Thursday, January 08, 2009

Ethiopia: children learning to read ... from the Donkey Mobile Library!!!

In a bamboo and matting shelter on the edge of the town of Awassa, rows of tiny children are struggling with Ethiopia's fiendishly complicated Amharic alphabet. 

"Huh - HUH! Hoo - HOO! Hee - HEE! Ha - HA!" they chant in unision after their teacher. 

Their teacher is a small boy, scarcely older than they are, but he moves his pointer confidently along the chart showing the 256 different characters, and the children shout back. More...

See also:

  1. Gebregeorgis Yohannes, the Ethiopian who is bringing books to Ethiopian kids!
  2. Young Muslims, punk music and “The Taqwacores..."
  3. 9-year-old writes a book on love!!!
  4. Why are we reading less? 

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