Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Highly vaccinated children are the most chronically ill...

From Maine to Maui, Vancouver to Miami, autism rates across North America are soaring. As of February, 2010, there are an estimated 300,000 severely autistic children in this country – requiring nearly $9billion per year in services. Then numbers in Canada are equally staggering. Considering the country’s much smaller population, autism affects an estimated 190,000 children in Canada. And these numbers don’t reflect the millions of children "on the spectrum" in both countries.

Parents include OT, PT and speech therapy into their routine, approaching these activities as though they are a normal part of child development, like soccer and piano lessons. Doctors have started to say, "Well, two years is when kids get asthma", as though becoming asthmatic is a growth milestone.

There is one unifying factor affecting children, from sea to shining sea. It’s not genetics; genetics between families are different. It’s not environmental exposures; some kids live in the Projects, some live in Gated Communities. It’s not food; some kids eat only organic, some eat mostly McDonalds. It’s not exercise; some kids are athletes; others are couch potatoes.

What touches almost all children and is the most likely ‘smoking gun’ for the epidemic of chronic illness and autism across North America (and beyond), are childhood vaccinations. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. US girls "dropping dead" from Gardasil HPV vaccine...
  2. Story of a young girl crippled by a vaccine (video)
  3. The HPV vaccine. Ashley Ryburn tells her story. Terribly sad...
  4. 3 girls dead, others hospitalized after Gardasil HPV vaccine... 
  5. Young woman's life shattered by Gardasil/HPV vaccine. Sad... 
  6. Vaccines are cluster bombs... 
  7. Study shows ‘more than half’ of measles outbreak cases had been vaccinated... 
  8. 78 percent of Pakistani children with polio were given polio vaccines...
  9. In 2010, 128 children died after vaccines in India: doctors clueless about reasons...

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