Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Singapore tightens rules for expat workers...

Singapore has started tightening the screw for foreign workers as it faces unrest from citizens at their rapid influx.

From the start of September foreign workers will need to earn at least S$4,000 (£2,000) a month before they are allowed to bring their spouses and children with them to stay in Singapore.

Overseas workers whose families are already in the city state won't be affected by the changes, unless they move employer after September 1.

Some workers will also no longer be able to bring their parents and in-laws on long-term visit passes.


This has led to a backlash from locals worried about being pushed out of the jobs market while public transport and housing is squeezed.

 While Singapore has the world's highest proportion of millionaires, there is widening wealth gap between rich and poor. Full story...

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