Monday, November 22, 2010

Australian govt. wants to stamp out forced marriages...

THE federal government wants to know what more can be done to stamp out the practice of forced or servile marriage.

Although not regarded as widespread in Australia, the problem was highlighted in two separate cases this year when courts issued orders barring girls aged 14 and 17 from being removed to an overseas destination to be married against their will.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland said the government was committed to ensuring there were laws to protect individuals forced into a marriage and to punish those responsible. More...

Don't miss:
  1. 14-year-old girl banned from leaving Australia..
  2. The crime wave that shames the world ...
  3. Chechnya, women kidnapped and forced into marriage...
  4. Man in India beaten and forced into marriage!!! 
  5. When Afghan wives are burnt, raped or stoned...
  6. Child brides, honour killings and forced suicides in Turkey...

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