Monday, September 03, 2012

‘Scumbag Gina Rinehart’ memes go viral after "jealous poor" remarks...

Gina Rinehart drew much flak after publishing an advice of some sort to Aussies getting minimum wage, saying those who are "jealous of those with more money" should "spend less time drinking, or smoking and socializing and more time working."

Rinehart, who also made a suggestion to reduce the current weekly minimum wage, expressed her opinion in her latest column in Australian Resources and Investment magazine.

Not surprisingly, the remarks drew criticisms from a lot of people. Australian politicians were interviewed to react on the controversial column and some of them politely disagreed with Ms Rinehart.

Australia's Minister for Health Tanya Plibersek described Rinehart's remarks as an out-of-line attack on minimum wage earners. Full story...

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