Thursday, August 26, 2010

Australian teacher assigns students to plan a terrorist attack to kill as many as possible...

A high school teacher who assigned her class to plan a terrorist attack that would kill as many innocent Australians as possible had no intent to promote terrorism, education officials said Wednesday.

he Year 10 students at Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School in the state of Western Australia were given the assignment last week in a class on contemporary conflict and terrorism.

Principal Terry Martino said he withdrew the assignment as soon as he heard of it. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Aussie cameraman provokes Muslim "terrorist..."
  2. Teachers in England to be trained to spot terrorists!!! 
  3. New program will teach students about 9/11...
  4. Teacher used Muslim boy as terrorist example...
  5. The bogus War on Terror...
  6. Fear itself: why are we letting the terrorists win?

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