Monday, September 26, 2011

Libya conflict may cost UK £1.75bn...

The true cost of the UK's involvement in the Libya conflict could be as high as £1.75bn – almost seven times more than government estimates, according to a new study. Research by a respected defence analyst suggests that the government has given a misleading picture of the costs of supporting the military operation, now in its seventh month, leading to demands for a proper spending breakdown.

Although Muammar Gaddafi's regime has crumbled in recent weeks, RAF airstrikes against forces remaining loyal to him have continued at an exceptionally high rate, depleting stockpiles of expensive precision weapons the Ministry of Defence will want to replace. That will add to the overall bill, which is still rising and which the Treasury has promised to meet from its special reserves.

Concern over funding for the operation has been mounting as government departments, including the MoD, have to cope with deep spending cuts because of the fragility of the economy. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Did the BBC lie about the mass grave and the 1,200 bodies found in Libya? 
  2. Sarkozy and Cameron in Tripoli: Scramble for Libya is on... 
  3. War is murder... 
  4. Collateral murder in Iraq. (Graphic) 
  5. 'UK sold rifles to Libya ahead of unrest' 
  6. New revelations about UK's Libya plans... 
  7. Gaddafi and Tony Blair's saga of moral squalor shames Britain... 
  8. Files show CIA and MI6's cosy relationship with Gaddafi... 
  9. “Friends of Libya” meet in Paris for imperialist carve-up... 

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