There has been much recent concern regarding giving vaccines to children and the related side effects. Particularly concerning is the link between early childhood vaccines and autism. What follows will be a list of known ingredients inside vaccines, and their documented side effects. It will aid you in making informed decisions, which is something that the industry seems to be against. The corporations involved have attempted to suppress this information for decades. Readers are advised that there are additional chemicals and toxins not mentioned, because we had to base this list upon ingredients that are already public knowledge. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has made every attempt to suppress the disclosure of vaccine ingredients, much of the information herein was released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.
The connection to autism has already been repeatedly established, and there are many other conditions caused by vaccines. Permanent paralysis (Guillain Barré syndrome) is surprisingly common, for instance. Vaccines are said to prevent certain diseases. However, the chance of catching these diseases is incredibly remote, and the horrid side effects from vaccines are so common that vaccines overall cause much more harm than good. The chance that a particular vaccine will actually offer protection varies between 35% and 90%, and almost all of them lose effectiveness over time. In some cases, vaccines infect patients with the very diseases that they were meant to offer protection from, because they utilize live viral strains.
The live viruses found in some vaccines are frequently said to be killed, inactivated, or attenuated. This is a myth. The main method used to inactivate viruses is treatment with formaldehyde. Its effectiveness is limited and temporary. Once the brew is injected into the body, the formaldehyde is broken down: potentially releasing the virus in its original state. It is documented in orthodox medical literature that the "crippled" viruses can revert to their former virulence.
The viruses and bacteria included in vaccines are claimed to be in very small volume. However, these quantities are high enough for the diseases to occur in some people. Most of the diseases that people are vaccinated against no longer occur in the Western world, and only ever result from the vaccines. When they do occur, the vaccine-induced cases are always more severe than normal infections of the same pathogens, and these cases are sometimes fatal. Deaths have been reported in the British medical journal, Lancet, from vaccine-induced yellow fever. A susceptible person may succumb to infection when exposed to only a minute dose, especially when it is injected directly into the bloodstream. Conversely, there are other cases in which a healthy person will not succumb, even when exposed to large doses environmentally. It is not the pathogens, but the interaction methods between pathogens and hosts which causes diseases to appear, and ultimately determines their severity.
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