Saturday, July 23, 2011

I've no God, and I'm proud of it...

Singapore non-believers growing in strength. May the Force be with you...

A growing number of people in Singapore who do not believe in a God have banded together, determined to be unapologetic about being non-religious.

Registered as the Humanist Society (Singapore) last October, their ranks have since expanded from 10 to 100 registered, fee-paying members.

Their backgrounds are as diverse as their reasons for not professing a faith, but they are united by their belief that morality comes from humanity itself.

Calling themselves 'secular humanists', they are also united in their rejection of a theistic or supernatural explanation of reality, and their embracing of scientific inquiry. More...

Don't miss:
  1. The day I died...
  2. History of religion in 2 minutes...
  3. Dave Allen's first contact with God... 
  4. Is there life after death? 
  5. " Your faith is a joke, your relgion is a joke..."
  6. Einstein: religion is "childish superstitions".
  7. What is religion? Carlin has the answer... 
  8. India: atheism in the land of a thousand gods... 
  9. Stephen Hawking: 'There is no heaven; it's a fairy story' 

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