Thursday, November 12, 2009

Asian caste discrimination rife in UK, says report...

Caste discrimination is rife in the UK, with more than half of those from traditionally lower-status Asian backgrounds finding themselves victims of prejudice and abuse, according to a report published today.

The study, co-ordinated by the Anti Caste Discrimination Alliance (Acda), suggests that the caste system is still widespread and affects tens of thousands of people in the workplace, the classroom and even the doctor's surgery.

Fifty-eight percent of the 300 people surveyed said they had been discriminated against because of their caste, while 79% said they did not think the police would understand if they tried to report a caste-related "hate crime". More...

Don't miss:

  1. Out of India, and still sticking to the caste system...
  2. UN to target India's caste discrimination as violation...
  3. When British Indians outsource murder to India...
  4. Caste massacre in India.
  5. India's brutal and murderous caste system...
  6. The Broken People, Indian apartheid’s Harijans, Dalits, Untouchables...

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