Thursday, July 04, 2013

Vaccine fraud: vaccines did not eliminate polio..


According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries M.D., shortly after 1955, a cover-up was created to hide the fact that the polio vaccine was even spreading polio. Dr. Humphries went on to explain how a deadly live polio virus strain had infected the Salk vaccines and created an epidemic of polio-type diseases labeled aseptic meningitis or Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP). The term AFP includes Guillain-Barre’ syndrome aka “French Polio”, traumatic neuritis, Reye’s syndrome, enteroviral encephalitis, transverse myelitis, and poliomyelitis.

Dr. Humphries displayed a graph in her article showing how reports of polio leveled out while AFP cases continually soared since the mid-1990s, demonstrating that polio has not disappeared.

Dr. Lorraine Day, who healed herself from cancer naturally, away from mainstream medicine’s harsh interventions after she was “sent home to die”, also explained that vaccines don’t work in a video interview you can view here.

After polio vaccinations had begun, polio was assigned different names to hide the vaccines’ ineffectiveness. Dr. Day asserts that 80 to 100 percent of polio cases were created by the vaccine itself. But few knew this because the name was changed to aseptic meningitis. Full story...

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