Monday, September 05, 2011

Gaddafi and Tony Blair's saga of moral squalor shames Britain...

They say that when supping with the Devil, you should bring a long spoon.

The discovery of secret correspondence between the Labour government and the Gaddafi regime in the abandoned British ambassador’s residence in Tripoli reveals dining arrangements akin to snouts grubbing greedily together in one stinking trough.

The tone is occasionally risible. ‘Dear Muammar’, Blair begins a letter to Gaddafi on December 28, 2006, adding the Arabic New Year salutation ‘Eid mubarak’ with a toe-curling desperation to please. Maybe Gaddafi had already wished Tony ‘Happy Christmas’? I somehow doubt it.

In the following March, Blair was at it again, writing with gushing insincerity to ‘Engineer Saif’ – Gaddafi’s playboy son Saif al-Islam – thanking him for sending him a copy of his ‘interesting’ LSE thesis.

That will be the plagiarised thesis Saif concocted with the help of Tony Blair’s favourite academics at the London School of Economics, an institution whose once-proud reputation has been dragged through the mud after it accepted Gaddafi’s tainted cash. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Files show CIA and MI6's cosy relationship with Gaddafi... 
  2. Tony Blair and his "brother" Gaddafi in secret talks...
  3. Tony Blair is "very special adviser" to Libyan dictator Gaddafi...
  4. The stars that entertained the Gaddafi clan...
  5. Tony Blair, Gaddafi, Shell and a £325million oil deal...
  6. London School of Economics' head resigns over links to Gaddafi regime... 
  7. Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam plagiarised his PhD thesis at London School of Economics?

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