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Friday, July 31, 2009
Students fight prostituition in Ukraine...
A group of young women in Kiev has woven itself into the crowds along Khreshchatyk, the city's main boulevard. They're wearing pink pantyhose, miniskirts and high heels. They carry placards saying: "Ukrainian girls are not for sale." Nastia, a recent high school graduate, says: "Today, we're going on patrol."
Ukraine has become a favored destination for sex tourism, particularly from Western countries. So the women are keeping an eye out for foreigners. Nastia spots a fashionably dressed man, who turns out to be a Danish tourist. She approaches him and starts talking to him, while she presses a flyer into his hand. "Ukraine is no whorehouse" is the title of the flyer, which also warns that Ukraine has Europe's highest incidence of HIV/AIDS. And it accuses those who frequent prostitutes of ultimately supporting the mafia. More...
Don't miss:
- Kseniya Simonova, winner of Ukraine's got talent, and the sands of time...
- Ukraine: serial killer claims more than a 100 murders...
- Hong Kong teen convicted for "compensated dating..."
- Romanian teen who auctioned her virginity for £8000 on-line has to pay 50% tax!!!
- Switzerland: teenage prostituition on the rise...
- Aussie students sell their bodies to pay ...
Pentagon hacker Gary McKinnon should be extradited, court rules...
McKinnon, who has been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, would suffer from a "severe mental breakdown" if forced to serve up to 60 years in an American jail, his mother, Janis Sharp, said, pleading with politicians to intervene.
"Why aren't they stopping the extradition of a man who is clearly vulnerable and who on the accepted evidence suffers from Asperger's?" Sharp said. "Gary is clearly someone who is not equipped to deal with the American penal system and there is clear evidence that he will suffer a severe mental breakdown if extradited." More...
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Switzerland and US reach UBS tax agreement...
US district judge Alan Gold agreed to cancel a trial that was supposed to begin on Monday into a demand for the confidential information of 52,000 UBS clients.
Gold had already delayed the case three weeks to allow all parties to reach an out-of-court settlement. More...
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Internet: le Parti des pirates à l'assaut du parlement allemand...
A l'instar de la Suède, qui vient d'élire son premier député "pirate" au parlement européen, l'Allemagne s'est récemment dotée de ce nouveau parti qui a remporté 0,9% des suffrages aux élections européennes en juin.
Le parti a l'intention de présenter des candidats dans tous les Etats fédéraux allemands, à l'exception de la Saxe.
Voir aussi:
Swift Guad et L'enfant soldat (images choquantes)
French rap group Swift Guad with "the child soldier" (graphic)
Voir aussi:
Un prêtre assassiné en Inde...
L'association des Indiens chrétiens a demandé l'ouverture d'une enquête sur cet assassinat et sur d'autres attaques contre des chrétiens dans la région. Vingt églises et chapelles avaient été détruites l'année dernière dans des violences dans le Karnataka au moment où, dans l'Etat d'Orissa (est), des attaques menées par des hindous avaient fait 35 morts, provoqué la fuite de dizaines de milliers de villageois après l'incendie d'un demi-millier de maisons et de dizaines d'églises et paroisses.
Voir aussi:
Marseille rend hommage à Saint-Exupéry...
La ville de Marseille a rendu vendredi hommage à l'écrivain et célèbre aviateur Antoine de Saint-Exupéry au cours d'une cérémonie en mer, à l'occasion du 65e anniversaire de sa disparition survenue en 1944 au large des côtes de la cité phocéenne.
Quelque 400 personnes, dont le maire de Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin (UMP) et le secrétaire d'Etat à la Défense et aux anciens combattants Hubert Falco, embarquées à bord de trois bateaux dont l'Orion, chasseur de mines de la Marine nationale, ont participé à un hommage au cours duquel plusieurs couronnes à la mémoire de l'écrivain ont été lancées à la mer, au large de Marseille. Suite...
Voir aussi:
Affaire UBS aux Etats-Unis: accord à l'amiable...
Les Etats-Unis et la Suisse ont trouvé un accord de principe pour éviter que l'UBS ne passe devant la justice américaine pour incitation à l'évasion fiscale. Les deux parties doivent encore régler des éléments de détail la semaine prochaine.
Cet accord extrajudiciaire est intervenu à l'issue d'une conférence téléphonique entre les parties et le juge Alan Gold du Tribunal fédéral de Miami, comme l'a annoncé vendredi Stuart Gibson, avocat du Département américain de la justice. Suite...
Voir aussi:
In India, they're throwing babies from the roof ... again!!!
En Inde, on continue à jeter les bébés depuis le toit pour « le bien-être de l’enfant! » Ils sont fous ou quoi ?
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Young suffer Tamiflu side-effects...
Two studies from experts at the Health Protection Agency (HPA) showed a "high proportion" of British schoolchildren reporting problems after taking the anti-viral drug.
Data was gathered from children at three schools in London and one in the South West who were given Tamiflu earlier this year after classmates became infected. More...
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Bolivia bans all circus animals...
A handful of other countries have banned the use of wild animals in circuses, but the Bolivian ban includes domestic animals as well.
The law, which states that the use of animals in circuses "constitutes an act of cruelty", took effect on 1 July with operators given a year to comply, according to the bill's sponsor, Ximena Flores.
The law was proposed after an undercover investigation by the nonprofit-making London-based group Animal Defenders International (ADI) found widespread abuse in circuses operating in Bolivia. More...
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File-sharer 'violated copyright' and risks hefty fine...
The jury must now decide on the amount of damages it will award to the four recording labels that are suing him.
Joel Tenenbaum admitted on the witness stand on Thursday that he had used file-sharing sites both to download and upload hundreds of songs.
It is only the second music-downloading suit to go to trial in the US. More...
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Indian workers stranded in Jeddah, living under a bridge...
Although the issue had been raised by Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi leader Thol. Thirumavalavan, MP, with the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, no action is taken, he says.
Mr. Ravikumar told The Hindu here on Thursday that he received a call from Jeddah on Monday from an acquaintance who said that nearly 2,000 Indians, including around 400 Tamils and 400 women, were living under a bridge for more than a month. More...
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Windows 7; which edition is the right one for you?
Luckily, that gives computer users a bit of time to consider whether to evaluate this new operating system and to determine whether their current computer can run it. Here’s what you need to know. More...
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
Chinese footballer banned for life for attacking referee...
Tianjin's Zhao Shitong chased referee He Zhibiao for over 100 metres and pushed him down to ground before being restrained by police at the end of a match against Beijing on Sunday.
Zhao was banned for life from any activity related to football, the CFA said in a statement. More...
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Debbie Purdy wins assisted suicide prosecution battle...
In a unanimous ruling, the law lords ordered the director of public prosecutions to immediately draw up a policy that would spell out when prosecutions would and would not be pursued.
The ruling was strongly in favour of Debbie Purdy, 46, who has multiple sclerosis and who has been fighting to protect her husband should he accompany her to a clinic in Switzerland that specialises in euthanasia. She had argued that the law was unclear and uncertainty surrounding the issue breached her human rights. More...
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Monkey in India looks after the goats!!!
But as they head to the forest to graze no human herder accompanies them.
That's because Mani, the resident monkey, shepherds the goats- numbering 75- around the plantation. More+video...
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New home for blind dog and his dog guide...
The dogs, who have been named Bonnie and Clyde, were taken to Meadowgreen Dog Rescue Centre, near Loddon, Norfolk, and could not be separated.
The rescue centre began a search for a home for the two dogs and a new owner has now been found. More...
Gaza children claim kite-flying world record...
The event, sponsored by the United Nations, brought some 6,000 campers in orange uniforms and blue caps to a beach in Gaza's war-torn north, where they released their kites into clear skies. Some included designs such as the red, green, black and white Palestinian flag.
"We are happy we came here, full of joy, full of life, said 11-year-old Marwan Mohammad. We hope that we can be free and can enjoy the same freedom these kites enjoy in the air. All we are looking for is to grow up like normal children." More...
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Fugitive in Portugal caught after living in caves for 16 years...
The bearded, long-haired man tried to resist arrest when police cornered him at daybreak on Wednesday but he did not use the pistol he had on him, a spokesman said.
The 54-year-old man had been serving a 10-year sentence for murder when he escaped in 1993 and disappeared into his native region of Vieira do Minho. More...
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Manchester United players targeted by Jakarta hotel bombers...
The blast at the Ritz Carlton in Jakarta occurred a day before the squad were due to check in ahead of a friendly match during their Asian tour.
Another hotel, the J.W. Marriot was also attacked on July 17.
The twin blasts killed a total seven people and injured at least 50. More+pictures...
Don't miss:
Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia's chameleon...
ONE evening in mid-July Anwar Ibrahim was deep in the rubber-tapping state of Kelantan in northern Malaysia, urging a crowd of rural folk to vote for a devout fishmonger. The candidate was from the conservative Islamic Party (PAS). A tiny by-election for the state assembly PAS already dominates is ordinarily small beer (or would be, if PAS allowed such a beverage, which it does not). But Mr Anwar needs PAS. For the paradox is that without the Islamists, the alliance he leads of Malay modernisers, Indians and secular Chinese has little chance of driving the ruling United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) from power. The coalition that UMNO dominates has ruled Malaysia since independence in 1957. Mr Anwar longs for UMNO’s destruction. The feeling is mutual. More...
Don't miss:
- Malaysia: Anwar Ibrahim, "sodomized" again...
- Malaysian student accuses cops of beating him up...
- Dirty politics in Malaysia forces nude photo opposition member to quit...
- Rajeswari, or how the Malaysian govt. screwed up the life of one of its citizens.
- Malaysia: ethnic minorities, "sons of the soil," and religion...
- Sordid sex-murder affair in Malaysia: who killed Altantuya Shaariibuu?
Man caught having sex with horse... again!!!
But this wasn't the first time Rodell Vereen has been charged with buggery. He pleaded guilty last year to having sex with the same horse after owner Barbara Kenley found him in the same stable and was sentenced to probation and placed on the state's sex offender list. More...
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Men at Work loses first stage of copyright lawsuit for "Down Under..."
A federal judge ruled that publisher Larrikin Music owns the copyright to the tune of "Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree" - a Girl Guide favorite from New Zealand to Canada. The judge's ruling clears the way for a further hearing about whether Men at Work is guilty of copyright infringement. More...
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Le Maroc en liesse pour les 10 ans de règne de Mohammed VI...
Shows aériens, émission de pièces de collection en argent et de timbres-postes célébrant l'événement, numéros spéciaux des journaux, fantasias: le Maroc fêtait jeudi le 10ème anniversaire du règne de Mohammed VI, qui devait prononcer un discours à la mi-journée.
Le souverain, monté sur le trône alaouite à la mort de son père Hassan II le 23 juillet 1999 à l'âge de 35 ans, recevra vendredi l'hommage de tous les dignitaires du royaume au cours d'une cérémonie d'allégeance remontant à la nuit des temps, la bey'a. Suite...
Voir aussi:
De la prison pour un SMS envoyé à Rachida Dati...
Deux SMS dont l'un, envoyé au cœur de la nuit du 30 au 31 juillet 2008 sur le portable personnel de Rachida Dati, alors ministre de la Justice, avaient provoqué une sacrée réaction policière il y a presque un an jour pour jour. L'antiterrorisme et la police judiciaire - les meilleurs limiers de l'Hexagone - s'étaient alors lancés sur la trace de ceux qui promettaient à la Garde des sceaux de « tout faire saute (r) sur Toulouse ». Avec une insulte en guise de point d'exclamation. Suite...
Voir aussi:
Alain Gresh dénonce l'islamophobie des médias occidentaux...
Voir aussi:
- Le gouvernement britannique accusé d'avoir organisé les attentats du 7 Juillet 2005...
- Nicolas Sarkozy et la burqa ont fait grand bruit en Inde...
- Philippe de Villiers : « Pour Sarkozy, l’islamisation de l’Europe est inéluctable »
- Les immigrés ont mauvaise presse dans les médias suisses...
- Orange condamné pour le mot de passe "salearabe"
Alerte aux sectes en ces temps de crise...
En Suisse comme ailleurs, le paysage religieux se transforme et les Eglises traditionnelles perdent du terrain au profit de nouveaux mouvements spirituels. Un constat fait début juillet à Genève à l'occasion d'une conférence internationale d'études sur les cultes.
La globalisation est certainement un facteur favorisant l'émergence de nouveaux groupes religieux. De même, la crise économique pourrait participer à ce phénomène, car beaucoup de gens sont à la recherche de croyances qui pourraient les aider à trouver des solutions à leurs problèmes. Suite...
Voir aussi:
Ten things you're not supposed to know about the swine flu vaccine...
And yet, amazingly, people are lining up to take the vaccine, absent any safety testing whatsoever. When the National Institutes of Health in the U.S. announced a swine flu vaccine trial beginning in early August, it was inundated with phone calls and emails from people desperate to play the role of human guinea pigs. The power of fear to herd sheeple into vaccine injections is simply amazing. More...
Don't miss:
- 12,000 American children to be used as guinea pigs for swine flu vaccine...
- London Times censors mass opposition to mandatory swine flu vaccine...
- Homeless people die in Poland after vaccine trial...
- Swine flu vaccination is bioterrorism and mass murder...
- The HPV vaccine. Ashley Ryburn tells her story...
The planetary spiritual conspiracy...
There is war, violence, and craziness
And things may seem dark.
But calmly and quietly
At the same time
Something is happening underground.
An inner revolution is taking place
And certain individuals
Are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution
From the inside out
From the ground up.
This is a global co-operation
That has sleeper cells in every nation.
It is a planetary Spiritual Conspiracy. More...
Indian court convicts five more for Orissa anti-Christian violence...
An Indian court has sentenced another five persons to six years in prison for the second time in a month for their involvement in violence against Christians in Orissa a year ago.
The men were found guilty of setting houses on fire and engaging in unlawful assembly in their village, Salaguda, on September 13, 2008, when the riots were at their peak.
Anti-Christian violence broke out in Orissa after a Hindu fundamentalist leader, Laxmananda Saraswati, was murdered in August 2008. Hindus blamed Christians for killing Saraswati even though Maoist rebels publicly claimed responsibility.
Following the swami’s death, Hindu mobs attacked Christians, burning their homes, shops, churches and orphanages. More than 30,000 Christians from Orissa were forced to take shelter in refugee camps, where the living conditions were poor, or in the jungle, where they were in danger of being attacked by wild animals. Full story...
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5-year-old girl beheaded in India as sacrifice...
The gruesome ritual took place in a village in Lakhimpur Kheri district, 150 km south of Lucknow on Tuesday. Ram Niwas, 25, who beheaded the child, his uncle, Mewa Lal, 55, and an associate, Yousuf Ansari, 22, have been arrested, the police said. More...
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Two nice-guy council workers in Australia sacked for accepting free sandwiches!!!
Mick Van Beek and Peter Anderson, who work for the City of Greater Geelong , filled in two pot holes the Leopold Sportsman's Club felt were dangerous to its elderly patrons.
The men completed the job using six shovels of council hot-mix bound for the tip, and received two free steak sandwiches for their efforts, at the manager's insistence. More...
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Looking to Liberia for answers about parents ashamed of their 8-year-old daughter raped by 4 boys in Arizona...
The allegation is shocking: an 8-year-old girl lured to a storage shed with the promise of chewing gum, pinned down and sexually assaulted by four boys, none of them older than 14.
The response from the girl's family sent a second and equally stunning shockwave through their Phoenix, Arizona, community: "The parents felt that they had been shamed or embarrassed by their child," reported Phoenix police Sgt. Andy Hill.
As a result, the girl was taken into custody by Arizona's child welfare agency. More...
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Hospital errors in Australia cause 4550 deaths a year...
And savings of $1 billion a year could be made if problems including hospital-borne infections, medication mix-ups, drug side effects and patient falls were only halved.
Such "adverse events" are estimated to have affected about 16 per cent of people admitted. More...
Don't miss:
- How Big Pharma gets into bed with doctors and nurses...
- Horny doctor fondled one woman's breast and another's buttocks!!!
- Outrageous! Doctors' bad hand-writing kills 7000 peope annually!!
- India: "dead" man asks for water...
- The family doctor and his 90,000 child porn images...
- Harvard Medical School and Big Pharma...
China to reduce number of executions?
China is to reduce the number of executions it carries out every year to "an extremely small level", an official said yesterday as the country retained its position at the top of world execution lists.
Zhang Jun, vice-president of the Supreme People's Court (SPC), said the court would impose more suspended death sentences in the future.
The comment came as a human rights report showed that China was responsible for 87.3 per cent of executions carried out worldwide in 2008 and the first six months of this year. More...
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Student files lawsuit after coach distributed private Facebook content...
Through her parents, Mandi Jackson, a student at Pearl High School in Pearl, Miss., filed suit against the district on June 16 in the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of Mississippi, claming the incident violated her constitutional rights to free speech and privacy, among others.
On Sept. 10, 2007, Pearl High School cheerleading coach Tommie Hill required each member of the cheerleading squad to reveal the passwords to their Facebook accounts, according to the suit. More...
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Italian nun finds naked photos of herself in Facebook!!!
The 31-year-old nun, from Turin, Italy, said that she was devastated when she saw the pictures on the social networking site.
The photographs were taken in summer 2006, during a holiday in Sicily.
The man, who said that he wanted to stop her becoming a nun, has refused to remove the pictures despite the woman's requests.
And thus, the nun's lawyer Anna Orecchioni has taken the reins of the matter in her hand.
"My client doesn't want money, she only wants that he respects her decision to become a nun," the Daily Telegraph quoted her as saying.
Meanwhile, Italians are flocking the site in large numbers to see the pictures, leaving comments like: "If all the nuns are like that, I want to become a priest."
Don't miss:
Dérapage au taser…
L’histoire d’Alassane Sal est faite d’injustice et de violence. Une sorte de condensé de tout ce que peut faire de pire la police. Après avoir ramené deux véhicules volés à leurs propriétaires, cet animateur de quartier se retrouve couché au sol, menotté et "tasé" dans le dos par les agents de la Bac. Source...
Une religieuse cherche à faire retirer les photos d'elle nue de Facebook!!!
Problème: on la voit nue sur ces photos, prises par son ex-petit ami en 2006.
En publiant ces photos, il avait l’intention d’empêcher la jeune femme d’entrer dans les ordres.
Mais elle n'a pas changé d'avis. La religieuse a tenté d’obtenir, à l’amiable, le retrait des photos "osées".
N’y parvenant pas, elle a engagé un avocat et poursuit son ex en justice, sans pour autant demander d'argent. Elle souhaite juste le retrait des photos, précise
Sur Facebook, les photos ne sont pas passées inaperçues. Les commentaires parlent d'eux-mêmes: « Si toutes les religieuses sont comme ça, je veux bien me faire prêtre ».
Voir aussi:
- Excédé, Bill Gates quitte Facebook!!!
- Victime d'une photo sur Facebook, un suppléant est mis en «congé» forcé...
- Attention! Facebook peut vous jouer un mauvais tour...
- Un ado néo-zélandais met en vente sur internet des photos coquines de sa ... mamam!!!
- Un homme découvre sa femme et l'amant de celle-ci dans un DVD pornographique!!!
La réalité de la société indienne rattrape le jeu de télé-réalité...
Les membres du parlement indien ont réclamé lundi la mise en place d'un nouvel organisme de contrôle des programmes télévisés, une semaine après l'envoi par la ministre de l'Information et de l'Audiovisuel Ambika Soni d'un avertissement à la chaîne Star Plus pour non respect du règlement audiovisuel. Elle y dénonçait l' "offense au bon goût et à la décence" de l'émission, adaptée de son alter-ego américain "The moment of truth". Suite...
Voir aussi:
Un diplomate indien en Suisse condamné pour avoir maltraité son domestique...
Un ex-diplomate indien auprès de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) a été condamné par la justice genevoise à sept mois de prison ferme pour avoir maltraité son domestique. Il a été reconnu coupable d'usure, de contrainte et de séquestration.
Ce type de condamnation est assez rare, a rappelé mercredi Jean-Pierre Garbade, l'avocat du plaignant. Le domestique a travaillé pour le diplomate indien à Genève entre 1993 et 1996. Durant cette période, il n'a touché aucun salaire. Suite...
Voir aussi:
Teacher in India measures girls for uniforms ... with his fingers!!!
In a shocking incident, a teacher allegedly half-disrobed eight Adivasi girl students of fifth standard of a government school in the district Tyonda on the pretext of taking measurements for their uniforms.
The shameful act of the teacher has now forced the eight girls of Ganjbasoda's Nurpur Education Guarantee Scheme School to discontinue their studies.
The incident that took place on July 24, about five km from Tyonda, came to light when the girl students complained to their parents about it, district education officer, Manish Verma said on Wednesday. More...
Don't miss:
Man in Gaza bludgeons daughter in apparent "honour" killing...
The groups' reports said that the assault was triggered by Jawdat Najjar's discovery that his daughter Fadia - a 27-year-old divorced mother of five - owned a cell phone. He suspected she used it to speak to a man outside the family, according to the groups' reports. More...
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Cat in England takes the bus for joy-rides!!!
Casper has been queuing with other passengers to get the number three service from his home in Plymouth for months, bus company First said.
It added that he often sat in the queue and then quietly padded on board and curled up on a seat for the ride. More...
Don't miss:
Don't waste your money on organic food...
Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine said consumers were paying higher prices for organic food because of its perceived health benefits, creating a global organic market worth an estimated $48 billion in 2007.
A systematic review of 162 scientific papers published in the scientific literature over the last 50 years, however, found there was no significant difference. More...
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Sudanese journalist facing 40 lashes for wearing trousers invites media to her trial...
Lubna Hussein was arrested in the capital earlier this month along with several other women for dressing ‘indecently’ in trousers as she dined in a restaurant.
Up to 30 police stormed the building without warning and arrested those wearing trousers, 13 women in all. More...
Don't miss:
- Woman in Darfur describes Janjaweed massacre. Sad...
- Soldier in Darfur: They told me to kill, to rape children...
- Hindu fanatics beating up "indecent" girls in India!
- Somalia: 13-year-old girl raped by three men; they go free, but the victim is stoned to death.
- Burying alive 5 women is no big deal in Baluchistan; it's only tradition...
Aussie Catholic Church is "a climate change sinner!!!" Hilarious...
Catholic Earthcare, the organisation set up in 2002 by bishops to advise the church on environmental issues, admitted the Australian Catholic church has a carbon footprint dwarfing other major organisations.
"Although measurement has just begun, Catholic Earthcare estimates the carbon emissions of the Catholic church in Australia could be in the vicinity of 1.2 million to 1.5 million tonnes annually," a Carbon Earthcare statement said. More...
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Anger over British civil service jobs outsourced to India...
It is planning to get rid of 500 British jobs and recruit local Indian workers to fill finance and IT posts as part of a huge cost-cutting drive.
The move is believed to be the first time the Civil Service has outsourced jobs overseas.
It has infuriated unions who fear that other Government departments will follow suit.
The council - which is responsible for promoting British culture and language abroad - said that 500 of its 1,300 British workers would have to go in the next 18 months to save £45million. More...
Don't miss:
- India's baby factories and surrogate mothers for childless Europeans...
- When your baby comes from an ... outsourced womb.
- More American workers outsourcing their own jobs to India!!!
- Outsourced, outwitted and way out hilarious!!!
- Bulgaria replacing India as call centre hub?
- Indian call centre chaos! Hilarious!!
91-year-old woman in Scotland to borrow her 25,000th. book from library!!!
Louise Brown, 91, from Stranraer, took her first book on loan from Castle Douglas library in 1946.
Since then she has borrowed at least six books every week throughout each year and has recently increased that to about 12 volumes every seven days.
Library staff said they were amazed by the achievement, particularly since Mrs Brown has never had an overdue fine. More...
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"The Palestinian leadership, supported by the Palestinian masses, played a significant role in Hitler’s Holocaust!!!”
The decision to circulate a 1941 photo featuring the Nazi dictator sitting with the then grand mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini is aimed at easing pressure on Israel over a construction project on land in annexed east Jerusalem once owned by the cleric, [an Israeli] official told AFP. More...
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Malaise: Sarkozy s'exprime sur Facebook...
"Je vais très bien après le petit incident de dimanche, qui m’incite à prendre du repos cet été. Merci pour vos encouragements et témoignages, qui me touchent beaucoup. Parmi tous les messages que j’ai pu recevoir – de tous mes collègues chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement étrangers notamment – les vôtres me tiennent particulièrement à cœur. Votre sympathie et votre spontanéité sur Facebook font vivre un lien précieux entre nous.Je vous souhaite à tous un très bon été". Suite...
Voir aussi:
Excédé, Bill Gates quitte Facebook!!!
Qui ne rêverait pas d’un peu de popularité sur Internet, au moins sur Facebook ? C’est bien simple, il « suffit » pour cela d’avoir créé l’une des plus grosses entreprises informatiques au monde, et de faire partie des personnalités les plus riches de la planète. C’est en tout cas ce qui a poussé Bill Gates, fondateur et ancien patron de Microsoft, à quitter le réseau social, croulant sous les demandes incessantes de nombreux utilisateurs inconnus... Suite...
Voir aussi:
Nous sommes espionnés ( Les «écoutes» explosent avec l'informatique.)
Ces dernières années, le recours aux interceptions de communications, les fameuses « écoutes », a progressé de façon spectaculaire en France. Les seules écoutes téléphoniques judiciaires (réservées aux enquêtes concernant la grande délinquance) ont augmenté de 440 % entre 2001 et 2008, passant de 5 845 en 2001 à 26 000 en 2008, selon Claudine Guerrier.
Dans le contexte anxiogène de l'après le 11-Septembre qui a déclenché la montée de la pression sécuritaire, cette explosion a été décuplée par l'amélioration des technologies qui permettent un contrôle accru et planétaire. Suite...
Voir aussi:
Tackling South Africa's rape epidemic...
Thirty-one lesbian women have been reported raped and murdered in homophobic attacks in South Africa since 1998.
"Corrective rape" is the term used to describe the rape of a lesbian woman by a man to either punish her, or "correct" her behaviour.
Ms Cox says rape is power is South Africa. Full story...
Don't miss:
School in Tamil Nadu, India, uses kids as props for stunt...
In a shocking incident, a government elementary school in Villupuram district recently organised an event that exposed school children to serious harm — in the name of celebrations to mark the birth centenary of the former Tamil Nadu chief minister K Kamaraj.
It was meant to be a ‘bravery show’ but it resulted in gross violation of children’s rights, virtually putting them at risk of incurring serious injury. The show began with students displaying their karate skills. Then came the main event — a motorcyclist riding over the outstretched hands of students from class I to V lying prone on the ground, and later the bike going over a plank placed over a girl. More...
Swine flu and the panic pandemic...
The implications of a panic pandemic are that you won’t be able to find a hospital bed or dose of Tamiflu for love or money. No matter what you have, the doctor will refuse to call out to see you either because he’s scared of picking up what you have, or because new EU regulations have informed him it’s already knocking off time. More...
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Israeli leader calls Obama "slave" and slams Arabs...
"American insidiousness tells us to build here and not to build there as though we were slaves working for them," he said. "We live in a time when slaves are governing us and are trying to control us."
The racist remarks were made during Yosef's weekly sermon on Saturday during which he protested the Obama administration's policy to exert pressure on Tel Aviv over its settlement expansion. More...
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A sex toy for dogs???
Too many times we receive press releases from pet product manufacturers, keen to tell us about their ‘unique’ new dog product which is - in reality - usually a glittery version of something that already exists or a modified dog bowl, a different kind of dog lead etc, but never before has anyone sent us a press release proudly announcing their ‘unique, new dog sex toy’. Yet, here we are. More...
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