Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The horny langur and Indian women...

A horny langur in a village in India is creating a ruckus because, it seems, it wants to have sex with the village chicks! Now, I really don't know much about langurs or their sexual tendencies, but I do know that strange marriages take place in India and am wondering why no one has thought of getting married to it! (Don't shoot me, I'm just kidding!!)


  1. My dear, I am astonished. I just read about all these weird marriages and ... well, speechless. And to think they have now got animal brothels in Sweden for those who want animals. Perhaps they need to move to India. Yannno, it seems to me there are ancient laws in almost all cultures declaring such things are immoral.

  2. In spite of definite economic and technological progress, India remains a strange country. A good many Indians still believe in and practice all kinds of weird stuff...
