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Monday, November 30, 2009
A car in Cambodia operated by ... telepathy???
'I just snap my fingers and the car's door will open. Or I just think of opening the car's door, and the door opens immediately,' says the 51-year-old as he proudly shows off the homemade car, named the Angkor 333-2010.
Onlookers gasp as he demonstrates the trick, and with the fibre-glass vehicle having cost him 5,000 dollars and 19 months of labour he is in no mood to reveal the remote control system behind it. More...
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Why did the Swiss vote to ban minarets on mosques?
In Switzerland the soul-searching has begun following Sunday's nationwide referendum in which voters surprisingly backed a plan to ban the construction of minarets.
No-one can quite understand how a proposal widely regarded even by its supporters as destined for failure at the ballot box actually came to be passed.
That, however, according to political analysts, may have been part of the problem.
Opinion polls showing a majority of voters would reject a ban were only to be expected, says Zurich political scientist Michael Hermann, when most of the Swiss media had already categorised a ban on minarets as politically incorrect and its supporters stupid. More...
Don't miss:
- Swiss approve ban on minarets...
- Should Americans engage in direct democracy like the Swiss?
- Burqini banned in Italian town...
- Sarkozy says the burqa is a sign of subservience...
- Mute Muslims: Why doesn't the Islamic world speak up about China's Uighurs?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
10,000 albinos in East Africa go into hiding to avoid being murdered for their body parts...
Mary Owido, who lacks pigment that gives color to skin, eyes and hair, says she is only comfortable when at work or at home with her husband and children.
"Wherever I go people start talking about me, saying that my legs and hands can fetch a fortune in Tanzania," said Owido, 36, a mother of six. "This kind of talk scares me. I am afraid of going out alone."
Since 2007, 44 albinos have been killed in Tanzania and 14 others have been slain in Burundi, sparking widespread fear among albinos in East Africa. More...
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Young, educated and jobless in India...
There are many like Rajesh in Meerut and across northern India. Behind the image of tech-savvy IT specialists in India lies a dispiriting picture common throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America: a multitude of educated but unemployed young men. More...
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Is it possible to live without money? This man says yes...
Mark Boyle, 30, has lived for the past 12 months as a true 'freeconomist', leading a self-sufficient lifestyle in a caravan in Timsbury, near Bath, growing his own food and reusing junk that people have thrown away.
He says he has not spent a penny and has become a happier person, and today pledged to continue living without cash.
He cycles everywhere, his phone only takes incoming calls, he has solar-powered showers and cleans his teeth with toothpaste made from washed-up cuttlefish bones. More...
Don't miss:
- The man walking to India gives up...
- Miss Homeless in Belgium gets a year's free lodging!!!
- Homeless woman graduates with college degree!!!
- Vagabonds in America...
- Beggar in India opens a bank account!!!
- 80-year-old ascetic in India claims he hasn't eaten or drunk since he was 12...
More and more are awakening to globing warming scam...
The public was rightly outraged over the MPs’ expenses scandal but this is far worse. The junketing is but the tip of the iceberg compared with the vast costs about to be dumped on us by governments in thrall to global warming alarmists. last year Parliament passed a Climate Change Act which will cost every house- hold in Britain £720 a year until 2050. What for? To cut carbon dioxide emissions by 40 per cent: subsidising wind farms, removing CO2 from old power stations, etc. To pay these bills, new “green taxes” are promised even by the Tories, putting surcharges on air travel and up to £3,300 extra tax on new cars. More...
Don't miss:
Swiss approve ban on minarets...
The gfs.bern polling institute said an estimated 59 per cent of voters had backed the initiative. A majority of cantons were also in support of a minaret ban.
The result, if confirmed, comes as a major surprise and a slap in the face of the government. Opinion polls ahead of the vote had predicted the ban would be rejected by 53 per cent of the electorate. More...
Retired LA teacher is teaching again ... for free!!!
Last June, after 42 years of teaching, Kravets retired. He'd put so much money into his retirement fund over the decades, his monthly compensation if he stepped down would be greater than his regular pay. But that didn't mean he was ready to abandon teaching. His plan was to stay on and teach for no salary, because he couldn't think of anything more fun or rewarding than teaching algebra, geometry, logic and stage craft.
A no-brainer, right? Kravets is, by all accounts, a truly gifted teacher, and in a district with a budget crisis, here was a guy who said, "Keep your money, I'll do it gratis." More...
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Global warming: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation...
The reason why even the Guardian's George Monbiot has expressed total shock and dismay at the picture revealed by the documents is that their authors are not just any old bunch of academics. Their importance cannot be overestimated, What we are looking at here is the small group of scientists who have for years been more influential in driving the worldwide alarm over global warming than any others, not least through the role they play at the heart of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). More...
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Teen gang in Singapore put leash on braggart and walked him like a dog!!!
They then paraded him, crawling on all fours, along the corridor and even tied him to a pipe at the lift lobby. There, the group punched and kicked their victim. The 14-year-old also recorded the entire process on his mobile phone.
Yesterday, the Juvenile Court asked for a pre-sentencing on him, paving the way for the teenager to be placed on probation. As he and two of the other attackers are below 16 years of age and considered minors, no details that could lead to their identification can be published. More...
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
US Christian politicians behind Uganda's death for gays law?
As if that were not shocking enough, a U.S. author is claiming that a secretive group of American politicians appear to be a driving force in seeing the proposal become law.
The Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009, heavily supported by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, was first read in October, triggering a wave of condemnation. According to the gay blog Queerty, Joann Lockard, public affairs officer at the Kampala, Uganda embassy, said the law would "constitute a significant step backwards for the protection of human rights in Uganda." More...
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Libya barred from prestigious Davos (WEF) meeting in Switzerland...
No guests from Libya have been invited and will be invited to the annual conference of politicians and business leaders in Davos at the end of January, according to a senior Wef official.
"There won't be any participants from Libya as long as bilateral relations between Switzerland and Libya have not normalized," Kai Bucher said.
He added said the move was unusual and in contradiction with the policy of the Wef. More...
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UK Scientist: 'Case for climate fears is blown to smithereens...
“The case is blown to smithereens and this whole theory should be destroyed and discarded and Copenhagen conference should be closed,” Corbyn said in a contentious on air television exchange with an environmental activist with Russia's WWF. The live TV debate with Corbyn appeared on Moscow's RT TV on November 25, 2009. The RT TV's segment was titled “Heating Cheating.” See Full Video of Debate here.
“The world is cooling and has been cooling for 7 years and the leading scientists, so-called 'scientists' have been trying to hide that evidence,” Corbyn said in reference to hacked emails showing top UN IPCC scientists apparently conspiring to manipulate temperature data and exclude scientific studies from peer-review that they did not agree with. More...
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Swine flu: 9 out of 10 patients misdiagnosed!!!
Only THREE out of 30 patients told they had it actually tested positive for the virus later - while FIVE people had other life-threatening illnesses which had been missed.
One patient had MALARIA, three had the deadly brain bug MENINGITIS and another had the serious HEART CONDITION tuberculous pericarditis. None had been previously diagnosed. More...
Don't miss:
- Hospitals are dangerous places...
- Complications after swine flu misdiagnosed...
- Girl dies after being misdiagnosed as having swine flu...
- Another death in England after swine flu misdiagnosed...
- Swine flu phobia almost kills this boy...
- Two-year-old girl dies ofsuspected meningitis after being wrongfully diagnosed TWICE as having swine flu...
Au Japon, une banque demande à ses employés de rentrer tôt pour faire des enfants!!!
La campagne interne de la MUFJ s'ajoute à d'autres initiatives nationales déjà envisagées pour inciter les Japonais à faire plus d'enfants. Le raisonnement est simple: si le "salaryman" japonais et sa compagne rentrent du travail à une heure plus raisonnable, alors qu'ils avaient jusqu'à présent l'habitude de consacrer leurs soirées à leur entreprise, ils auront peut-être l'énergie pour se retrouver un peu ensemble et se reproduire. Suite...
Ne pas manquer:
Un homme au Vietnam couche avec le cadavre de sa femme depuis 5 ans !!!
Un vietnamien a déterré le cadavre de son épouse et dormait à côté d'elle pendant cinq ans parce qu'il voulait l’embrasser dans son lit, un journal en ligne a rapporté jeudi.
L’homme de 55ans d'une petite ville dans la province centrale de Quang Nam a ouvert la tombe de sa femme en 2004 et il a couvert les restes du cadavre avec de l’argile pour lui donner la figure d'une femme ; il a ensuite posé les vêtements sur elle, puis l'a placée dans son lit, raconte le journal
L'homme, Le Van, a déclaré au site web que lorsque son épouse est décédée en 2003, il dormait sur le dessus de sa tombe, mais après environ 20 mois, il s'inquiétait de la pluie, le vent et le froid, alors il a décidé de creuser un tunnel dans la tombe "pour coucher avec elle. "
En le trouvant dehors, ses enfants l’ont empêché d’aller à la tombe. Alors une nuit en Novembre 2004, il a déterré les restes de son épouse pour les amené à la maison, d’après VietnamNet .
Le site a réalisé une photo de Van avec la figure de sa femme, qui est toujours dans sa maison.
Le père de sept enfants a déclaré que ses voisins n'ont pas osé visiter la maison pendant plusieurs années.
"Je suis une personne qui fait les choses différemment. Je ne suis pas comme des gens normaux..."
Ne pas manquer:
- Une jeune française se marie avec son fiancé décédé...
- Jean-Louis va dire oui à Alma… décédée il y a quatre ans...
- La "décoration" d'Halloween était un cadavre...
- La police de New York met des amendes à un mort...
- Un cadavre laissé sur le toit d'un poste de police pendant...
- Ils mangent de la chair humaine et vendent les restes au...
- Le chinois qui a réveillé sa femme dans le coma en lui mordant ses orteils pendant 10ans !!!
Les Libyens exclus du Forum de Davos...
«Aussi longtemps que les relations entre la Suisse et la Libye ne seront pas normalisées», la direction du WEF a décidé de ne pas inviter de citoyens libyens, a indiqué samedi le porte-parole du WEF Kai Bucher. Il confirmait une information du journal alémanique Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
Reste que, pour l'heure, on ne sait pas si des Libyens sont intéressés à participer au prochain Forum de Davos. Au siège principal du WEF, dans le canton de Genève, aucune demande d'accréditation n'a jusqu'ici été reçue. Le porte-parole a de son côté précisé que les ressortissants libyens ne seront pas exclus des rencontres du WEF qui n'ont pas lieu en Suisse. Suite...
Ne pas manquer:
Suicides à France Télécom : un médecin du travail démissionne...
Alors que les négociations sur le stress au travail battent leur plein à France Télécom, après l’annonce de 25 suicides en deux ans parmi les 102 000 salariés du groupe, la direction est à nouveau au centre d’une polémique. Cette fois, elle est lancée par plusieurs médecins du travail salariés de l’entreprise.
Dans une lettre confidentielle adressée le 10 novembre à la directrice de l’antenne de Lyon, que notre journal s’est procurée, une femme médecin du travail basée à Grenoble dénonce avec véhémence les raisons qui l’ont poussée à démissionner. Suite...
Ne pas manquer:
Elle arrache les testicules de son mari infidèle!!!
Helen et Billy Duncan forment un couple depuis sept ans. Lorsque la jeune femme de 34 ans a eu des soupçons sur la fidélité de son mari la trompait, Helen a vu rouge. Prise de colère, elle lui a arraché les testicules à mains nues. Suite...
Ne pas manquer:
- Une femme grille et mange les poissons rouges de son ex !!!
- Trompées, elles se vengent en collant le pénis de l'infidèle!!!
- Il découvre sa femme et son amant dans un DVD porno!!!
- Pas content du choix de ses parents, il tranche son pénis…
- Inde : garçon pauvre se marie avec fille riche ; famille de fille riche décapite 8 personnes de la famille du garçon pauvre…
Friday, November 27, 2009
Tribal peoples being devastated by global warming hysteria...
The report, ‘The most inconvenient truth of all: climate change and indigenous people’, sets out four key ‘mitigation measures’ that threaten tribal people:
1. Biofuels: promoted as an alternative, ‘green’ source of energy to fossil fuels, much of the land allocated to grow them is the ancestral land of tribal people. If biofuels expansion continues as planned, millions of indigenous people worldwide stand to lose their land and livelihoods. More + video...
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Sarkozy 'very effective' in securing Polanski release...
The French President “has been very effective” behind the scenes, according to the film director’s sister-in-law Mathilde Seigner, as Mr Polanski prepared to move from a cell to house arrest in his luxury chalet in the exclusive Alpine village of Gstaad.
Ms Seigner refused to elaborate on the nature of Mr Sarkozy’s assistance but the President may have been influenced by his wife Carla Bruni’s own connections with the chic Parisian artisic set to which Mr Polanski, his actress wife Emmanuelle Seigner and her sister all belong. More...
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Boob jobs ... for dogs???
According to a kennel in England they do.
At the Wallace Kennels in Essex, a pair of chocolate Labradors now have homes thanks to £1,200 breast enhancements.
"If we hadn't done it, we would not have been able to rehome them," shelter coordinator Teresa Bartholomew told England's Daily Mail, who explained that the dogs - named Morgan and Emma - were often passed over because of their sagging mammaries. More...
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Is it bye-bye Dubai?
As the caravan disappeared over the western horizon, it lumbered rather more than you might expect from one made up of luxury sports cars: but then, there were 82 of them. The Ferrari Owners' Club was on its way.
It could only be Dubai. The emirate – the very term has oriental echoes of excess – does nothing by halves, and though analysts said the financial crisis would induce a sober new realism, we in Dubai didn't listen. More...
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Did you know that Queen's Freddie Mercury was actually an Indian?
Mercury, the lead singer of rock legends Queen, is remembered for his captivating live performances, spellbinding vocals and enduring hits like "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Don't Stop Me Now" and "We Are The Champions".
But few know of him as a shy teenage immigrant from India via Zanzibar who blossomed in the unremarkable dormitory town of Feltham -- and the local area is now putting that right by celebrating Mercury as one of their own. More...
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Thursday, November 26, 2009
Deep web, the dark side of the internet...
"It seemed so obvious that that was what the net was supposed to be about – freedom to communicate," Clarke says now. "But [back then] in the late 90s that simply wasn't the case. The internet could be monitored more quickly, more comprehensively, more cheaply than more old-fashioned communications systems like the mail." His pioneering software was intended to change that. More...
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Waiting for aliens? They are already here, says scientist...
Aliens from outer space are already among us on earth, say Bulgarian government scientists who claim they are already in contact with extraterrestrial life.
Work on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them is underway, scientists from the country's Space Research Institute said.
They claim aliens are currently answering 30 questions posed to them.
Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, confirmed the research.
He said the centre's researchers were analysing 150 crop circles from around the world, which they believe answer the questions. More...
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French artist and Aussie gambler make a strange pact...
Christian Boltanski said his deal with Australian professional gambler David Walsh was a "game" with the devil - but not a pact.
The work involves four video cameras filming Boltanski's studio in suburban Paris, day and night, from January until his death, with images relayed live to a cave in Tasmania, Australia. More...
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Obama's grandmother in Mecca for 'Hajj' ceremony...
On Wednesday Sarah Obama was in the valley of Mina with an African delegation, according to the Saudi daily Okaz.
Obama, the mother of the American president's father, lives in a village in Kenya and is one of the many guests of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud. More...
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Man in Vietnam slept beside dead wife for 5 years!!!
The 55-year-old man from a small town in the central province of Quang Nam opened up his wife's grave in 2004, molded clay around the remains to give the figure of a woman, put clothes on her and then placed her in his bed, said.
The man, Le Van, told the website that after his wife died in 2003 he slept on top of her grave, but about 20 months later he worried about rain, wind and cold, so he decided to dig a tunnel into the grave "to sleep with her." More...
Don't miss:
- US soldier visits daughter of man he killed...
- Funeral director charged with abusing corpse!!!
- Woman's dead body lies in flat for 35 years!!
- Elderly woman lay dead in flat for FIVE years!!!
- 4 people in India caught eating half-cremated corpse...
- Wife in coma for 10 years, husband wakes her by biting her toes!!!
How the Irish police closed their eyes to paedophile priests...
A shocking report into clerical child abuse uncovered inappropriate contacts between members of the Republic's An Garda Siochana and the Dublin Archdiocese.
It found the connivance of Gardai with the church effectively stifled one complaint, saw that there was no investigation into another and allowed a priest to leave the country. More...
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Microsoft to introduce input tools for Indian languages...
The beta version of the tools will be made available as a free download and will initially support six languages—Bengali, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu.
These tools have been engineered by the Emerging Markets Labs (EM Labs) team of the Microsoft India Development Center (MSIDC) and the technology can be leveraged to support other syllabic languages beyond Indian languages. More...
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Tunisia jails dissident reporter Taoufik Ben Brik...
Taoufik Ben Brik was convicted of assaulting a woman in public.
But he claimed he had been framed and Amnesty International earlier described him as a "prisoner of conscience" and urged the authorities to free him. More...
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Germany's top soldier quits over Afghanistan raid...
Wolfgang Schneiderhahn stood down over the 4 September attack in Kunduz on fuel tankers hijacked by the Taliban.
His decision followed reports that information about the strike - ordered by a German commander - was withheld, the defence minister said. More...
Don't miss:
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
33 years later, US soldier returns to Vietnam to meet the daughter of the man he killed...
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The 10 grossest foods in Singapore!!!
It's the local version of the "Fear Factor" taste test as we round up the nastiest dishes around.
It's funny how often many of us don't think about what we put in our mouths. Well, forget the fridge, throw out the cookbooks and get out the sick bags, as we round up 10 of the grossest delicacies you'll never forget. More...
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Allergy fears halt distribution of GlaxoSmithKline swine flu vaccine in Canada...
"We have advised health care professionals not to use that batch while health authorities and GlaxoSmithKline investigate," said White.
The batch of 172,000 doses had been distributed throughout Canada, but it is unclear how many doses from that batch had been given out before Glaxo advised that it be pulled. According to White, the company has distributed a total of 7.5 million doses of swine flu vaccine in Canada. More...
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Malaysian widow, 75, looking for live-in Singapore partner with a good attitude!!!
The woman, whose husband died four years ago, wanted a widower aged between 60 and 70 to live with her.
The daily quoted the woman as saying that the man should have a good family background, regular features with a height of not less than five feet two, and be healthy and financially stable.
She said the man must have a good attitude, and not be a smoker or drinker. More...
Don't miss:
- The tragic lives of India's 40 million widows...
- 112-year-old Somali with 18 kids marries 17-year-old girl!!!
- 107-year-old Chinese woman looking for husband...
- 107-year-old woman wants to marry for the 23rd.time!!!
- After 60 years of marriage, an 89-year-old man in India wants to divorce his 80-year-old wife!!!
Kim Jong-il bans World Cup coverage - unless North Korea win!!!
Kim Jong-il, the North Korean leader, has banned the World Cup from being shown in his country – unless they win.
The Supreme Leader has ordered state-run television not to broadcast live games, and to only screen highlights of North Korea's victories.
The ruling means that 99 per cent of the country's 29 million population will not be able to find out who wins the competition unless the 350-1, outsiders win it.
Games between other nations will be banned from the airwaves, while any highlights of North Korea's matches will be heavily edited to ensure that they look like the better team. More...
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We won't charge for online news, says BBC...
Sir Michael Lyons, the BBC Trust chairman, said the corporation has "no intention of diluting BBC commitment to universal access to free news online" as he outlined the areas director general Mark Thompson's ongoing strategic review will cover.
The BBC's internet news operations came under fire in August at the MediaGuardian Edinburgh International Television Festival from James Murdoch, chairman and chief executive of News Corporation in Europe and Asia, who accused the corporation of "throttling" the market and preventing its competitors from launching or expanding their own services online. More...
Don't miss:
The NSA helped make Windows 7...
Okay, so I intentionally used a salacious headline to get your attention. It’s Thursday. The NSA didn’t really help make Windows 7. Rather, using its “unique expertise and operational knowledge of system threats and vulnerabilities” the National Security Agency helped shape “Microsoft’s operating system security guide”, according to Richard Sharffer, Information Assurance Director at the NSA. The NSA works with other companies, like Red Hat, Apple, and Sun, too. The NSA started the Security Enhanced Linux initiative in 2003, so it should come as no surprise that its been working to help secure Windows, too. More...
Don't miss:
Swiss Rocket Man Yves Rossy crashes into the ocean!!!
Yves Rossy was attempting to complete the first intercontinental flight using just a jetpack.
He was soaring through the skies between Morocco and Spain today when he ditched, parachuting into the ocean. More+photos+video...
Don't miss:
A fourth woman in Portugal loses her baby after swine flu jab...
The woman from Ponte de Sor lost her baby in the 34th week at the Hospital de Portalegre after getting the jab.
In the space of eight days, at least four women vaccinated with the 'Pandemrix' in Portual have lost babies, two in Portalegre, one in Lisbon and another in Leira.
Don't miss:
If you've done nothing wrong, you have everything to worry about the fear-creating nanny state...
"If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about."
People who say this are fools, not to be too blunt about it. Not only are they willing to trade away my rights, since they haven't a basic appreciation of theirs, but their understanding of the relationship between government and the governed is one of subservience based on fear, and the idea that their fear is not only natural, but justifiably permanent given the state of the world.
Thus, we should all be fearful, all of the time. We should empower government to do whatever it feels necessary to protect us. The unquestioning nature of this logic not only institutionalizes fear, it makes it a patriotic duty. And the good citizen, the one who has done nothing wrong, will have nothing to worry about.
Oh, yeah? More...
Don't miss:
3 women in Zimbabwe kidnap and rape a man in church!!!
The man’s employer sent him on an errand to Makoni shopping center. As he entered the parking lot around 3 p.m., a Toyota Corolla suddenly pulled beside him.
Three women got out, snatched him from his vehicle and tossed him into their car. The three women drove him to Harare’s Roman Catholic Cathedral where they locked him in a room.
At around 8 p.m., one of the women returned and forced the man to have sex with her, sources say. More...
Don't miss:
- From Zimbabwe and Kazakhstan to the Glamor in China...
- Twin girls in Zimbabwe go topless, create Garden of Eden...
- Transsexual in Malaysia use porn films to rob clients!!!
- Hindu priest in Tamil Nadu had sex escapades ...
- South African bishop accused of raping his three daughters.
- Pastor in Ghana arrested for "cleaning" the private parts of lady followers!!!
Sudan's "trouser journalist" in Europe promoting her book...
Lubna Ahmed Hussein, who said she defied a travel ban and sneaked out of Sudan, said however she was not planning to ask for asylum in Europe.
She said that 43,000 women were arrested in 2008 in the Khartoum region by police tasked with enforcing Sudan's laws on indecent clothing for women.
"If that's happening in Khartoum, we can only imagine what's going on in the rest of the country," which is Africa's largest state and home to 42 million people, she told reporters.
Sudanese women also get beaten for wearing trousers due to Christian orders in the country's south.
In October 2008, a southern Sudan cabinet minister said that more than 20 women were arrested and beaten for allegedly dressing inappropriately under a new edict against "bad behaviour". Full story...
Don't miss:
Grippe A : Des cas graves d'allergie au vaccin au Canada...
Un nombre inhabituel de réaction allergiques «graves» au vaccin contre le virus H1N1 de la grippe pandémique a été enregistré récemment au Canada où un lot du groupe pharmaceutique GlaxoSmithKline a été rappelé, a annoncé ce mardi l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS).
«Les autorités canadiennes (...) mènent les recherches» nécessaires pour établir les causes de ces allergies, a annoncé Thomas Abraham, un porte-parole de l'OMS. Le nombre exact de cas graves détectés n'a cependant pas été communiqué avec précision, de même que la nature des allergies constatées. En France, une réaction à un traitement est considérée comme «grave» quand elle nécessite une hospitalisation. Suite...
Ne pas manquer:
- Grippe A: terrifier pour écouler les vaccins...
- 5 morts suite à la vaccination contre la grippe porcine...
- La grippe A, une "provocation des sociétés pharmaceutiques"
- Les 10 plus gros mensonges sur la grippe porcine...
- Vaccin contre la grippe A : attention, danger !
- Le vaccin anti-grippe porcine est-il fiable ?
Fusionman Yves Rossy se lance dans un vol intercontinental!!!
Evidemment, il ne se lance pas (encore?) dans une transat en solitaire et sans escale, mais il n’a pas non plus choisi le chemin le plus court entre l’Afrique et l’Europe. Si le détroit de Gibraltar s’étend sur 14,4 kilomètres, le chemin choisi par Yves Rossy entre Tanger (Maroc) et Atlanterra (Espagne) mesure 38 kilomètres. Et en cas de vents capricieux, le vol réel pourrait bien faire 10 kilomètres de plus. Suite...
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