Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You don't need a uni degree if you are good-looking...

A team at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg in northern Germany questioned more than 3,000 people about their career, and compared this with rankings of how attractive they were.

The results suggest that being one point more attractive was worth a three percent wage hike, while being five points more attractive boosted a career by the same amount as having a university degree.

Professor Christian Pfeifer said his study, published this week in the Applied Economics Letters journal, also showed that the importance of looks in the workplace was even more important for men than it was for women.

 He took the 2008 German General Social Survey (Allbus) conducted by the Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences, which asked more than 3,000 people about their professional status and how attractive they considered themselves to be. Full story...

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