Saturday, June 09, 2012

Liu Jiangli, Chinese girl born with thick black fur...

THIS poor schoolgirl was abandoned by her parents who were ashamed of her rare hair condition.

Incredible Liu Jiangli, six, was born with a coating of coarse black fur on her face and across more than 60 per cent of her body.

The mother of little Liu, from Guiyang city in southwest China’s Guizhou province, walked out on her when she was just two.

A short while later her father took her to nursery but never came back. More + photos...

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1 comment:

  1. I started an event on crowdrise to get donations going. I sent an email to the staff about which charity to go through to make sure it reaches her. So best of luck to her, and best of luck to all of you guys!​vehopetoliujiangli

    Donations will be up as soon as the staff gets back to me on which charity to go through! Sorry about the wait, just keep checking up on it!

    Edit - In contact with the crowdrise staff. Working it out now. Expect one incredibly soon.
