Thursday, February 05, 2009

Why is Bailout Bill distributing money in New York?

He won't say his name, hides his face and hands cash to anyone who asks in the middle of New York.

The mystery benefactor known only as Bailout Bill sat on Wednesday behind a counter in the heart of Times Square giving money to hundreds of people waiting in temperatures well below freezing.

The well-built man protected by plainclothes guards wore wraparound black glasses and a wool hat pulled low over his head.

Some people waited for more than five hours to reach a makeshift window marked "Bailout Booth" where they received at least $US50 ($A78), sometimes much more. More...

See also:

  1. I want my bailout money...
  2. Where's MY bailout????
  3. Quick! Get on a plane to Iraq! They are giving out money...
  4. British town Lewes to create its own currency...
  5. Did you know that you could double your money by marinating it!!!

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