Monday, April 06, 2009

Usain Bolt: I'm the fastest and I'm the cleanest...

Usain Bolt repeats the phrase again and again as he addresses the supposed threat to his global sprint dominance emanating from a proven drugs cheat back in Britain. He is sitting on a balcony overlooking Kingston, Jamaica, with the Caribbean directly behind him and the April sun high in the blue, cloudless sky. 

'Project Bolt,' he says, as if it is a punchline to a joke. 'Project Bolt,' he repeats, referring to the mission that Dwain Chambers has set himself to derail the triple Olympic champion and world record holder.

By rights, Bolt should be furious with Chambers. Not only has the shamed British athlete been mouthing off recently that when the pair trained together in 2006 the Briton was taking out the Jamaican on a regular basis on the track, but his positive drugs test has added to the world's suspicion that anybody fast these days must be taking drugs. More...

See also:

  1. Usain Bolt is becoming a phenomenon...
  2. Usain Bolt and the one after 9.69...
  3. Beijing 08: Medals, records... and question marks...
  4. Is it possible to win the Tour de France without dope?

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