Monday, October 05, 2009

Blind boy in England "sees" with his tongue and ears...

A blind seven-year-old boy has learnt how to 'see' with his ears and is now able to play basketball and even go rock climbing.

Remarkable Lucas Murray is able to visualise his surroundings by using a form of sonar that reflects back the world around him.

He does this by clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth and then interpreting the echoes that bounce back.

He can determine how far away an object is by the time it takes for the sound to travel back, while its position can be estimated by which ear it hits first. More + photos...

Don't miss:

  1. Blind man sees again; thanks to his ... tooth!!!
  2. Ben Underwood, the blind teen who "sees" by sound...
  3. She is five, she is blind, and she plays Mozart...
  4. Cat-boy in China can see and read in the dark...
  5. Helen Keller: "I am not dumb"
  6. Blind Frenchman singing in a train...

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