Monday, November 22, 2010

Inventor of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee, attacks the internet giants...

In an article written to celebrate 20 years of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee, the man who invented it, has issued a call to arms to defend the principles of openness and neutrality on which it was founded.

In the process, he has delivered a shot across the bows of many of the household names that we now associate with the web - brands like Facebook, Apple and Google - which he accuses of threatening the web's openness.

In his article for Scientific American, Berners-Lee sees a number of threats to the web including: More...

Don't miss:
  1. 20 years ago, Tim Berners-Lee and the Web...
  2. Internet has only just begun, say founders. 
  3. MP calls for an Internet "bill of rights" against ...
  4. The seven keys of the Internet???
  5. 10 ways we are being tracked, traced and data-based... 
  6. US president to get "kill switch" to shut down the Internet? 

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