See also:
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Pakistani dude who got ...22 A levels!!!
Sitting seven A-levels might easily have done the trick, even though he had started to study some of the subjects only three days before the exam.
But he was determined to get some good grades. So he sat another three, and three more. Then another nine. Just in case, he took a couple of AS levels along the way.
The result? The remarkable young student, who modestly explains he has 'quite a thirst for knowledge', secured 22 A grades, one B and a C. More...
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Double suicide au TGV d'une mère et de ses deux filles: le père accuse...
Tout a véritablement commencé le 24 juillet 2008, lorsque la fille ainée de la famille Prévidi, Virginie (28 ans) se suicide seule sur les rails du TGV qui passe à cent mètres de leur maison. Le lendemain, Michel Prévidi se rend à la gendarmerie puis aux pompes funèbres. Là, une phrase va l'enchaîner au malheur: Suite...
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As in Gaza, children are also the main victims in Sri Lanka...
It has called on the government and Tamil Tiger rebels to give "absolute priority" to the safety of children and the wider civilian population.
Unicef said the safety of children - some just months old - and the wider civilian population was of paramount importance.
"We have clear evidence that children are being caught in the crossfire, and that children are being injured and killed," Unicef Regional Director for South Asia, Daniel Toole, said. Full story...
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France: comment une ado, piégée sur le Net par un pervers, a su réagir…
L'histoire aurait pu très mal finir. En Isère, une collégienne de 15 ans a été victime de chantage sur Internet. Les faits se sont produits mardi dernier, à Saint-Laurent-du-Pont.
En rentrant de l'école, comme beaucoup d'adolescents, la jeune fille se connecte sur Internet pour converser avec des amis. Ce jour-là, elle entame une discussion avec un homme dont elle ignore tout. Suite...
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Mounting anger in Tamil Nadu over plight of Sri Lanka Tamils...
A day after a protestor set himself ablaze to highlight the suffering of the Sri Lankan Tamils, there was growing tension in the state capital, Chennai, which witnessed a number of protests, reported dpa.
Almost 5,000 students were expected to attend the funeral of the protestor, the NDTV network reported. More...
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Italian cities to ban ethnic foods??? WTF!
It is, though, the “foreign” kebab that is being kicked out of Italian cities as it becomes the target of a campaign against ethnic food, backed by the centre-right Government of Silvio Berlusconi.
The drive to make Italians eat Italian, which was described by the Left and leading chefs as gastronomic racism, began in the town of Lucca this week, where the council banned any new ethnic food outlets from opening within the ancient city walls.
Yesterday it spread to Lombardy and its regional capital, Milan, which is also run by the centre Right. The antiimmigrant Northern League party brought in the restrictions “to protect local specialities from the growing popularity of ethnic cuisines”. More...
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France: Sarkozy versus The Street...
In the biggest demonstrations seen in France for more than a decade, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets yesterday to protest against everything from the global economic crisis to President Nicolas Sarkozy's efforts to shrink the French state.
About 300,000 people – mostly representing the many tribes of a rejuvenated left-wing movement – marched raucously through the centre of Paris to demand higher wages, more job protection and greater government efforts to stop the country from tipping into a deep recession.
In a carnival atmosphere – one of political defiance, rather than deep popular anger – the trades union and left-wing sympathisers marched to a chanted refrain, in English, of "Yes, yes, yes, we can". This must be the first time that any left-wing French demonstration has invoked the absent spirit of an American president. More...
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A children's organ traffic in Italy?
Maroni warned Friday that hundreds of minors arriving as illegal immigrants on the southern Italian coasts every year disappear and this is evidence of an organ trafficking trade occurring in Italy.
Speaking at the yearly UNICEF assembly in Rome, Maroni said this was an extremely worrying phenomenon because it is unclear what happens to these minors. He said that of the 1,300 minors who arrived on the island of Lampedusa in 2008, 400 are no longer accounted for. More...
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Un préfet et un policier limogés : les caprices d’un prince irascible...
Sarkozy se fiche du monde - c’est loin d’être nouveau ! Après avoir été chahuté lors de sa visite à Saint-Lô du 12 janvier, il a piqué sa crise en faisant limoger le préfet de la Manche, Jean Charbonniaud, en place depuis six mois à peine. Mais l’Elysée avait nié mercredi qu’il y ait un quelconque rapport entre les deux faits. Voilà maintenant que le Directeur départemental de la sécurité publique (DDSP), Philippe Bourgade, est obligé à son tour de faire ses valises. Cette fois, le Château ne nie plus rien mais parle dans son communiqué d’hier de "fautes professionnelles graves" lors du déplacement du chef de l’Etat. Donc le mercredi, Sarkozy prétend que la mutation du préfet n’a rien à voir avec les manifestations, pour faire volte-face le lendemain, alors qu’on a appris le limogeage du patron local de la police. Quel meilleur aveu du mensonge de la veille ! Il est vrai que personne n’y avait cru, mais tout de même. Suite...
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Friday, January 30, 2009
Iraq: shoe-throwing monument removed...
The monument commemorating the journalist who hurled his shoes at President George W. Bush was taken down a day after it was erected, local officials in Tikrit told CNN.
Assisted by kids at the Tikrit Orphanage, sculptor Laith al-Amiri on Tuesday erected a huge brown replica of one of the shoes hurled at Bush last month by journalist Muntadhir al-Zaidi during a press conference in Baghdad.
But officials from Salaheddin province told CNN that the monument was removed after a request from the central government, which has charges pending against al-Zaidi -- now in an Iraqi jail. More...
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Hospital summons exorcist to expel ghost!!!
A hospital has called in an exorcist after staff claimed they were being haunted by a ghost.
Staff at Derby's new City General, soon to be renamed the Royal Hospital, which is built on the original City General site, claim a black-clad figure wearing a cloak is stalking the corridors and wards.
Senior manager Debbie Butler has now reportedly briefed the terrified employees via email, explaining that they have hired an exorcist to come and rid the £334 million hospital of their unwanted visitor. More...
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Gaza: Israeli colonel prevented from speaking in London...
"Given the short notice, the number of people who attended was good and we achieved getting the meeting cancelled, or at least rescheduled,” said Stewart Halforty from the Stop The War Coalition (STWC), which organised the protest against Geva Rapp.
“It was a high-profile demonstration that could be seen by commuters from Euston station and we've got our message across," Halforty said.
STWC said that it had found out in a leaked email about the speech from Rapp, who is said to have been one of the ground commanders of Israel’s latest invasion of Gaza. More...
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In Tajikistan they buy and sell babies...
Faced with a complex adoption procedure, she decided to take the easier option - to buy a baby.
"The moment I heard that a woman in a maternity hospital was selling her newborn daughter, I rushed there," Mahbuba said. More...
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Le gratuit "Metro" cesse de paraître en Espagne...
La publication du quotidien gratuit «Metro» a été brutalement interrompue vendredi en Espagne. Il s'agit de la première victime spectaculaire de la crise qui commence à frapper durement la presse espagnole, en particulier les gratuits. Suite...
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Swiss activist warns of Sri Lanka massacres...
Sri Lanka's president urged the rebels on Friday to allow the estimated 250,000 civilians trapped in the northern war zone to flee to safety following reports of heavy casualties among non-combatants stuck in the shrinking territory. More...
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Switzerland tells naked German ramblers to buzz off!!!
Hoards of naked German hikers, who have recently taken to rambling across the Swiss alps au naturel, have been warned to cover up on this spring or face fines under new legislation aimed at curbing the growing pastime.
The Swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden has said it will slap fines of 200 francs (£122) on tourists going naked in the Alps, according to reports.
"We were forced to introduce the legislation against this indecent practice before the warm weather starts," Melchior Looser, the justice and police minister of the canton, told the Guardian. More...
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US bankers grant themselves $20bn in bonuses...
The bonuses were granted despite the fact that widespread recklessness at American banks has brought the country's economy to its knees.
The actions of US bankers have also caused a global economic recession.
Mr Obama has described the $20bn in bonuses as "shameful".
He says bankers who received hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayers' money to bail out their recklessness should "show some restraint and discipline and sense of responsibility".
See also:
- Swiss angry at UBS bonus pay-out for bank employees...
- Where'd the bailout money go? Shhhh, it's a secret...
- $1.6 billion of the bailout money was spent in salaries, bonuses, and other benefits for bank executives...
- Credit crunch? Not for the fat cats; they're still laughing all the way to the bank...
- Lehman Bros head took home $300m!!!
Gaza: Erdogan fêté en héros en Turquie...
Les manifestants brandissaient des drapeaux turcs et palestiniens, ainsi que des banderoles proclamant: «Bienvenue, conquérant de Davos» ou «Monde, regarde notre premier ministre». Des slogans anti-israéliens ont également été scandés. Suite...
Voir aussi:
Gaza: Incident à Davos: Israël dément que Peres ait présenté des excuses à Erdogan...
"Cette allégation n'a pas le moindre fondement", a déclaré la porte-parole de la présidence, Ayelet Frish.
Le Premier ministre turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a laissé éclater sa colère jeudi au cours d'un débat sur Gaza à Davos, quittant un débat public en reprochant aux organisateurs de l'empêcher de parler après une longue intervention du président israélien Shimon Peres. Suite...
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The swastika, an ancient symbol of mercy...

For far longer than the post-war world popularly knew the swastika, it has been as symbol of wisdom and mercy. With a history of 3,000 years, the swastika symbol originates in ancient India and ancient Western cultures.
It represents the continuous movement—a movement like the movement of a windmill or a water mill. It continuously spins clockwise and counterclockwise. When it turns clockwise it represents the universe’s energy, strength, and intelligence; when it turns counterclockwise it represents mercy. It also represents universal harmony and the balance of the opposites. More...
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La police suisse a découvert un champ de cannabis grâce a … Google Earth!!!
Seize personnes de nationalités diverses ont été inculpées pour avoir écoulé durant quatre ans de 1,5 à deux tonnes de haschich ainsi que jusqu'à cinq tonnes de cannabis, ont annoncé jeudi les autorités zurichoises. Si le haschich était acheminé de l'étranger, la marijuana provenait pour moitié de Suisse.
Fin septembre 2008, les enquêteurs avaient déjà arrêté les producteurs de drogue de ce réseau en Suisse, deux paysans thurgoviens. La police a découvert l'une des plantations de marijuana alors qu'elle voulait visualiser sur Google Earth le domicile de l'un des paysans. De 150 mètres de long sur 50 mètres de large, elle était dissimulée à l'intérieur d'un champ de maïs.
Désormais, quand il y a une grève en France, personne ne s'en aperçoit?

Qui dit grosse grève dit grand écart entre les estimations chiffrées officielles et celles des organisateurs, à l'heure du bilan. 24 000 manifestants à Marseille, ou plutôt 300 000 ?
Galéjade mise à part, il y avait du monde dans les rues, hier, pour la journée d'action unitaire organisée par les syndicats sur le thème de la défense des salaires et de l'emploi.
Peut-être pas les « deux millions et demi » claironnés en soirée par la CGT. Mais plus que le million parcimonieusement comptabilisé par la police. Alors, les « plus grandes manifs de salariés depuis une vingtaine d'années », comme l'affirme la CFDT ? Sans doute. Article complet...
Voir aussi:
Gaza: Turkish PM given hero's welcome in Istanbul...
Recep Tayyip Erdogan had reacted angrily when he was refused the chance to respond to Israeli President Shimon Peres' defence of the operation
Thousands of people turned out in the capital to greet Mr Erdogan's plane. More +video...
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Zimbabwe: currency abandoned, cholera rampant; can it get any worse?
The announcement was made by acting Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa.
BBC southern Africa correspondent Peter Biles says the Zimbabwean dollar has become a laughing stock. A Z$100 trillion note was recently introduced. More...
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Thursday, January 29, 2009
Would you turn your home into a tropical zoo? This couple did...

THE neighbours are a bunch of animals — more than 100 in fact.
Zoologists Mark Amey and Siouxsie Gillet have made their home a refuge for unwanted exotic beasts — including a crocodile.
Thirty venomous snakes are kept in a locked room with 30 deadly scorpions, while tortoises live in the dining room. Full story + pictures...
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Swiss police discover marijuana field using ... Google Earth!!!
Police said the find was part of a bigger investigation that led to the arrest of 16 people and seizure of 1.2 tons (1.1 metric tons) of marijuana as well as cash and valuables worth 900,000 Swiss francs ($780,000). More...
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Iraq: shoe sculpture in honour of Muntadar al-Zaidi!!!
The sofa-sized artwork was formally unveiled in Tikrit, hometown of late Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein.
Artist Laith al-Amari insisted it was not a political work, but a "source of pride for all Iraqis". More...
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La guerre, ça sert à quoi? Absolument rien…
Douze mille milliards de dollars, soit quinze mille milliards de francs suisses, c'est la somme perdue, suite aux guerres qui ensanglantent l'ensemble du Moyen-Orient depuis 1991. Ce constat chiffré d'une étude inédite a été présenté vendredi dernier au Palais des Nations par le Centre de politique de sécurité de Genève. Suite...
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Gaza défigurée...

Le 27 Décembre 2008, Israël a lancé une offensive contre la bande de Gaza. Jusqu'au 18 janvier 2009, date du cessez-le-feu, 1300 palestiniens et 13 Israéliens ont perdu la vie, et 5300 personnes environ ont été blessées. Si certaines parties de la ville de Gaza ont été épargnées, d'autres, telles que Jabalya ou Beit Lahiya, ont été pratiquement rasées.
Cliquez ici pour voir les images...
Voir aussi:
The anguish of being illiterate: one woman's story...
"I was terrified of writing my full name on the register. I was so illiterate I couldn't even spell my middle name, Carol," she admits. "I'd copied it on to the palm of my hand and throughout the service I was praying I'd be able to glance at it without anyone noticing.
"I got away with it but it ruined what should have been the happiest day of my life."
Incredibly, Sue hid her illiteracy for another 20 years.
The lies and cover-ups caused her enormous anguish. It affected her health, her relationships with her husband and her three children. More...
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Jilted lover tried to recover ex-girlfriend's breast implants!!!
San Bernardino County prosecutor David Foy says 28-year-old Thomas Lee Rowley attacked his ex in July 2006 outside her mother's home in Hesperia, some 70 miles northeast of Los Angeles in the Mojave Desert. More...
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Sri Lanka: Chennai man in suicide protest over Tamil plight...
The man doused himself with kerosene and set himself on fire while chanting pro-Tamil slogans outside a federal government office complex in the state capital, Chennai, the CNN-IBN network reported.
He was moved to a nearby government hospital with burns over 75 per cent of his body and died shortly after being admitted. More...
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A Chennai, un indien s’immole pour protester contre la guerre au Sri Lanka...
L'homme, apparemment un journaliste du nom de K. Muthukumar, s'est aspergé de pétrole et s'est immolé par le feu dans la capitale du Tamil Nadu, Madras, un Etat peuplé de 55 millions d'Indiens tamouls, de religion hindoue comme la minorité tamoule du Sri Lanka. Suite...
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Microsoft Vista : le SP2 bientôt disponible?
Vista est bien connu pour être un OS qui n’a pas ravi beaucoup de monde , d’une part pour son poids initial sur le disque dur et sa nécessité d’avoir un PC relativement homogène et puissant, et d’autre part pour ses problèmes de compatibilité avec bon nombre d’ applications industrielles. Suite...
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Taiwan: family's Chinese New Year corpse surprise!!!
The hospital phoned the Yuan family in Nantou in central Taiwan Wednesday, the third day of the Lunar Chinese New Year, to say its 92-year-old grandfather had died and it should prepare for his funeral, TVBS reported.
The family, which was celebrating the holiday, quickly turned its sitting room into a funeral parlour - decorating it with white flowers, candles, food offerings and the grandfather's portrait.
But when an ambulance brought the body to the Yuan house, the family found it belonged to a stranger.
An investigation showed hospital staff had mistaken another patient who had died at the facility for the Yuans' grandfather, TVBS said.
According to Chinese tradition, sending a stranger's corpse to someone's home brings a lot of bad luck, and doing it during the Chinese New Year holidays doubles the bad luck, making it like a curse.
The hospital repeatedly apologized to the Yuan family and paid it compensation.
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LittleSis, le Facebook de nos élites!
Destiné à informer le public sur les parcours, les connaissances, les curriculum vitae des personnes les plus influentes de ce monde, il est édité sous forme de wiki (site web dont le contenu peut être modifié à volonté par tout individu préalablement enregistré).
Le nom, fort bien trouvé, n’est pas sans renvoyer à Big Brother et au personnage omniscient de Georges Orwell. Suite... Voici le site...
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The world's most notorious prisons...
With President Obama expected to announce the closing of the detention center at Guantánamo Bay within days, here's a look at five of the most brutal and controversial prisons that are still in operation around the world.
In 1999 there were 124 suicide attempts in La Santé, almost five times as many as in California's entire prison system during the same period. These facts only became available in 2000 when the head surgeon of the prison, Véronique Vasseur, published a bestselling book chronicling abuses in the prison. The book caused an uproar and a celebrity campaign to improve prisons throughout France, but little in the way of progress. France's prison conditions were condemned by the U.N. Human Rights Committee and the country's own minister of justice in 2008. Full story...
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School children complain about "Obama worship..."
My son, who is in 1st grade, came home yesterday saying that he didn’t want to go back to school anymore. So I asked him why? He said that during the Pledge of Allegiance the teacher put up a large image of Obama next to the flag. I asked him if he was sure of this and I suggested to him that maybe the teacher just put up an 8×10 photo of the president. He said, “No, it is a large picture of Obama and when we are done Ms. **** turns off the image.” I also asked if they did this for Bush last year? He again said, “No.” This was my sons first day back to school since before Christmas, he was on a 5 week track break. Full story...
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La justice française condamne ZATAZ.COM à se taire...
Via un moteur de recherche, du même type que Google, le lecteur s'était aperçu qu'une société avait été référencée par le spider, le robot référenceur du moteur en question.
Seulement, à défaut de pages web référencées, le moteur de recherche a aspiré le répertoire, le Directroy, l'arborescence d'un espace FTP en accès libre. Celui de la société en question. Article complet...
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Un risque de massacres au Sri Lanka...
«Le droit le plus menacé aujourd'hui, c'est celui de vivre. Après un conflit de près de 30 ans et des atrocités commises de part et d'autre, la défaite militaire des Tigres ouvre la porte aux règlements de compte et aux massacres.» Suite...
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Hackers break into Texas road sign, warn of "Zombies Ahead". Hilarious!!!

Transportation officials in Texas are scrambling to prevent hackers from changing messages on digital road signs after one sign in Austin was altered to read, "Zombies Ahead."
Chris Lippincott, director of media relations for the Texas Department of Transportation, confirmed that a portable traffic sign at Lamar Boulevard and West 15th Street, near the University of Texas at Austin, was hacked into during the early hours of Jan. 19. More...
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Romania: incest couple's marriage annulled, daughter may be taken away...
Luminita Dodu, 21, from Mogosesti, eastern Romania, fell in love with her half brother when they met after growing up 20 miles apart from each other.
Luminita and Vasile Dodu, 27, set up home together and had a baby daughter - despite a warning from their shocked mother. More...
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Dubai: exclusive Jumeirah Beach transformed into cess-pool...
A stretch of the exclusive Jumeirah Beach – a magnet for Western tourists and home to a string of hotels – has been closed. “It’s a cesspool. Our tests show too many E. coli to count. It’s like swimming in a toilet,” said Keith Mutch, the manager of the Offshore Sailing Club, which has posted warnings and been forced to cancel regattas. More...
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Chaos in Greece as farmers protest in anger...
"Tractors are our weapon and we are determined to use them until our demands are met," said Christos Sideropoulos, a farmer and one of the leaders of the protests. "Let them say what they like. We are not going to give in." More...
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CIA chief in Algeria accused of raping at least two women...
The CIA's station chief at its sensitive post in Algeria is under investigation by the U.S. Justice Department for allegedly raping at least two Muslim women who claim he laced their drinks with a knock-out drug, U.S. law enforcement sources tell ABC News.
Officials say the 41-year old CIA officer, a convert to Islam, was ordered home by the U.S. Ambassador, David Pearce, in October after the women came forward with their rape allegations in September. More...
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Man steals a car and turns into a sheep! But don't fret. These things are normal in the 24th.century...
The dust raised by the mysterious “sheep” that was paraded last week by the Kwara State Police Command as a suspect in an attempt to steal a Mazda car in Ilorin appeared not to be over as the sheep has refused to eat grass or any other thing but has been feeding only on water since the day it was detained by the police.
The sheep which is still in the custody of the police was said to be a 'robbery suspect' which turned into a sheep to avoid arrest when the suspect met a brick wall as he was being pursued by a vigilance team.
The head of the team, Prince Omoniyi Nasirudeen, however, insisted that the “sheep” should be prosecuted, arguing that it was a human being armed robbery suspect that mysteriously turned to the animal. More...
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Florida couple gets 155,000-dollar cloned dog...
Nina and Edgar Otto picked up their cloned yellow labrador puppy on Monday, according to a press release from BioArts International. The puppy, Lancelot Encore, was cloned from the DNA of the Ottos' late dog Lancelot, who died of cancer in January 2008. More...
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Singapore: naked couple surprise for strollers!!!
Pub manager Terence Chia told the Straits Times newspaper he saw the couple taking off their clothes on Saturday night at a staircase in a block of flats in Holland Village, known for its popular nightspots.
"Then, clothes in hand, they coolly walked in their flip-flops towards the market," he said, adding when the couple did a U-turn a sea of spectators was ready and poised with cameras. More...
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Inde : une fillette obligée de se marier avec un … chien !!!
Les villageois en Inde ont obligés une fillette à se marier avec un chien afin de chasser une malédiction, prétendent-ils, qui menaçait la famille.
Les gens du village de Munda Dhanda dans l’état de Jharkhand ont célébré la cérémonie en disant que, désormais, la famille est protégée de toute malédiction.
Toutefois, la fille est libre plus tard de se marier avec un homme sans même demander le divorce !
Des superstitions sont bien répandues en Inde, surtout à la campagne où peu de gens sont éduqués.
Voir aussi:
Un Français sur quatre connaît au moins une personne victime d’inceste dans son entourage...
L’enquête réalisée par Ipsos pour l’AIVI et AXA Atout Cœur fond froid dans le dos : 26% des personnes interrogées déclarent connaître dans leur entourage au moins une personne victime d’agression sexuelle, de viol, d’acte d’exhibitionniste, de confidences sexuelles répétées par un parent. L’enquête fait également le point sur la juridiction en la matière et montre que les Français sont massivement favorables à la pénalisation de l’inceste en tant que tel dans le droit pénal. Suite...
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Gaza: a quoi joue la diplomatie française ?
Alors que je m’étais porté volontaire pour partir de manière "urgente" en mission humanitaire à Gaza avec d'autres collègues médecins et infirmières, j'ai cru comprendre suite à un coup de fil ce soir (vendredi 23 janvier), donc juste 48h après la demande de notre CHU de "constituer des équipes chirurgicales pour assurer la relève d'une équipe sur place à partir du 27 janvier 2009", que la situation s'étant nettement améliorée à Gaza, la France a décidé d"alléger le dispositif sanitaire sur place. Suite...
Voir aussi:
Nigéria: Une chèvre arrêtée pour vol de voiture!!!
Or ils ramènent...une chèvre!
Selon leurs dires, un des malfaiteurs s'est transformé en chèvre pour échapper à la police! Il aurait utilisé la magie noire...
La police, bien embêtée, la garde...en détention provisoire. Suite...
Voir aussi:
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
India: girl forced to marry a ... dog!!!
VILLAGERS in India have "married" off a young girl to a stray dog to ward off an evil spirit which they believed was threatening the family.
The locals at Munda Dhanda village in Jharkhand state, performed the ceremony as they believe it will overcome any curse that might fall on the family.
Interestingly, the girl is free to get married later in life to a man without even seeking a divorce.Superstitions are widespread in India, especially in rural areas where literacy is scarce.
See also:
Slumdog child actors miss out on millions and carry on living ... in the slums.
Their roles in Slumdog Millionaire have won them international acclaim and seen them rub shoulders with the film’s glamorous stars and its British director.
But the reality of life for Rubina Ali and Azharuddin Ismail is far closer to that of the characters they play in the story of love, violent crime and extreme poverty in India.
The child actors’ parents have accused the hit film’s producers of exploiting and underpaying the eight-year-olds, disclosing that both face uncertain futures in one of Mumbai’s most squalid slums.
Slumdog Millionaire has won four Golden Globes and is nominated for 10 Oscars. It is on its way to making hundreds of millions of pounds in box office receipts. More...
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