Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Singapore nightspot offered free entries for those with condoms!!!

A nightspot in Singapore has been condemned by health counsellors after it offered free entry to patrons who carried condoms with them.

According to Sin Chew Daily, the club, The Butter Factory, offered patrons free entry between 10pm and midnight on November 27, and it even gave some of those, who forgot, free condoms.

More than 200 youths were seen queuing up to enter the club that night. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Singapore Citibank stops discounts on shark meat!!!
  2. Nightclub in Singapore offers free drinks ... on bra size!!!
  3. 9,000 free condom vending machines set up in Shanghai...
  4. They are stealing condoms in Mumbai!!!
  5. In the mood but no condoms? Don't worry!
  6. How India promotes condoms and safe sex!!!

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