Saturday, July 24, 2010

India census considers housewives no better than prostitutes...

Women have slogged it out at home without any tangible value attached to what they do for time immemorial.

That could change with the Supreme Court observing that the work of women at home mostly goes unrecognized and is never valued, and suggesting that the Parliament consider enacting a law to evaluate household work done by home-makers.

The court expressed shock at the process of gathering census data, pointing out that home-makers were categorised as non-workers and were equated with "beggars, prostitutes and prisoners." This, the court said, "betrays a totally insensitive and callous approach...indicative of strong gender bias against women." More...

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  1. Farmers in India selling their wives...
  2. A vicious war against love is going on in India.
  3. Genocide: India's missing daughters...
  4. 'Only whores choose their partners'
  5. Woman in India forced to have 6 abortions because in-laws did not want female child. 

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