Sunday, September 06, 2009

Don't become a victim of the "healthy" food nazis...

LAST week, two experienced physicians, Professors Stanley Feldman and Vincent Marks, set about debunking some of the health scares which claim that our modern lifestyle has us all heading for an early grave.

I’m particularly interested in their controversial view of the amount of salt we use on food. I am a salt enthusiast (a friend once joked: “You like a little meat with your salt, don’t you, Jim”). According to some scientists and the Government’s Food Standards Agency, I should have died long ago but happily I am still hale and hearty, and Feldman and Marks claim they know why. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Rumania's Miss Platnum and Give me the food!!!
  2. Sweeteners help you to GAIN, not lose, weight...
  3. Orthorexia ??? It's an obsession with eating "pure" healthy foods...
  4. Don't waste your money on organic food...
  5. Aussie food police to control kids' lunch boxes!!!
  6. Don't believe all the hype about "healthy" foods; it's mostly bullshit...

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