In an unusual story of Rosario Schielzeth, a woman who turned 104 in June, newspaper reporters wanted to know her secret for a long lifei. Her answer consisted of just two simple rules that she's always lived by:
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Before you assume that this lady lives in some far-off country where her life principles can't be questioned or proven, know that she lives in Sarasota, Florida. She needs a walker as an aid in moving around, but other than that she has perfect vision since her cataract surgery, and doesn't need a hearing aid.
And she still manages to go to the movies, the mall, and the beach for ice cream. Another amazing thing about her is that she's the round-the-clock care-taker of her 87-year-old daughter, who has Alzheimer's disease.
Rosario and her daughter with Alzheimer's serve as a powerful harbinger of what is to come for future generations. It has long been predicted that the youth will not live as long as their parents. The subtle unstated implication however is that this also includes chronic degenerative diseases that will prematurely kill or cripple you. Full story...
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