Monday, November 15, 2010

Airport security targets 'smoking hot' woman for naked scan; fondles children...

Are transportation security authorities looking for terrorists or a hard on? Why would 19 agents and police officers need to handle -- and watch -- a 20-something woman who happens to be 'smoking hot' get her breasts squeezed and twisted?


"I don't know what is more disgusting -- the TSA agent messing with a three year old or the father's rationalization of and acquiescence in her molestation. 'Sensitivity training suggested?' WTF. My parents had their faults and shortcomings but I really don't think my mother would hold me so I could be groped by a government goon and my father would stand there and record it on his cell phone. Their generation sacrificed too much to ensure crap like this didn't happen here." Full story + videos...

Don't miss:
  1. Growing backlash against airport body scanners...
  2. Unions tell pilots to avoid body scanners at airports...
  3. 3-year-old girl accosted by airport security...
  4. Pilots boycott full-body scanners over health fears...
  5. Airport staff in Nigeria using body scanners to ogle at female passengers... 

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