Thursday, November 13, 2008

New hope for Jose Mestre, the man with no face...

A victim of horrific facial disfigurement - known as "the man with no face" - has been given new hope by the advancement of medical science.

Jose Mestre, from Lisbon, Portugal, has been losing his face to a huge growth for the past 35 years, distorting it out of all recognition - and it's still growing.

The tumor on 51-year-old Jose's face is a collection of blood vessels that have expanded, producing a raised red area on the skin.

Jose was born with a strawberry-coloured birthmark on his upper lip. At puberty it began growing, eventually smothering his lips, nose and one of his eyes. Now it is 33cm long and weighs 3kg.

But Jose's religious faith - as a Jehovah's Witness he refuses to accept a blood transfusion - has prevented him from having surgery to remove the growth. More...

See also:

  1. Tree-man Dede Koswara looking much, much better...
  2. Tree-man Dede Koswara is getting better...
  3. Jose Mestré, the man with no face...
  4. The Life of Huang Chu Chai...
  5. Pruthviraj Patil, India's Werewolf Boy, longs for a cure...

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