Wednesday, May 14, 2008

China quake: "Entire generation wiped out..."

Fears were mounting today that almost an entire generation may have been wiped out in the China earthquake as the death toll leapt to at least 20,000.

China's one-child policy, an attempt to curb the nation's soaring population, means the quake will have robbed many families of their only hope of a future.

With thousands caught in school buildings as the quake struck in the middle of Monday afternoon, children are among its most conspicuous victims.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao today called for ceaseless efforts to reach surviving children trapped in the rubble across Sichuan.

"Not a minute can be wasted," he said in Dujiangyan, where he is directing relief operations. "One minute, one second could mean a child's life."

The Premier bowed his head three times in grief before the children's bodies at a middle school in the city where as many as 900 pupils are feared dead. More...

See also: China quake: why did so many schools collapse?
And this: Chinese bloggers turn to conspiracy theories to explain...

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