Friday, October 21, 2011

Amnesty calls for Gadaffi inquiry, multinationals get ready for "reconstruction..."

Amnesty International has called for an independent inquiry into the circumstances of the death of Muammar Gadaffi after footage of his capture appeared to show that he had been summarily executed.

Footage broadcast by Arab satellite television stations showed the ousted Libyan leader being detained by Nato-backed rebels.

The footage shows Gaddafi bloodied and appearing fragile in the images, but he can be heard shouting at his captors as he is bundled towards a car.

Soon afterwards it is believed he was shot in the head.

 Amnesty called for the National Transitional Council (NTC) to publish the full facts and hold a "full, independent and impartial inquiry to establish the circumstances of Colonel Gadaffi's death." Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. The execution of Gaddafi in pictures and videos...
  2. The rape of Libya...
  3. Killing Gaddafi was cover-up for Western connivance and hypocrisy...
  4. NATO lies and war crimes in Libya (Graphic)
  5. Tony Blair's six secret visits to Col Gaddafi...
  6. estern powers rushing in to grab Libya's riches?
  7. emocracy in Libya? Don't hold your breath...
  8. ATO lies and war crimes in Libya (Graphic)

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