Friday, May 01, 2009

The 10 worst countries for bloggers...

With a military government that severely restricts Internet access and imprisons people for years for posting critical material, Burma is the worst place in the world to be a blogger, the Committee to Protect Journalists says in a new report. CPJ’s “10 Worst Countries to be a Blogger” also identifies a number of countries in the Middle East and Asia where Internet penetration has blossomed and government repression has grown in response.

“Bloggers are at the vanguard of the information revolution and their numbers are expanding rapidly,” said CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon. “But governments are quickly learning how to turn technology against bloggers by censoring and filtering the Internet, restricting online access and mining personal data. When all else fails, the authorities simply jail a few bloggers to intimidate the rest of the online community into silence or self-censorship.” More...

See also:

  1. The top 10 internet-censoring countries...
  2. South Korean blogger Minerva is freed from jail...
  3. Phoenix cops raid home of anti-police blogger...
  4. China has more than 50 million bloggers!!!
  5. Moroccan blogger jailed for criticizing the king...
  6. Blogger arrests hit record high...
  7. John McCain: I hate the bloggers!!!

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