Friday, September 25, 2009

Drinking milk is unnatural, unhealthy and unwise...

Humans are the only animals on the planet that drink another animal’s milk. Thus, by definition, drinking cows’ milk is extremely unnatural.

Despite thousands of years of cattle domestication, the human digestive system hasn’t even adapted to dairy consumption, which is why you probably can’t do the “Gallon Challenge.”

In fact, 60 percent of adults worldwide are unable to effectively digest lactose, the main sugar found in milk. So why do Americans insist on consuming massive amounts of dairy products? Dairy industry propaganda and decades of lobbying have made us believe that milk “does a body good,” when in fact it only increases the risk of disease and unhappiness for millions of humans and cows alike. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Do we really need to drink milk?
  2. Giving up milk and dairy products results in better health...
  3. This is where your milk, beef and veal may be coming from...
  4. Hatchery Horrors: unwanted chicks crushed to death...

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