Monday, May 13, 2013

Why is India's PM Manmohan Singh under attack?

Is India's Congress government headed towards a meltdown? And has PM Manmohan Singh, the soft-spoken technocrat with a clean image, lost the "moral high ground", as a critic says?

For a government which has lurched from one crisis to another, developments over the weekend evoked a sense of deja vu.

Two senior ministers, reportedly handpicked by the prime minister himself, resigned over links with corruption claims, plunging the party into another crisis.

Pawan Bansal quit as the railway minister after police arrested his nephew for bribery, and Ashwani Kumar stepped down as the law minister amid claims he influenced a report investigating a coal scandal. Both deny wrongdoing.

Mr Singh's government is already hobbled by corruption scandals involving his cabinet ministers ranging from allocation of resources (mobile phone spectrum licenses and coal) to plain old-fashioned bribery allegations (money for transfer of officials to "lucrative" postings). Critics are already calling Mr Singh's government the most corrupt one in India's history.

But corruption charges are only part of the problem. Full story...

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