'un logiciel de filtrage des contenus pornographiques sur internet, projet qui a suscité une controverse dans le pays et à l'étranger, a annoncé mardi l'agence officielle Chine Nouvelle.

La Chine, qui compte le plus grand nombre d'internautes dans le monde (près de 300 millions), souhaitait imposer l'installation de ce logiciel, "Barrage vert d'escorte de la jeunesse", sur tous les ordinateurs vendus sur son territoire à partir du 1er juillet, officiellement pour protéger la jeunesse.

Elle a décidé d'en repousser l'installation, a indiqué Chine Nouvelle citant le ministère de l'Industrie et de la Technologie de l'information, sans apporter aucune précision. Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. Logiciels anti-porno en Chine: Microsoft invoque la liberté d'expression...
  2. Des films X au frais du contribuable britannique!!!
  3. Le porno s'en va-t-en guerre...
  4. Comment censurer les nus...

Revving your car ... in a racist manner???

A DRIVER spent two nights in jail after being accused of "revving his car in a racist manner".

Mechanic Ronnie Hutton, 49, yesterday described his court ordeal which finally ended when prosecutors dropped the allegation of racism.

But he was still convicted of a breach of the peace for revving the engine of his £25,000 Lotus.

Witnesses claimed he had been trying to intimidate a Libyan couple on the pavement. Ronnie, of Stirling, claims he was only revving the powerful V8 engine to avoid another £15,000 repair bill. More...

See also:

  1. Booing is a form of racism, says French soccer coach...
  2. Filipino outrage at Hong Kong "racist" writer...
  3. Italian cities to ban ethnic foods??? WTF!
  4. WTF! Toddlers who dislike spicy food 'racist...'

Michael Jackson fans committing suicide?

Fans of Michael Jackson have been hit hard by the star's death - 12 devotees have allegedly killed themselves following the tragic news. 

The King Of Pop passed away on Thursday from a cardiac arrest and millions of his fans worldwide went into mourning. 

But several of them found it too hard to cope and subsequently ended their own lives, according to the founder of an online Jackson fanclub. More...

See also:

  1. The Michael Jackson story...
  2. And my idol died, a Nigerian's tribute to Michael Jackson...
  3. Man in India commits suicide to "see what lies beyond..."
  4. Boy in Thailand banned from video games, commits suicide...

Briley the one girl band and Brand New Key...

Obama's quiet war in Pakistan...

In a new interview, Obama said he has “no intention” of sending US troops into Pakistan. But US troops are already in the country and US drones attack Pakistan regularly.

Three days after his inauguration, on January 23, 2009, President Barack Obama ordered US predator drones to attack sites inside of Pakistan, reportedly killing 15 people. It was the first documented attack ordered by the new US Commander in Chief inside of Pakistan. Since that first Obama-authorized attack, the US has regularly bombed Pakistan, killing scores of civilians. The New York Times reported that the attacks were clear evidence Obama “is continuing, and in some cases extending, Bush administration policy.” In the first 99 days of 2009, more than 150 people were reportedly killed in these drone attacks. The most recent documented attack was reportedly last Thursday in Waziristan. Since 2006, the US drone strikes have killed 687 people (as of April). That amounts to about 38 deaths a month just from drone attacks. More...

See also:

  1. Imran Khan slams the Pakistan govt. and the US drone attacks...
  2. 45 people killed in US drone attack on Pakistan...
  3. Bill Moyers on how the media manipulates the public on Pakistan and the Taliban (Video)
  4. Pakistan tells Obama to halt attacks...

Like China and Saudi Arabia, India goes on a land-grab in Africa....

India, once the colonial jewel of Britain's empire, has been accused of 'neo-colonialism' in Africa where its business people have joined a race with China, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere to buy up agricultural estates and take advantage of cheap labour.

Indian farming companies have bought hundreds of thousands of hectares in Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal and Mozambique, where they are growing rice, sugar cane, maize and lentils for their own domestic market back in India.

Its government has given soft loans as aid to support the overseas ventures in what has been described as a challenge to China and Saudi Arabia in the new scramble for Africa. China, South Korea, and a several Arab countries have led the way in creating new African mega-farms to outsource domestic food production and use cheaper labour. More...

See also:

  1. Chinese and Arabs are buying poor countries’ farms on a colossal scale...
  2. How China is transforming Africa! Excellent documentary...
  3. The rich go on a land-grabbing spree in poor countries...
  4. China in Africa; certainly NOT a love affair...

The Facebook Rap...

See also:

  1. The Facebook Anthem! Ha! Ha! Ha!
  2. Do you have a Facebook?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Chinese budget airline plans tickets for standing passengers...

A Chinese budget airline has applied for permission to sell cut price standing room only tickets.

Passengers would pay a reduced price to stand in the aisles during flights, reports IC Media.

Spring Airlines president Wang Zhenghua said tickets would go on sale as soon as the government agreed the proposals.

He said he was confident of government backing - as the idea had been suggested by China's vice premier Zhang Dejiang. More...

See also:

  1. Air tickets to be based on a passenger's weight???
  2. Plane could not take off because couple were too heavy???
  3. China: angry air travellers smash up airport!!
  4. Sometimes you may have to push your car but ... push your plane???

Be safe online: how to protect you personal information...

It's easier than ever to shop, chat, and play online.

From online retailers to social networking sites to the seemingly endless options for poker, everything you could possibly want is on the Internet.

But a few things you might want to keep private could end up online too.

There's a chance your SIN, your credit card, or even your address could fall into the wrong hands.

For example, post an update on Twitter or Facebook that reads "can't wait - going on vacation for two weeks!" and potential burglars know exactly when you won't be home. More...

See also:

  1. Castro's son falls for internet "woman" scam!!!
  2. Taxman can use database of ID cards to track our spending habits and bank accounts...
  3. Facebook users beware: your postings may end up in court against you...
  4. 25 thingsI hate about Facebook...

Après la Gay Pride, l'Inde pourrait dépénaliser l'homosexualité...

Les participants à la Gay Pride qui ont défilé dimanche dans les rues de New-Delhi et de plusieurs grandes métropoles indiennes ont dû se dire que leurs efforts ne sont pas vains. Lundi, le ministre en charge de la Réforme législative Veerappa Moily a annoncé que plusieurs ministres allaient se réunir prochainement. À la demande du gouvernement, ils évoqueront la possibilité de légiférer afin de dépénaliser l'homosexualité, après des années d'errements judiciaires. Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. Les gays de Chine affichent leur fierté...
  2. Transgender/Eunuch festival in India...
  3. Bombay Dost, ou la renaissance du premier magazine gay indien...
  4. Inde : Les gays sortent progressivement de l'ombre...

La petite Rubina de Slumdog visite Paris...

Bernard Madoff : peine maximale, 150 ans de prison...

La sentence est tombée. L'ancien financier Bernard Madoff, a été condamné à 150 ans de prison, lundi. Le tribunal de New York a ainsi suivi la demande du ministère public. Une peine qui correspond au maximum cumulé pour les 11 chefs d'inculpation retenus contre lui dont fraude, parjure, blanchiment d'argent et vol. Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. L’auteur des «Confessions d’un banquier pourri» se dévoile...
  2. Aux cris de "Mangez les riches", des milliers de manifestants à l'assaut la City...
  3. Le scandale Madoff: un financier français se suicide...
  4. Arnaque de légende à Wall Street!!!

4 people in India caught eating half-cremated corpse...

 In a gut-wrenching case, four persons in Palwal town were reportedly caught feeding on a partially-cremated human body on Thursday night.

According to sources, horrified by what he saw in the night, a watchman of the cremation ground raised an alarm. Soon a crowd gathered and thrashed the cannibals before handing them over to the police. More...

See also:

  1. New York cops kept giving parking tickets to dead man!!!
  2. Teen breaks into mortuary and beats up a ... corpse!!!
  3. 13-year-old boy in China kills 3-year-old girl and has sex with the corpse...
  4. Woman in Russia kills and eats her friend...
  5. Italy: carry on sun-bathing, even with two corpses lying nearby?

Blogger acquitted over Girls Aloud rape fantasy...

A former civil servant who wrote a blog imagining the kidnap, rape and murder of the pop group Girls Aloud was cleared of obscenity today. Prosecutors said the 12-page blog on a fantasy pornography site written by Darryn Walker, 35, could have been seen by the group's young fans as they searched the internet. But a report for the defence by an information technology expert said the article could be found only by those looking for such specific material. Walker, of South Shields, Tyneside, was cleared at Newcastle crown court, which heard he had lost his job after being arrested last year.


See also:

  1. The Blogger, Girls Aloud, and the Law...
  2. Silly dude uses porn audio to shoo children away!!!
  3. Is it porn if teenagers share racy photos of themselves?

Rocket war in Greece!!!

See also:

  1. No, this is not a video game; it's the war in Iraq...
  2. What's rocket science?
  3. Was China's space-walk a fake?

In Saudi Arabia you get a free wedding ... if you stop smoking!!!

A charity in the Saudi capital Riyadh has come up with a novel incentive to encourage young men to quit smoking - an all-expenses-paid wedding.

Hundreds of men have expressed interest in the anti-smoking drive, including a non-smoker who was ready to start the habit just so he could take part. 

Banners in Riyadh are advertising the campaign slogan: "Kicking the habit is on you, and marriage is on us." More...

See also:

  1. County in China orders its officials to ... smoke!!!
  2. Bhutan, the world's first non-smoking nation...
  3. India: the no-smoking police doing its rounds...
  4. How tobacco companies influenced Hollywood...
  5. In India's Tamil Nadu, you get a gold ring if you give your baby a Tamil name!!!
  6. Politicians in India are promising gold and cost-free weddings to get elected!!!

'Old' Indians in Australia say young Indians invite attacks...

Conspicuously missing from the entire issue of Indian students being attacked in Australia is the Indian immigrant community that has distanced itself from the young community of Indians, particularly those who are ``well settled'' and consider the whole brouhaha surrounding the attacks on students as ``unnecessary''.

The immigrant Indian community in this continent country is resenting this attention on them ``for all the wrong reasons''. They say they had lived peacefully in this nation for years together but the sharp rise in the student population followed by the problems of attacks on them has made the community suddenly uncomfortable with its Indian identity. For this reason, the Indian immigrant community here has remained invisible even as students spoke against the government rather vociferously demanding that the government should protect them better. More...

See also:

  1. Africans victims of racial insults in India...
  2. Violence against Indian students in Australia: a class issue?
  3. Indian students in Australia stab man in retaliatory action...
  4. Don't believe the media hype about Australia being racist...

Fight in Czech parliament!!!

Bagarre au parlement tchèque!!!

See also:

  1. Fights, guns and music. A normal Mexican wedding?
  2. Greek and Armenian monks fight in Jerusalem church!!!
  3. The priest and the black woman...

Bernard Madoff sentenced to 150 years jail term...

CONVICTED fraudster Bernard Madoff has been sentenced to 150 years in prison for robbing investors in his pyramid scheme of £40bn.

Applause broke out in the crowded Manhattan courtroom after the 71-year-old defendant was given the maximum sentence on all 11 charges.

U.S. District Judge Denny Chin described Madoff's crimes as "extraordinarily evil", rejecting a request from his lawyer for leniency.

Judge Chin said: "This kind of manipulation of the system is not just a bloodless crime that takes place on paper, but one instead that takes a staggering toll. More...

See also:

  1. The $134.5 billion mystery...
  2. Singapore tycoon sues Citigroup over heavy losses...
  3. Why did Madoff confess so willingly?
  4. Bernard made-off with billions...
  5. Bernard Madoff victims stunned, reluctant to talk...

Latvian firm accepts souls as guarantee for credits!!!

A financial company in Latvia is offering residents loans secured by nothing but their immortal soul.

Riga-based firm, named Kontora, does not require credit history record or proof of employment. It grants loans of 50 to 500 Latvian lats ($100 to $1,000) to any adult after he or she signs the a very short agreement. More...

See also:

  1. Latvian group Melo-M & Intars Busulis sing "Ghost Busters!!!"
  2. Most people in the UK believe in life after death...
  3. Worried about money when you reincarnate? No worries! 
  4. Blondes march in Latvia to create positive energy!!! 

Au Maroc, le martyre de Zahra...

"Elle s’appelle Zahra Boudkour, elle est étudiante à l’université de Marrakech, elle a vingt ans. Pour avoir participé à une marche pacifique de protestation, elle a été brutalement frappée par la police, conduite avec des centaines de ses camarades au sinistre commissariat de la Place Jemaa-El-Fna, et sauvagement torturée. Durant plusieurs jours, les policiers l’ont contrainte à demeurer nue, alors qu’elle avait ses règles, devant les autres détenus. Pour dénoncer cet ignoble traitement, Zahra a commencé, en juin dernier, une grève de la faim. Elle est actuellement dans le coma. Sa vie ne tient qu’à un fil. Quelqu’un, en Europe, a-t-il entendu parler de cette jeune étudiante ? Nos médias ont-ils au moins cité la dramatique situation de Zahra ? Pas un mot. Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. La tante de Mohammed VI et ses nervis défigurent une avocate...
  2. 3 ans ferme pour un faux compte Facebook...
  3. Les villageois de Tazrart descendent dans la rue...
  4. Corruption en Algérie: Des milliards de dinars détournés...

Il était une fois, Brigitte Bardot et Jane Birkin...

La Libye a pris des sanctions financières contre la Suisse...

La Libye a manifestement mis à exécution ses menaces de sanctions financières contre la Suisse dans l'affaire Kadhafi. En 2008, les avoirs libyens dans des banques helvétiques ont fondu de 5,6 milliards de francs.

En octobre dernier, le chef de la banque centrale libyenne Farhat Qadara avait déclaré que la Libye allait retirer tous ses avoirs en Suisse pour les déposer dans d'autres banques européennes, en représailles à l'arrestation l'été dernier à Genève d'un des fils de Mouammar Kadhafi. Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. Les relations restent tendues entre Berne et Tripoli...
  2. Affaire Kadhafi: un avocat suisse défend la Libye...
  3. L’affaire Hannibal Gaddafi : La Libye cesse de livrer du pétrole à la Suisse...

Chine: des moines suivent une formation d'anglais dans une université de Shanghai...

Un groupe de moines, titulaires pour la plupart d'un diplôme de licence ou de maîtrise, ont achevé samedi une formation sur la langue anglaise de huit mois dans une université des langues étrangères de Shanghai, dans l'est de la Chine et obtenus des certificats en la matière.

Les 22 moines, venus de temples de la partie continentale de Chine, ont étudié l'anglais et suivi des cours en anglais sur le bouddhisme à l'Université des études internationales de Shanghai (SISU).

C'est la première fois qu'une université chinoise organise une formation en langue étrangère pour les moines. Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. Une année au lycée français de Pondichéry...
  2. Jackie Chan et les "valeurs asiatiques" c'est du n'importe quoi...
  3. Des moines tibétains ont été interpellés en Chine...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

India on the brink of repealing anti-gay law...

As India held only its second national Gay Pride march yesterday, officials said that the country was planning to repeal a law against homosexuality that was introduced by the British almost 150 years ago. 

India is one of the few professed liberal democracies in the world that still has such a law. The others are mostly Islamic or authoritarian, and even China lifted its ban in 1997. 

Successive governments have long argued that Indian society is too conservative to accept repealing Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code — under which sex “against nature” is punishable by up to ten years in prison. India’s leaders have come under increasing pressure in recent years from activists who say that the law, introduced in 1860, violates civil liberties and encourages the spread of HIV by forcing homosexuals underground. More...

See also:

  1. An Indian boy announces to his parents that he is gay!!!
  2. Foxy lesbian conned gullible gays out of £100,000!!!
  3. Jilted lesbian in India sues lover over sex-change marriage...
  4. Two Aussie gay men have twins via surrogate mother in India...
  5. India's first gay magazine, Bombay Dost, relaunched...

The Michael Jackson story...

Delusional and exhibiting increasingly bizarre behaviour. This could be said of anyone who bought a ticket for one of Michael Jackson’s 50 London gigs. Who thought this frail individual, who had stopped eating and mostly wore pyjamas, was actually going to do this? 

How can anyone profess shock at this man’s death? He was 50. Or five or 85. Who could say? His age, like his race and his sexuality, was blurry. 

At least he was on enough drugs to be zoned out most of the time. Meanwhile, the debts mounted up. We know he had ‘issues’, but so does the public for sharing in his fantasy comeback. More...

See also:

  1. Michael Jackson has 100 unrealeased songs...
  2. And my idol died, a Nigerian's tribute to Michael Jackson...
  3. Jackson was a 'mutant' says French paper...
  4. The Jackson Five: I want you back...

Sharing your home with 11 cats, four cheetahs, five lions and two tigers???

Sharing a bed with your furry friend has taken on a whole new meaning for Riana Van Nieuwenhuizen.

The sanctuary worker shares her South African home with not one but FOUR orphaned cheetahs, five lions and two tigers.

Forty-six-year-old Riana said: 'I love them all. But they're a handful.'

Riana bought her first cheetah, Fiela in 2006, after realising the big cats were in trouble and heading for extinction with only 1000 left in Africa. More+pictures...

See also:

  1. Argentina's Lujan Zoo, where visitors and dangerous animals mingle...
  2. Kevin Richardson and his family of lions...
  3. Arab playing with a lion!!! Wow!
  4. Would you turn your home into a tropical zoo?
  5. The man who lives with 50000 spiders!!!

Perpetuum Jazzile - Africa

If you're a Dalit in India and resist rape, you may get burned to death. WTF!

A 15-year-old Dalit girl was burnt to death by two young men after she resisted a rape attempt in Muzaffarnagar district, police said onSaturday.

Pinki, a resident of Kacchigarhi village in Muzaffarnagar, 350 kms from state capital Lucknow, was set on fire by her neighbours Pramod and Praveen, in their early 20s, after they failed to rape her on Thursday. The girl received about 70 per cent burn injuries and died Friday. 

“Pramod and Praveen abducted Pinki while she was alone in her house. After bringing her to the fields of Garhipukhta locality of the village, the two attempted to rape her. They failed as the girl raised an alarm following which locals started to assemble near the fields. The two then doused Pinki with kerosene and set her on fire,” police inspector Satya Kumar Tyagi Tyagi said the two men, who managed to escape after setting Pinki on fire, have been arrested.


See also:

  1. Caste discrimination in India: Dalit children can't use toilets but have to clean them...
  2. India's brutal and murderous caste system...
  3. Husband and four friends in India gang-rape wife to "teach her a lesson!"
  4. Indian police 'threw pregnant mother from train for failing to pay bribe'
  5. Chinese waitress who killed would-be rapist freed...

'Hot bhabhi' turns India on...

In India, the land that brought the world the Kama Sutra, pornography is illegal. But that has not stopped millions from logging on to their computers to follow the amorous adventures of Savita Bhabhi, a housewife, a crime fighter and a Lara Croft figure who happens to be a cartoon.

Despite weak stories and mediocre writing, the tales of the "hot bhabhi" are attracting a legion of followers fuelled in part, say analysts, because of the rich layers of Indian culture that surrounds the cartoons and a dearth of home-grown adult entertainment for the English-speaking urban youth. More...

See also:

  1. Meet Savita Bhabhi, India's toon porn star...
  2. Is this how they make love in India? Oh boy...
  3. Microsoft's Bing bans the word "sex" for users in India!!!
  4. Bollywood directors and unnecessary sex scenes...
  5. Selling viagra ... Bollywood style!!! Hilarious!
  6. A.R.Rahman's "Rukumani,Rukumani" from the Tamil movie "Roja..."

Fiery speech in Iranian parliament! Wow!

See also:

  1. Iran: the CIA, the Shah and Mosaddeq...
  2. British MP Daniel Hannan slams Gordon Brown...
  3. UK Jewish MP Gerald Kaufmann slams Israel...

Dubai labourers to take part in "Dubai Idol!!!"

Sweet melodies are soaring above the usual banging and crashing at building sites around Dubai as labourers prepare their vocal chords for their own version of "Pop Idol".

The singing contest for the thousands of people living in workers' camps in the Gulf emirate will stage its first auditions on July 3, local newspaper The National reported on Sunday.

Workers from five companies and living in more than 50 camps will take part in auditions for the third edition of Western Union Camp Ka Champ, whose title means "Champ from the Camp", according to the report. More...

See also:

  1. The sex slaves of Dubai...
  2. The slave workers of Dubai...
  3. Afghanistan's "Pop Idol" Afghan Star stirs up passion...
  4. Bulgarian Idol sings "Ken Lee". Hilarious!
  5. Malaysian Idol: Oh boy! What the hell is this?

Aussie band Men at Work accused of melody theft...

Australian rock band Men at Work are fighting accusations that the melody of their 1980s international hit, "Down Under," was stolen from a popular children's song about a bird.

Publisher Larrikin Music is suing for compensation from royalties earned by Men at Work.

On Friday, lawyers for the band's recording companies -- Sony BMG Music Entertainment and EMI Songs Australia -- asked for the case to be dismissed. More...

See also:

  1. Men at Work and Down Under...
  2. 10 Songs Led Zeppelin stole from other artists?
  3. India wants a copyright on yoga...
  4. YouTube videos and the Fair Use argument...

Be careful with e-mail; it can be a dangerous and embarrassing tool...

Jim Jenkins on The Opinion Shop: Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina doesn't need to answer to me. I didn't have the chance to vote for or against him. And his politics are his politics ... very conservative, etc. Again, to each his own.

But one of the more painful moments to me in the unfolding of the Sanford affair story was hearing a couple of television commentators read aloud some e-mail Sanford had sent to his woman friend in Argentina. Music played in the background as the aforementioned TV talk types emphasized the phrases of their choice. The governor was being humiliated ... in his own words. More...

See also:

  1. In Indonesia, complaining about hospital treatment can land you in jail...
  2. Spam 'produces 17m tons of CO2'
  3. Yet another scam e-mail victim...
  4. Sarah Palin and Kilkenny's e-mail...

No, this is not a video game; it's the war in Iraq...

Non, ce n'est pas un jeu vidéo; c'est la guerre en Irak...

See also:

  1. The depleted uranium children of Iraq...
  2. No! No! Nothing has changed...

BBC sends 407 staff to Glastonbury festival!!!

The BBC has sent 407 people to cover this weekend's Glastonbury festival, almost as many as it flew out to film last year's Beijing Olympics.

The corporation has admitted that 125 staff and 150 freelancers are at the festival, either as presenters, producers, directors or technical crew in order to broadcast across its digital television and radio channels and website.

They are joined by about 130 short-term contractors hired to offer support at the 1,100-acre Somerset site. The total operation is estimated to cost the BBC around £1.5 million.s More...

See also:

  1. BBC correspondent kicked out of Iran...
  2. BBC accused of doctoring Iran protest photo in Mousavi's favour...
  3. Why is the BBC so in love with Bono when he's a dreadful old hypocrite?
  4. Robert Fisk: How can you trust the cowardly BBC?

«Les Bouffons de la Confédération», des Guignols made in Switzerland...

La nouvelle chaîne de télévision privée «La télé», qui couvre les cantons de Vaud et de Fribourg, démarrera mercredi. Et annonce déjà que dès septembre, elle lancera «Les Bouffons de la Confédération», une émission qui s'inspire du journal satirique de Canal+.

Christophe Rasch, son directeur, garde le secret sur le nom du futur présentateur du journal satirique, joué sur la chaîne française Canal+ par une marionnette caricaturant l'ex-présentateur de TF1, Patrick Poivre d'Arvor. Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. Les Guignols ont 20 ans...
  2. Canal+ calomnie internet et les internautes !
  3. Un Français lance une série pour la télévision indienne...

Trop de vin à la messe, plus de permis pour ce prêtre italien!!!

Un prêtre italien s'est vu retirer son permis de conduire après un contrôle révélant un taux d'alcoolémie au-dessus du seuil autorisé, dû selon ses dires à la célébration dans la même journée de quatre messes et donc à l'absorption d'autant de coupes de vin de messe.

Agé de 41 ans et originaire de Bologne (centre-nord), le prêtre a été arrêté à une sortie de l'autoroute Milan-Turin et son test d'alcoolémie a révélé un taux de 0,8 gramme par litre de sang, supérieur au seuil autorisé de 0,5, a rapporté samedi l'agence Ansa.
Il a indiqué aux policiers avoir dû célébrer quatre messes différentes dans la même journée et avoir dû consommer une quantité de vin de messe en conséquence.

Selon Ansa, le prêtre va présenter un recours devant le juge de paix de Milan afin de démontrer que son taux d'alcoolémie n'était pas lié à une consommation "volontaire" d'alcool.


Voir aussi:

  1. Des filles complètement ivres et pathétiques...
  2. Voici pourquoi il n’est jamais sage de se soûler en publique !!!
  3. Sicile : Une chapelle dans un supermarché!!!
  4. Des moines grecs et arméniens se battent dans une église à Jérusalem !!!

Hommage des parisiens à Michael Jackson...

Voir aussi:

  1. Foule massive pour Jackson à Londres...
  2. Michael Jackson and Heal the world...
  3. Michael Jackson and Beat It...

Un réseau de pédophilie sans précédent démantelé en Suisse...

Un réseau internet de pédophilie sans précédent a été démantelé en Suisse conduisant à des dizaines d'arrestations et condamnations dans plusieurs pays, a indiqué dimanche la police helvétique. 

Quelque 2.300 adresses IP (numéro d'identification à internet) d'ordinateurs contenant des images de pornographie infantile, dont les propriétaires étaient répartis dans 78 pays, ont été découvertes par la police cantonale vaudoise, a-t-elle précisé confirmant des informations du Matin Dimanche et du Sonntagszeitung.

"C'est la plus grosse affaire de ce genre démantelée en Suisse", a expliqué le porte-parole de la police vaudoise, Jean-Christophe Sauterel, cité par le Matin Dimanche. Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. Enfants : le Diable s'était infiltré dans l'Église...
  2. Irlande/enfance: un rapport dénonce des décennies d'abus et accable l'Eglise...
  3. Rencontre sur internet: 3 ans de prison pour un pédophile à La Rochelle...
  4. Images pédopornographiques : un élu parisien poursuivi...

The horrors of Kenya's 'witch' burnings...

Villagers, many straight from their farms, and armed with machetes, sticks and axes, are shouting and crowding round in a big group in Kenya's fertile Kisii district.

I can't see clearly what is going on, but heavy smoke is rising from the ground and a horrible stench fills the air. 

More people are streaming up the hill, some of them with firewood and maize stalks. 

Suddenly an old woman breaks from the crowd, screaming for mercy. Three or four people go after her, beat her and drag her back, pushing her onto - what I can now see - is a raging fire. More...

See also:

  1. The child "witches" of the Congo...
  2. The child "witches" of Africa...
  3. Up to 1,000 detained in Gambia witch hunt...
  4. Kenya: 300 girls flee genital mutilation...
  5. India: 3 young men beat mother to death in exorcism ritual...

Africa, dumping ground for old PCs from the West...

Developing countries are risk of becoming a dumping ground for e-waste unless there are effective controls in place to stop Western countries from "passing the toxic buck."

So said analyst house Gartner in a new report entitled "Emerging Markets Are Becoming Dumping Grounds for Secondary PCs."

"Although reuse must be considered preferable to most other forms of waste management, without effective controls, exports for reuse can be an excuse for dumping, and even in the best case result in 'passing the toxic buck' to emerging economies, which are seldom equipped to deal with this problem in an environmentally and socially responsible way," said Meike Escherich, principal research analyst at Gartner. More...

See also:

  1. Toxic e-waste, from Antwerp to Ghana...
  2. What they are NOT telling you about the Somali pirates...
  3. The Story of Stuff ( that everyone must see)
  4. Bhopal, the tragedy that's ignored, because its victims are the low-caste poor...

The depleted uranium children of Iraq...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Michael Jackson has 100 unrealeased songs...

On the day after Michael Jackson's death, the pop singer's music was the most downloaded on iTunes and most purchased on Amazon. But reports indicate there may be some secret songs that could be released soon.

The Times reports that Jackson biographer Ian Halperin said the unheard collection of 100 songs was made for his children.

"He wants to leave them for his kids, a very personal legacy to them," he said. "I was told he will not let them come out now." More...

See also:

  1. Michael Jackson and Heal the world...
  2. And my idol died, a Nigerian's tribute to Michael Jackson...
  3. Huge crowd sings Jackson's Thriller at Liverpool St.Station, London...

Le logiciel Périclès recoupera tous les fichiers existants...

Ce puissant programme, qui suscite l'inquiétude de certains professionnels, sera mis en œuvre dans le cadre d'enquêtes judiciaires par des agents habilités. 

La gestion centralisée du nouveau Périclès serait assurée par la gendarmerie, à Rosny-sous-Bois. Ses utilisateurs, gendarmes ou policiers, devraient exercer dans une unité de recherche, être habilités judiciairement, formés à l'utilisation du logiciel. Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. La vidéosurveillance ça coûte cher et rien ne dit que ça marche...
  2. L'Europe et la protection des données personnelles ...
  3. Google Chrome, un navigateur espion?

Prostitution, immigration clandestine...: le président de la mosquée d'Orange interpellé...

Proxénétisme, filière d'immigration clandestine et blanchiment d'argent, telles sont les charges qui auraient motivé mardi matin, une dizaine d'interpellations à Orange.

En première ligne de cette affaire, Abdelslam Bahiad, le président de l'association "Lumière de Dieu" gérant la mosquée de la cité des Princes, ainsi qu'une femme. Tous deux sont soupçonnés d'être à la tête d'un réseau de prostitution dans lequel des membres de la famille Bahiad seraient également impliqués. Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. Manifestation des prostituées samedi à Paris...
  2. Suisse: La tentation des ados pour la prostitution...
  3. Top modèle italienne, Raffella Fico, veut vendre sa virginité pour un million d’euros !!!
  4. "Les Tumultueuses" enlèvent le haut dans une piscine du centre de Paris...

Michael Jackson and Heal the world...

See also:

  1. And my idol died, a Nigerian's tribute to Michael Jackson...
  2. The Jackson Five: I want you back...
  3. Michael Jackson and Beat It...

And my idol died, a Nigerian's tribute to Michael Jackson...

God, please forgive me, for claiming publicly that I worshipped an idol. Truth is I did. I worshipped Michael Jackson. I hated anyone who ever passed snide remarks about this greatest showman on earth. Strangely, I never met my idol. He was a god I accepted in good faith. A god I would have loved to meet. But I kept faith with his music, and was privileged to have met some of his siblings. There was nothing I did not try to meet him. I always knew it was only a matter of time before the relentless vicissitudes of life would take its final toll on this extremely frail but prodigiously talented artiste. More...

See also:

  1. Jackson was a 'mutant' says French paper...
  2. George Carlin: Michael Jackson is the greatest...
  3. Michael Jackson and Beat It...

India plans ID cards for its 1.1bn citizens...

India’s government has launched one of the biggest bureaucratic exercises in the country’s history – the issue of a single identity card for each of its 1.1bn citizens.

Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of the planning commission, said the scheme was part of the government’s “inclusive growth” programme aimed at penetrating India’s notorious red tape to deliver social services more directly to citizens, particularly those on the bottom rung of the economic ladder.

“Clearly such a platform, once it’s established, would be useful in a variety of ways for all kinds of agencies that deal with the public, for example, tax identification, drivers’ licences, beneficiaries of public services and beneficiaries of below-the-poverty-line services,” Mr Singh told the FT. More...

See also:

  1. Twins go on trial for assault but victim unable to identify the culprit!!!
  2. Biometric passport controversy in Switzerland...
  3. Britain goes ahead with identity card plans for foreigners...
  4. Italy has started fingerprinting the Roma gypsies: what's coming next?

Jackson was a 'mutant' says French paper...

While many French newspapers have paid tribute to Michael Jackson, a number of columnists have dug the daggers in deep, calling the pop icon a "mutant" whose music was "kitsch".

Perhaps it was inevitable the king of pop was in for a rough ride from the cultural arbiters in a country so suspicious of globalisation, with one columnist calling Jackson "the icon of our disturbing modernity". More...

See also:

  1. George Carlin: Michael Jackson is the greatest...
  2. Huge crowd sings Jackson's Thriller at Liverpool St.Station, London...
  3. The Jackson Five: I want you back...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Huge crowd sings Jackson's Thriller at Liverpool St.Station, London...

India plans hot chilli grenades!!!

Indian defence scientists are planning to put one of the world's hottest chilli powders into hand grenades.

They say the devices will be used to control rioters and in counter-insurgency operations. 

Researchers say the idea is to replace explosives in small hand grenades with a certain variety of red chilli to immobilise people without killing them. More...

See also:

  1. Indian woman eats 51 of the world's hottest chilli!!!
  2. Bollywood Burner, the world's hottest curry?
  3. Curry powder sparks fire alert on Air India plane!!!
  4. Curry-crazy woman wants dish so spicy hot...

Most PC users have a dozen dangerous applications...

Imagine trying to fend off burglars in a house with all the doors and windows left open. Sure, you can manage for a while with a Doberman and a shotgun, but being able to lock up might just help you sleep better. 

That's more or less the situation in which computer users find themselves. According to Secunia, the typical Internet user has a dozen insecure applications on his or her computer.

Data gathered by the company indicates that PC users have, on average, 80 applications installed and that 15% of them are not up to date. More...

See also:

  1. Removing 99% of all malware with one program....
  2. Microsoft's free anti-virus Morro has been rebaptized...
  3. Sinowal trojan has been operating for more than 2 years and no one knew???

Inde: l'armée équipée de grenades au piment rouge contre les émeutiers!!!

Les forces de sécurité indiennes pourront bientôt jeter des grenades bourrées de piment rouge sur les émeutiers, au lieu de gaz lacrymogènes ou d'explosifs qui font souvent des victimes, a annoncé vendredi un responsable gouvernemental.

"La poudre de piment rouge dans les grenades aura un effet étourdissant temporaire, mais ne tuera personne", a indiqué Suranjan Pal, de l'Organisation de recherche et de développement du ministère de la Défense (DRDO). Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. Une femme en Inde mange 51 piments en deux minutes !
  2. Une foule en colère contre la police à Shishou en Chine...
  3. Des policiers utilisent un taser contre un homme à Nottingham, Angleterre…

L'hommage de la rédaction de 20minutes à Michael Jackson...

Voir aussi:

  1. The Jackson Five: I want you back...
  2. Les saoudiens dansent à la Michael Jackson !!!
  3. Non, ce n’est pas Michael Jackson ! C’est un oiseau qui fait du "moon-walking..."

Six semaines de vacances pour tous en Suisse!

Le syndicat Travail.Suisse a déposé son initiative populaire «6 semaines de vacances pour tous» vendredi à la Chancellerie fédérale à Berne. Muni de près de 108'000 paraphes, le texte exige le relèvement du nombre minimal légal de semaines de vacances de quatre à six.

Près de la moitié des personnes actives souffrent de stress lié au travail, a rappelé le syndicat dans un communiqué. La pression sur les employés a été accentuée ces dernières années par le profond remaniement structurel de la société, de plus en plus axée sur la productivité. Cela «coûte à l'économie suisse plusieurs milliards de francs par an». Suite...

Voir aussi:

  1. Un Français sur deux souffre ou a souffert de santé mentale...
  2. Plus de la moitié des Français vont renoncer aux vacances cet été...
  3. Quand le patron «vaut» 720 fois son employé...
  4. Exploité, accidenté, amputé... et abandonné...
  5. Souffrir au travail, la loi du silence...

Astrologer in Sri Lanka arrested for "wrong" political prediction!!!

Sri Lankan authorities have arrested a popular astrologer who predicted the president would be ousted from office, police said Friday, fanning fears of a government crackdown on dissent following its victory over separatist rebels last month. 

A police spokesman said astrologer Chandrasiri Bandara told an opposition meeting last week that the prime minister would take over as president on Sept. 9, and the opposition leader would become prime minister. It was not clear what he thought would happen to President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Police arrested Bandara on Wednesday night to investigate the source of his prediction, police spokesman Ranjith Gunasekera said. More...

See also:

  1. Sri Lanka government stages sham local elections...
  2. Tamil journalist abducted and threatened in Sri Lanka...
  3. The destruction of the Jaffna Tamil Library in Sri Lanka, a cultural genocide...
  4. Professor's prediction about U.S. demise in 2010 seduces Russian media...

George Carlin: Michael Jackson is the greatest...

See also:

  1. The Jackson Five: I want you back...
  2. Politically correct BBC pulls McCartney's Jackson impersonation...
  3. George Carlin: Life is worth losing...

Husband and four friends in India gang-rape wife to "teach her a lesson!" WTF!

A woman was allegedly gang raped by her husband and four others at Bhokaheri town in the district, police said on Friday. 

In the incident which happened on Thursday, Phool Singh reached home in a drunken state along with his four friends and forced his wife to have liquor with them. When she refused, he asked his friends to rape her to teach her a 'lesson'. 

The victim later met police officials who registered a case on her behalf. All five accused are absconding.


See also:

  1. Black widow in Australia drugged, raped ten men!!!
  2. Husband placed on-line ad to get his wife raped...
  3. Woman in India raped after husband gambles her away...
  4. Wife groaning with lover; husband thinks burglar is torturing her; calls police!!!