Saturday, July 16, 2011

The truth behind the U.S./NATO war on Libya...

On-the-ground footage of the U.S./NATO atrocities against Libya that the corporate media won't show. The video features former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who recently returned from a fact-finding mission to Libya, as well as former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Nation of Islam leader Akbar Muhammad, and Brian Becker, the National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition. 

Help break the media blockade and build the August 13 anti-war demonstration in Harlem by sharing this video with friends, family and co-workers via email and social networking websites.

Don't miss:
  1. Libya rebels loot seized towns, says rights group... 
  2. Libya has now become the longest assassination attempt in history...
  3. Don't believe everything you see and read about Gaddafi...
  4. Putin: Who gave NATO the right to kill Gaddafi?
  5. We're not being told the truth about Libya...
  6. Libyan rebels accused of targeting blacks... 
  7. First it was Saddam. Then Gaddafi. Now there's a vacancy for the West's... 

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