It's cheering, then, that a clutch of recent findings have begun to demonstrate how even the tiniest kinds of engagement with nature deliver a psychological boost. When you can't climb mountains, it turns out, merely blurring the boundary between indoors and out may suffice. Office workers who glimpse a tree or two are both happier and more productive; in one analysis, of a university building in Oregon, workers on the greenery-facing side took 19% fewer sick days. If you're treated in hospital for bipolar disorder, the evidence suggests, you'll be discharged several days sooner on average if your room is naturally lit. Pupils do worse in tests in windowless classrooms. Even looking at photographs of natural scenes lowers blood pressure. Taking things to a seemingly absurd extreme, German researchers reported last year that merely seeing a green rectangle for two seconds led to measurable improvements on creative tasks, compared with rectangles of white, grey, blue or red. Full story...
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It's cheering, then, that a clutch of recent findings have begun to demonstrate how even the tiniest kinds of engagement with nature deliver a psychological boost. When you can't climb mountains, it turns out, merely blurring the boundary between indoors and out may suffice. Office workers who glimpse a tree or two are both happier and more productive; in one analysis, of a university building in Oregon, workers on the greenery-facing side took 19% fewer sick days. If you're treated in hospital for bipolar disorder, the evidence suggests, you'll be discharged several days sooner on average if your room is naturally lit. Pupils do worse in tests in windowless classrooms. Even looking at photographs of natural scenes lowers blood pressure. Taking things to a seemingly absurd extreme, German researchers reported last year that merely seeing a green rectangle for two seconds led to measurable improvements on creative tasks, compared with rectangles of white, grey, blue or red. Full story...
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