Monday, November 08, 2010

More Australian women opt for genital plastic surgery...

THE number of Medicare-funded operations to reduce the size of women's genitals has trebled in a decade, in a strong indication some procedures are being performed for cosmetic rather than medical reasons.

The biggest increase in vaginoplasty and labioplasty has been among teenagers and those in their early 20s.

"I think we need to go right back to school when kids have sex education," said Ted Weaver, president of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. "Maybe girls need to be given much more information about what their external bits look like." More...

See also: Labiaplasty, deforming the vagina... (Graphic)

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  2. I am black, but I wish I were white. Sad... 
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  4. Indian men spend millions on skin-whitening creams...
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  6. Cosmetic surgery craze for government officials in China...

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