Wednesday, January 13, 2010

'Decision to blog is risky but neccessary' says Egyptian journalist...(BBC video)

Wael Abbas is an Egyptian Journalist and a highly influential political blogger. His blog, Misr Digital (Egyptian Awareness), regularly covers political protests, corruption, and police brutality - subjects generally avoided by the mainstream media.

Egypt has the most developed political blogosphere in the Arab world but just how much truth is there in a blog?

Wael Abbas tells Zeinab Badawi that bloggers in Egypt are a vital, independent voice, constantly pushing the limits of freedom of speech. Watch the video...

Don't miss:

  1. Egypt has dished out 230 death sentences in 6 months...
  2. Riots in Egypt after six Coptic Christians murdered...
  3. Egyptian police shoot dead another African migrant...
  4. Why is Egypt destroying food meant for Gaza?
  5. Torture systematic in Egypt 'police state'
  6. Egypt voices: Sexual harassment...

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