Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell gives Republicans the finger by backing Obama...

US President George W Bush's first Secretary of State, Colin Powell, has endorsed Democratic election candidate Barack Obama for the White House. 

Backing Mr Obama over John McCain, the Republican Party's choice to succeed Mr Bush in November, he said the Democrat had the "ability to inspire". 

"All Americans... not just African-Americans" would be proud of an Obama win, he argued. 

Mr McCain said he was not surprised at his "long-time friend's" decision. Source + video...

See also:

  1. Meet me in St.Louis, says Obama, and 100,000 people turn up!!!
  2. Planet Earth is rooting for Barack Obama ...
  3. Talk to Your Parents About John McCain...
  4. OMG! Even Bollywood is rooting for Obama!!

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