Monday, July 26, 2010

Britain in a hurry to get all citizens online! Altruism ... or Big Brother?

Martha Lane Fox is the most recognisable face of the web in this country. The 37-year old internet entrepreneur began her noted career in 1998, when she and college friend Brent Hoberman founded the holiday and travel start-up After standing down as managing director in 2003, she became board member of Marks & Spencer and helped found a nationwide karaoke chain, Lucky Voice, as well as philanthropic charity Antigone.

In 2009, under the Labour government, she took on a role as the country's digital champion, an appointment extended by the coalition administration. Her latest endeavour is Race Online 2012, which has just released its Manifesto for a Networked Nation, Lane Fox's strategy to get 100% of the British public online by the end of the Olympic year. More...

Don't miss:

  1. The day Facebook was closed...
  2. Is the Internet ruining our minds?
  3. If you're not online these days you're a second-class citizen...
  4. Singapore govt. establishes e-mail contact with all residents...
  5. Every Briton to get super-fast broadband and personal webpage?

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