Monday, January 19, 2009

Zimbabwe is bleeding but Mrs.Mugabe goes on a shopping spree...


The notoriously extravagant spouse’s stay at the Kowloon Shangri-La — a hotel in the heart of one of Hong Kong’s most famous shopping districts — came despite Zimbabwe’s plunge into economic misery. Before her trip, the woman notorious for her high-spending shopping sprees reportedly withdrew $92,000 from the country’s central bank. In Zimbabwe, where she is known as the “First Shopper”, experts believe that inflation has reached unofficial levels of more than a billion per cent. With its social infrastructure in tatters, more than 2,200 people have died in a cholera outbreak and more than half the country is surviving on food aid — issues that many believed might have held the Mugabe family back from taking their holiday. Full story...

See also:

  1. As Gaza is being blown apart, Middle East peace envoy Tony Blair is on vacation!!!
  2. Zimbabwe: Mugabe ‘vacationing in, and switching funds to, Malaysia...'
  3. It's Christmas, but not for Zimbabwe...
  4. Miss Kigali, a beauty queen who spends Christmas with orphans...

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