Wednesday, August 31, 2011

14-year-old boy in Bahrain shot and killed by police...

Author sees domestic Islamic threat to German justice system...

German law expert and former public TV investigative journalist Joachim Wagner presented a new book on Monday in which he speaks of a parallel justice system among the Muslim minority that undermines the rule of law in Germany.

The 236-page book, titled "Judges Without Law: Islamic Parallel Justice Endangers Our Rule of Law," looks into the problems the German judiciary faces when investigating crimes committed within Muslim communities or clans in Germany.

Wagner says the "parallel justice system" is maintained by Islamic arbiters-cum-imams who settle crimes out of court without the involvement of German prosecutors or lawyers.

The author examines several recent cases in which crimes within Muslim communities have been settled by Islamic arbitrators at the request of the families involved. Such "peace judges" act behind the scenes in line with compensation stipulations to be found in Shariah law. More...

Don't miss:
  1. German author's blunt attack on Muslims opens a long-closed door...
  2. Multiculturalism has utterly failed in Europe?
  3. BBC uncovers Sharia 'weekend schools' that teach pupils how to...
  4. Nicolas Sarkozy: Muslim street prayers "unacceptable..." 
  5. Muslim drivers in Britain refuse guide dogs into buses...
  6. Switzerland: Sharia proposal rebuffed by anti-racism experts...

LA porn industry 'shuts down' over HIV fears...

Porn film productions across the US have been shut down after an adult film performer tested positive for HIV.

The actor received a preliminary positive result for HIV, the virus that causes Aids, at a clinic outside California.

Further tests are needed to confirm whether the performer is HIV positive.

If the case is confirmed, hundreds of other performers could then have to be tested.

That means those who had sex with the actor and their sexual partners will all need to undergo HIV tests. More...

Don't miss:
  1. The sweatshop workers of the online sex industry...
  2. Why more and more women are using internet porn...
  3. Hilarious interview with porn stars...
  4. Mother and daughter do porn movie together!!!
  5. Brazilian doctor scares thieves away with HIV-infected needles!!!
  6. HIV positive gay Casanova in Malaysia cons 200 young men via Facebook !!!

Dozens 'tortured and killed in Syria detention centres'

88 people have died in detention in Syria during the past five months. 

Amnesty International says the use of torture in Syria has been "widespread" over many years.

Amnesty International has said it believes that at least 88 people have died in detention in Syria during the past five months.

It says those who died, including 10 children, were subjected to beatings, burns, electric shocks and other abuse.

The group says it believes all of those who died were arrested after taking part in anti-government protests.

Foreign journalists have been blocked from entering Syria and the reports could not immediately be verified.

The allegations, published in a report, come shortly after the Syrian government denied persistent reports of at least one mass grave being uncovered in the restive southern city of Deraa. More + video...

Don't miss: 
  1. Syrian forces beat up political cartoonist Ali Ferzat... 
  2. Syrian security forces throw dead bodies into river (Very graphic) 
  3. Massacre in Syria as tanks attack Hama...(graphic video) 
  4. Syrian crackdown leaves at least 121 people dead. Where's the outrage? 
  5. This is what's happening in Syria (WARNING. Extremely graphic)    
  6. Hamza Ali al-Khateeb,13, shot and had genitals removed before being killed ... 
  7. Iranian snipers shooting at protestors in Syria? 
  8. Bahraini poetess Ayat al-Qurmezi tells of torture while in custody ...

Jews call for Tussauds to make Hitler look ... defeated!!!

Jewish campaigners have asked Madame Tussauds to consider altering its Hitler waxwork to make it appear more "vulnerable" after visitors persisted in posing provocatively next to the figure.

A spokesman for the UK Zionist Federation said that making the Nazi dictator look less "upright" and more "defeated" might discourage guests from making "sieg heil" salutes and other inappropriate gestures.

The call follows complaints from an Israeli holidaymakers who witnessed children copying the Nazi salute for family photographs. Madame Tussauds apologised and assigned staff to prevent similar behaviour. But the Standard revealed yesterday that the "guards" had not stopped youngsters from continuing to pose. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Why this obsession for books about Hitler and the Nazis?
  2. What's hot in India these days? Hitler's Mein Kampf...
  3. Hitler had Jewish and African blood? So claim DNA tests...
  4. Couple lose custody of son called Adolf Hitler...
  5. Who invented the Olympic Torch ceremony?
  6. Israel circulates Hitler photo to battle critics!!! 

South Korea's chopstick challenge...

The decision to stage the World Athletics championships in South Korea was all part of an effort to push the sport into a new market.

Track and field has only a small following in the country, not least because no South Korean has ever won a medal at the event.

Apparently the reason for that might have something to do with chopsticks. Let me explain.

Daegu's Taekyeung University is one of many South Korean seats of learning where sitting down to play computer games is taken very seriously.

Since 2003 it has had a department dedicated to them. A place where the finger skills of hundreds of teenagers are honed with a serious objective in mind. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Foreigner in a Korean bus abusing elderly couple...
  2. South Korean soccer fans!!!
  3. South Korean clinic tries to cure internet addicts... 
  4. South Korean parents raise on-line virtual daughter as real baby starves to death... 
  5. Manchester Utd.'s Park Ji-Sung, jewel of the East...
  6. South Korean banks increase interest rate ... if you lose weight!!! 

More parents turn to home-schooling...

School's never out for 14-year-old Zoe Bentley. Nor is it ever in.

The perky teen from Tucson, Ariz., explores what she likes, when she likes as deeply as she chooses every day of the year. As an "unschooler," Zoe is untethered from the demands of traditional, compulsory education.

That means, at the moment, she's checking out the redwoods of California with her family, tinkering with her website and looking forward to making her next video on her favorite subject, exogeology, the study of geology on other planets.

"I love seeing the history of an area," Zoe said. "Maybe a volcano erupted and grew taller over time, or wind eroded rock into sand dunes, or a meteor hit the ground and made a crater. Finding out how these and other formations formed is something I just really like." More...

Don't miss:
  1. The parents that unschool their children... 
  2. Home-schooling, the quiet revolution...
  3. Home-schooling families in Botswana facing jail...
  4. Why do Finland's schools get the best results?
  5. Education is killing children's creativity...
  6. The Malaysian parents that home-school their children... 
  7. German homeschooling family granted asylum in the USA...
  8. Brazil: couple condemned for homeschooling their kids!!!

Open season: hunting black people in Libya...

Media habitually tells us that Libyan rebels are noble freedom fighters, struggling aganist a bloodthirsty tyrant. But after all the buckets of half-truths and blatant lies, that news poured on our heads, treating us viewers like brainless sheep and feeding us half-baked reports that often got disproved the next day, some of us started to look further and investigate.

What they found out, is extremely disturbing. Say, from the very beginning of war we've been hearing reports about "Gaddafi's black mercenaries". We even saw photos and videos of several people that,
supposedly, were these mercenaries. But the whole truth is much more complicated - and scary.

Yes, there indeed are several divisions of black Africans and citizens of Chad in the army of Libya, that is formed on the principle of territorial militia. But they can hardly be considered mercenaries - not
more than French Foreign Legion or non-American citizens in US Army. In general, the status of black men of Libyan army's various units is civil servants.

In a country with 6 million inhabitants, one third are black (the most oppressed group in the country). Would not it be easier for the rebels to call for their solidarity and ask them join the rebel ranks? But not only black Libyans do not join the rebellion - they flee in terror. More...

Don't miss:
  1. African migrants and black Libyans put in danger by 'mercenary' propaganda...
  2. Atrocities on both sides of Libyan war as prisoners are killed and patients shot...
  3. Rebels commiting widespread racist murders in Libya... 
  4. Kenyan elders crown Gaddafi "King of Africa"
  5. How black people are treated in Iraq...

Janis Ian and Tea and Sympathy...

Airline pilots 'so reliant on computers they forget how to fly'

A draft study found pilots can “abdicate too much responsibility to automated systems” resulting in significantly weaker flying skills.

Both airlines and regulators commonly discourage or even prohibit pilots from turning off their aircraft’s autopilot.

The result has left pilots with significantly less opportunities to maintain their flying proficiency by flying manually.

Rory Kay, an airline captain and co-chair of a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) advisory committee on pilot training, yesterday described the airline industry as suffering from “automation addiction”.


In the most recent fatal crash in the U.S. two years ago near Buffalo, New York, the co-pilot of a regional airliner programmed incorrect information into the plane’s computers, causing it to slow to an unsafe speed. That triggered a stall warning.

 The captain, who hadn't noticed the plane had slowed too much, responded by repeatedly pulling back on the controls, overriding two safety systems, when the correct procedure was to push forward. The plane crashed killing all 49 people aboard and one on the ground. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Foreign pilots and passengers dump Air India ...
  2. Swiss Air Force pilots in action! Wow!
  3. Fears grow over India's fake pilots...
  4. Air in planes making people 'seriously sick'
  5. After 6500 flights, it turns out he's not a pilot...
  6. Air traffic controller suspended for watching film while on duty...

Woman parked like '20 donkeys, 2 elephants and some Lilliputians'

Zürich police were left unamused on Friday after a woman was accused of "taking up the space of 20 donkeys and two elephants" in a fake parking ticket bearing the city's official logo.

The home-care assistant targeted by the ticket first noticed it sticking out from under her windscreen wiper as she approached her vehicle on Friday.

Written on a typed sheet titled “Parking offence“ and stamped with an official insignia, it read:

“This is not a parking ticket. However, if it was up to me you would get two of them.“

The anonymous "warden" added that the woman's "idiotic, inconsiderate and amateurish" parking meant she was “taking up enough space for 20 donkeys, two elephants, one goat and a troupe of Lilliputians“. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Identical Swiss twins and the parking tickets fiasco!!!
  2. How they park cars in Budapest, Hungary...
  3. New York cops kept giving parking tickets to dead man!!!
  4. Scottish driver made bankrupt over £18,000 parking fines!!!
  5. To park his truck, villager in India spent 14 years digging tunnel through mountain!!! 

Switzerland is no longer "the safest country in europe..."

Once seen as the safest country in Europe, Switzerland has succumbed to the continent’s average levels of street violence, burglaries and assault.

A report presented by the cantonal justice and police directors on Tuesday showed a rise in criminal activity since 2004, when the last major study on crimes was carried out.

“Although Switzerland had the lowest crime rate [in Europe] in 1988, today’s crime rate is to a large extent aligning itself with the percentages in the rest of Europe,” said a statement by the cross-cantonal police body.

“The myth that Switzerland is the safest country in the world, or at least Europe, is over. Forget it,” added the criminologist in charge of the report, Martin Killias. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Soccer hooligans in Switzerland...
  2. Yes, this happens even in Switzerland...
  3. Swiss cities turning into late night battle zones...
  4. Forty young Europeans die violently every day ...
  5. Australia and Canada surpass Europe with most livable cities...

Ron Paul on FEMA, Libya and Austrian economics...

Iranian exiles flocking to Malaysia...

Above the outdoor cafés of this city's trendiest suburb, some 60 exiles are busily dubbing Brazilian soap operas, Japanese cartoons and American music videos into Farsi. They work for GEM-TV, a privately owned, Dubai-based bootleg satellite station that beams the modern world into Iran from a broadcast station in Malaysia. This Southeast Asian nation is becoming, in the words of GEM-TV host Abed Rangamiz, "famous as a place to jump" from Iran's harshly religious regime. "It's the best of three countries that freely give us visas," Rangamiz says with a shrug. "The others are Turkey and Turkmenistan."

The Iranian influx is small but growing fast. At present, there are about 60,000 Iranians, studying, working or waiting for visas in this relatively easygoing, multiethnic Muslim-majority country. Iranians hold shares in an estimated 2,000 Malaysian businesses and occupy about 15,000 spots in Malaysian universities. Tourist arrivals from Iran jumped 14.3% to 116,000 last year. And, observe new arrivals, words of Persian origin, such as dewan for hall and anggur for grapes, have long been part of the Malay language. Most Iranians in Malaysia bask in the comforts of a life free from ideological pressures and from, in one exile's words, "bribing the police every time you want to have a party." More...

Don't miss:
  1. Saudi men flocking to Indonesia for "halal sex"
  2. Two women in Iran risk death for converting to Christianity...
  3. Pakistanis 3rd largest immigrant group in Norway...
  4. Morality police hits Tehran's streets...
  5. Racial tension in Malaysia hinders economic growth...

Dublin airport to test body scanners...

New controversial full-body scanners could soon be in use at Dublin Airport.

But air passengers will only be invited to use them if a trial of the security equipment is successful -- and even then they will not be compulsory.

Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) confirmed yesterday that a scanner will be delivered to the airport by the end of September and staff will be given the option of using the walk-through device on a trial period before potentially using the technology for passengers.

 A DAA spokesman said airline staff and other workers will be invited to use the scanner, but it will not be compulsory. More...

Don't miss:
  1. The 12 scariest TSA stories of all time... 
  2. TSA: an army of perverts and criminals...
  3. Former Miss USA : "TSA agent touched my vagina 4 times..."
  4. TSA will be tracking all "daily travels to work, grocery stores and...
  5. Are airport scanning machines giving cancer to TSA agents?
  6. Body scanners are more dangerous than Feds admit...
  7. Body-scanner makers spent millions on lobbying...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Indian politicians get iPad lessons to cut down on paperwork!!!

Members of Parliament are taking lessons on how to use iPads and other tablet computers after being given a special budget to buy technology that cuts down on paperwork.

Each of the 790 lawmakers, many of whom are elderly, has been granted Rs. 50,000 to invest in
one of the devices in an attempt to tackle India's infamously laborious red tape.

"We held an orientation class to familiarise the members with tablet apps (applications) designed especially for parliament," said Sharda Subramaniam, joint secretary for information technology in the Rajya Sabha.

The scheme was "to reduce the huge mountains of paper piling up each day while parliament is in session," she said, adding that the computers could be used to access past debates and question lists. More...

Don't miss: 
  1. Indian bureaucracy worst in Asia, Singapore's the best...
  2. Swiss couple and their donkeys run into stubborn Indian bureaucracy...
  3. Singapore soldiers to get guns, grenades ... and iPads!!!
  4. iPads replacing note pads as Asian schools go high-tech...
  5. Chinese boy sells kidney to buy iPad 2...
  6. Chinese in Malaysia send iPad 2 beyond the grave!!!

$30 billion stolen by US contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan...

Swiss political party wants to ban ... PowerPoint???

Switzerland could become the first country to outlaw PowerPoint presentations if a new party runs in the October parliamentary elections. Matthias Poehm, founder of the Anti-PowerPoint Party, claims that €350bn could be saved globally each year by ditching the scourge of public speaking. Poehm believes that the software takes people away from their work and teaches them little. "There is a solution," he says. "A flipchart."

On leaving academia seven years ago I vowed that I would never use PowerPoint again. I still speak at conferences, though, and have been known to rant at organisers when asked in advance for my PPT presentation. I inform them that I will be turning up with a set of index cards on which I have jotted down key points, but will not be boring my audience to tears with fiddly slides consisting of flying text, fussy fonts or photo montages. More...

Don't miss:
  1. US schools photoshopping class potraits...
  2. France bans the words ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ from TV, radio...
  3. Pope bans iPhone "confession" app...
  4. Teacher tried to ban pencils and pens!!!
  5. California schools ban dictionary ... because it contains "oral sex" 

Marriage agencies in China promise "free virgin replacements" if wives run away!!!

Marriage bureaus in China are promising a Vietnamese virgin woman free to Chinese men if the wives they bought from the neighbouring country go missing.

Matchmaking agencies' posted new advertisements on telegraph poles stating that people can marry women from Vietnam in three months if they pay 200,000 yuan (USD 32,000),the Shanghai Daily reported.

"We ensure you that the woman is a virgin, and if she runs away we'll give you another one for free in a year," the advertisement said amid reports that a number Vietnamese woman married to Chinese women went missing.

As a result, Chinese men married to Vietnamese women are experiencing big losses, losing both wife and money, the daily reported. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Abducted Vietnamese women sold as brides in China... 
  2. China to face shortage of marriageable women by 2020...
  3. More Chinese men going for black wives?
  4. 24 million Chinese men face wifeless future! Where are the girls?
  5. Welcome to the Roma "bride market" in Bulgaria... 
  6. Too young to wed: the secret world of child brides...
  7. "I'll vote for you, if you get me a second wife..."
  8. India: You want my vote? Get me a bride!!! 

Bangladesh busts kidney trafficking gang that sold the organs to patients in Singapore and India...

Bangladeshi police said Tuesday they had uncovered a major organ trafficking ring that is believed to have persuaded up to 200 people to sell their kidneys for cash.

Three people were arrested Sunday in the remote Kalai area, 300 kilometres (180 miles) northwest of Dhaka, after reports surfaced that villagers were having their organs removed illegally.

"We have found that scores of poor villagers have sold their kidneys for 150,000 to 200,000 taka (2,000 to 3,000 dollars)," local district police chief Fazlul Karim told AFP.

"Some 38 villagers from five villages in the area have sold their kidneys for cash -- but this is just the tip of the iceberg. We believe there could be up to 200 victims," he said. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Girl in India kills herself so father and brother could have her organs...
  2. Chinese boy sells kidney to buy iPad 2...
  3. Indian cricket fan willing to swap kidney for World Cup ticket!!!
  4. She must donate her kidney to her sister to get out of jail!!!
  5. Kosovo medics accused of trafficking kidneys...
  6. A new kidney transplant scandal in South Africa...

Juror sentenced for trying to friend defendant on Facebook...

22-year-old Jonathan Hudson was removed from a trial after trying to friend the defendant, Courtney Downing, on Facebook. After trial recessed for the day on July 18, the young juror sent Downing the friend request and mentioned the case on the social network. The interaction came to light after the defendant told her lawyer about it, who in turn told the presiding judge. Hudson was dismissed from the jury the next morning, on July 19, according to court records.

Hudson then sent Downing an apology message, saying he thought she was someone else, but she didn’t believe him, court records show. He wrote that he was being prosecuted for his actions, adding that he didn’t use names or talk about what kind of case it was on his Facebook profile.

“I pretty much just said I was selected to be on a jury,” his Facebook message to her read. “I’m pretty upset over this and I’m sure you guys are too. I guess you know what it feels like to be prosecuted too. Good luck with everything.” More...

Don't miss:
  1. Sex trial halted after juror says he was aroused and had to wear condom!!! 
  2. Trial not over, but juror decides accused is guilty ... on Facebook!!!
  3. Facebook could threaten jury trials in UK, attorney general warns...
  4. Judge silences talkative defendant ... with duct tape!!!
  5. Casey Anthony juror goes into hiding after getting death threats...
  6. When lawyers trawl Facebook and Google for the perfect juror...

Foreigner in a Korean bus abusing elderly couple...

You don't get older, you get better -- really.

Jokes about creaky knees, thinning hair and spreading -- or vanishing -- waistlines have long been an inevitable, if unwelcome, part of watching the birthdays pile up.

But it shouldn't be that way, argues Wendy Lustbader, who maintains that youth, with all its insecurities and confusion, is more of a burden than the golden age society says it is, with aging far from a gloomy decline.

"I'm so disgusted by the pervasive dread of aging that everyone has, and the constant joking about it and everybody looking at later life as if it's just a dead zone, with nothing going on," said Lustbader, a former social worker and author who herself is in her late 50s.

"But it's really the opposite. When you really get to know elders, when you hang out with them as much as I have, it's the elders who really feel bad for the young people because they have so much suffering to go through." More...

Don't miss:
  1. Singaporeans: we work till we die...
  2. Kenya's elderly being accused of being "witches..."
  3. When did it become a crime to be old in this country?
  4. There's a life after retirement? Elderly Swiss flocking to universities...
  5. Whatever happened to old age?
  6. 80-year-old burglar lady still going strong!!!

Australia and Canada surpass Europe with most livable cities...

For the first time in almost a decade of reporting liveability, Vancouver is not at the top of our ranking of 140 cities (Vancouver was in joint first position with Melbourne in the 2002 survey). Melbourne now replaces Vancouver as the most liveable city in the survey. The general conditions required for a location to be awarded a high liveability ranking continue to be well reflected in Australian and Canadian cities.

In Europe, there has been a slight depreciation in liveability driven by the current crisis in the euro zone. This is particularly the case in Greece, where austerity measures and resulting protests have driven a 2.5% fall in the score for Athens. Consequently, Athens now has a rating below those of San Juan in Puerto Rico and Montevideo in Uruguay. The impact of the Arab Spring and civil war in Libya have also pushed down the liveability scores across the Middle East and North Africa. This is most apparent in the scoring for Tripoli (Libya), where the descent into civil war has caused such a significant deterioration in the liveability rating as to put the city into the bottom ten locations for the first time. Harare (Zimbabwe) is the lowest-scoring city at just 38.2%. More...

See the rankings here...

Don't miss:
  1. Whitman: There the great city stands...
  2. Britain and Ireland the worst places to live in Europe, France the best...
  3. Switzerland remains most competitive country in the world...
  4. Brazilians and Singaporeans are the coolest people on earth!!!
  5. The world's most prosperous countries? They're mostly in Europe...
  6. The best-run country in Africa is ...

How homosexuals are treated in the Ivory Coast...

Maid in Singapore served employer menstrual blood soup! What???

CHINA Press reported on a domestic maid who mixed her menstrual blood in soup she cooked for her employer in Singapore because she was upset over not being allowed to use the telephone.

Apparently, the 38-year-old maid put a soiled cotton pad into tea bags used to make soup.

Her 40-year-old employer known only as Tan said the maid was initially hired by her aunt and had been a diligent worker.

Thus, Tan decided to hire her to take care of her 89-year-old grandmother who was living with another relative.

However, she claimed that the maid eventually became lazy and spent much time chatting on her mobile phone till past midnight. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Maid in Singapore kicking and hitting a child. WTF!
  2. Behind every successful Singapore soldier, there's a maid!!!
  3. Cabby in Singapore filmed maid bathing!!!
  4. Indonesian maid in Singapore jailed for baby abuse...
  5. Indonesian maid puts menstrual blood in Hong Kong employer's meal!!!

US 'wasted $30bn on Afghanistan and Iraq' over decade...

The US government has wasted $30bn (£18bn) in contracts in Afghanistan and Iraq over the last decade, according to a bi-partisan spending commission.

The commission on wartime contracting blamed an over-reliance on contractors, poor planning and fraud for the waste.

It had evidence of lax accountability and inadequate competition, it said.

Writing in the Washington Post, the report's authors warn that investments in the two countries could be wasted even after US involvement there ends.

Among the examples cited were a $40m prison for Iraq that the country did not want and was never completed. More...

Don't miss:
  1. War takes money from the American people and gives it to the war-mongers... 
  2. Afghan VIPs smuggle $10 million in cash EVERY SINGLE DAY... 
  3. Afghan elite 'plundered $900m' from leading bank... 
  4. Ten great myths about foreign aid and how your money is squandered... 
  5. Pallets of cash flown out of Afghanistan by corrupt offcials... 
  6. £70m of British aid wasted on bribes and protection money to Taliban...
  7. Ten great myths about foreign aid and how your money is squandered...
  8. How the American taxpayer is filling the pockets of despots in the Middle East... 
  9. Spending $102 billion a year on 800 worldwide military bases is bankrupting the country...

Gaddafi raped his female bodyguards?

Five women who formed part of Muammar Gaddafi’s select unit of female bodyguards are claiming they were raped and abused by the now hunted dictator.

The women have told Benghazi-based psychologist Seham Sergewa they were sexually abused by Col. Gaddafi and his sons before being discarded once they were “bored” with them.

One of the women told Dr Sergewa how she had been blackmailed into joining the bodyguard brigade, once believed to number as many as 400 women, after the regime fabricated a story that her brother was carrying drugs on his way back to Libya from a holiday in Malta.

“She was told ‘you either become a bodyguard or your brother will spend the rest of his life in prison,’” Dr Sergewa told The Sunday Times.

The woman in question knew exactly what this meant, Dr Sergewa explained, because she had been raped a few weeks before this by Col. Gaddafi. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Sadistic brutality in Libya (Graphic) 
  2. The stars that entertained the Gaddafi clan... 
  3. Row grows after Beyonce private show for Hannibal Gaddafi...
  4. Gaddafi travels with 'voluptuous' blonde nurse... 
  5. Gaddafi on the run with 40 virgins armed with Kalashnikovs!!!
  6. Berlusconi 'sent escorts to Gaddafi opponent as favour to Libya leader' 
  7. Gaddafi's sons and their lavish spending...
  8. Italian women flown to Libya ... for culture and marriage!!!
  9. Gaddafi tries again to convert glamourous Italian models to Islam!!! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Singapore's defeated presidential candidate Tan Cheng Bock understands...

Illegal alien from Kenya named Obama arrested in U.S!!!

He's an illegal alien.

He's from Kenya.

His name is Obama.

And now, he's arrested.

No, it's not the president of the United States, but 67-year-old Onyango Obama who is making headlines in Framingham, Mass., after reportedly driving under the influence and slamming his SUV into a police car Wednesday night.

According to the MetroWest Daily News, Obama failed a sobriety test after the crash, registering a blood-alcohol level of .14, when the state limit it .08. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Barack Obama is related to Sarah Palin! 
  2. Barack Obama has roots in a small Swiss village!!!
  3. Barack Obama related to Warren Buffett?
  4. Obama is related to most of the US presidents...
  5. Obama's brother in China keeps a low profile...
  6. The Elite and their blood-line...
  7. Obamas's half-brother in Kenya marries teen... 
  8. Obama's birth certificate or the American black as a second-class citizen...

Arsenal offer free tickets to fans after Manchester United humiliation...

There is at least one positive for Arsenal supporters reeling from the 8-2 defeat at Manchester United: the club has promised to give free tickets to those who attended the humiliation at Old Trafford.

Around 3,000 fans made the 400-mile trip to Manchester on Sunday, only to see the team suffer their heaviest defeat since 1896. Arsenal will now write to those supporters, offering to cover the cost of a ticket at a future Premier League away game.

A club statement said: "Sunday's result was obviously disappointing for everyone connected with the club. Our travelling fans were magnificent throughout and we want to recognise their fantastic support. We will be writing to them shortly with the details." More...

Don't miss:
  1. Malaysian Manchester Utd. fan becomes a "legend". So says Rooney... 
  2. Man Utd fan kills 4 Barcelona fans in Nigeria ...
  3. Arsenal fan in Kenya hangs himself after Manchester Utd. victory...
  4. A very, very angry Argentinian soccer fan!!!  
  5. After booing Chelsea's Jewish player, Malaysian soccer fans deface Singapore flag... 

In Sri Lanka, a 'negative peace' prevails...

Seriously injured in a shell attack, his Tamil Tiger comrades dead, Mano (pseudonym) tried to end his own life by biting on the cyanide pill that, like all hardened fighters, he wore around his neck. But an elderly woman nearby rushed to give him water and he survived. Alone, he languished on the sand for six days, surrounded by the bodies of his friends and the ruins of war.

"There wasn't anybody there, not a drop of water. I was just lying there in the sun," he said as he recalled the final days of the fighting between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Sri Lankan military. "Then I heard voices and, 200m away, saw soldiers advancing. They took me away."

More than 11,000 people were detained by the Sri Lankan authorities at the end of the war on suspicion of being members of the Tamil Tigers, who fought a 26-year battle for an independent Tamil homeland. Some gave themselves up, but no detainees have access to lawyers and few are charged, their families left to find out for themselves the location of their loved ones. More than two-thirds have now been released, but amid a pervasive military presence many struggle to resume a normal life.

"A sense of impunity and that the worst can happen is still prevalent," said Jehan Perera, Executive Director of the National Peace Council in the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo. "There's been no break with the past." More...

Don't miss:
  1. Human scars of Sri Lanka war ignored... 
  2. Sri Lanka's killing fields (Graphic)
  3. The Sri Lankan soldiers "whose hearts turned to stone..." 
  4. Footage of Sri Lankan soldiers' atrocities against Tamils (Graphic)
  5. Sri Lanka condemned over aid workers' murders...
  6. Sri Lanka’s white vans deliver fear and oppression...
  7. Sri Lanka and the Tamil genocide...
  8. Where is my husband? Tamil Tiger's wife's emotional plea...
  9. The Tamils of Switzerland... 
  10. War is over, but Tamil refugees reluctant to return to Sri Lanka... 

China embarrassed by Chinese general's spy talk leaked onto YouTube...

Footage of a Chinese general discussing sensitive spying cases has been leaked onto video sharing site YouTube, in what appears to be an embarrassing failure of secrecy for the usually tightlipped military.

It wasn't clear when or where Maj. Gen. Jin Yinan made the comments and China's Defense Ministry did not immediately respond Monday to faxed questions about the video. Calls to the National Defense University where Jin is a lecturer rang unanswered.

While some of the cases had been announced before, few details had been released, while others involving the military had been entirely secret. More...

Don't miss:
  1. South Korea diplomats in 'sex for secrets' scandal in Shanghai...
  2. South African minister in sex and lies scandal...
  3. Pakistan spy agency ordered journalist Saleem Shahzad's murder ...
  4. China's army to recruit and train ... 10,000 pigeons???
  5. Teen blogger in Syria accused of being American spy...
  6. The strange tale of the Iranian "spy" and defector... 
  7. When the daughter of MI6 boss goes on Facebook with Saddam's golden Kalashnikov... 

Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik has been getting fan mail from women!!!

Experts are shocked people from across the globe have been sending mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik letters during his time in solitary confinement.

The terms of his custody in Ila Prison prohibit any contact with the outside world. Letters come from females such as Christians who wish to heal him, women playing the mother’s role, and even those who support of him.

Prison Director Knut Bjarkeid and police lawyer Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby do not wish to comment on the matter. However, Professor of Psychology, Frode Thuen, tells VG he is “stunned”, alleging the women who write such letters need some form of help.

“There is every reason to believe that these are quite misguided and deranged women who struggle with themselves. They often have a kind of notion that they can make a difference, a desire for a type of healing, salvation and care. They think they should get him on back on track and take some sort of responsibility for his rehabilitation.” More...

Don't miss:
  1. Norway killer Anders Breivik's pro-Hindu rant embarrasses India's nationalists...
  2. Norwegian massacre gunman was a right-wing extremist who hated Muslims...
  3. Where but in France could a chauvinist sexual predator still be feted ...
  4. Lennon killer, Mark Chapman, has been enjoying wife time in prison...

Catholic clergy 'abused children for decades in County Donegal' in Ireland...

Police were complicit in cover-up of sexual abuse by priests and lay members of the church...

County Donegal in Ireland is about to have its bucolic image shattered by a report into how paedophiles, both clergy and laity, abused children for decades.

An investigation into clerical sex abuse in the Catholic diocese of Raphoe in County Donegal is about to report its findings, which are expected to be damning. Meanwhile, new evidence has emerged from victims of a parallel paedophile ring operating in the same Gaelic-speaking corner of the Irish Republic.

A number of survivors of abuse have told the Guardian that lay members of the church as well as priests sexually exploited them for years in the county.

And as with the expected conclusion of the report into Raphoe, they say the national police service, the Garda, was complicit in a culture of cover-up that allowed the perpetrators to carry on abusing them. More...

Don't miss:
  1. High tension between Vatican and Ireland over child abuse cover-up... 
  2. Irish prime minister's stinging attack on Vatican over child sex abuse... 
  3. Anger mounts in Ireland at Vatican silence on Cloyne sex abuse report... 
  4. Thousands raped and abused in Catholic schools in Ireland.
  5. Vatican ordered Irish bishops to hide child abuse...
  6. How the Irish police closed their eyes to paedophile priests...
  7. $6.3 million paid to Illinois man abused by priest...
  8. Children under State care in Ireland ended up as sex slaves...
  9. Catholic bishop caught at airport with child porn...

SAfrica police probe Facebook photo depicting white hunter kneeling over 'prey,' a black boy...

South African police are investigating an image posted on Facebook of a white man with a hunting rifle and a big grin kneeling in a classic hunter's pose over his "prey" — what appears to be the lifeless body of a black boy.

The picture was published on the front page of South Africa's Sunday Times along with a police plea for the man in the picture or anyone who recognizes him to help their investigation.

It is not clear if the picture is authentic, or whether it has been digitally manipulated. Also unknown is the fate of the child.

The Sunday Times quotes officials saying anyone party to the production and posting of the photograph could be charged under several laws including the Children's Act, the Films and Publications Act and the Criminal Procedure Act. Source...

Don't miss:
  1. Racist South African mob beats Zimbabwean to death... (Graphic)
  2. Black staff in South African hospital accused of ill-treating white patients...
  3. Four men in South Africa raped by bosses and made to drink urine...
  4. White farmers in Zimbabwe sue "racist government..."
  5. The rise of South Africa's Julius Malema...
  6. South Africa's new AWB leader loses his cool on live TV...
  7. White farmers 'being wiped out' in South Africa. More than 3000 killed but... 

Italian town mints its own money to fight austerity...

A small town in central Italy is trying to go independent and mint its own money in protest at government austerity cuts.

Filettino, set in rugged hill country around 100 km (65 miles) east of Rome, is rebelling against a proposal to merge the governments of towns with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants to save money.

Filettino has only around 550 people, but instead of merging with neighbouring Trevi, mayor Luca Sellari is trying to go it alone and set up a "principality" along the lines of the famous republic of San Marino to the north.

He has started minting Filettino's own bank currency, the "Fiorito," with his photo on the back, which he says is already being used by the townsfolk. Money...

Don't miss:
  1. British town Lewes to create its own currency...
  2. German woman has lived without money for 15 years...
  3. The Money Song from Malaysian musical "Sell Out"
  4. The man who taught Indian villagers how to deal with money...
  5. Charles Dickens and the money barons... 
  6. Swiss economist on the new Swiss gold franc...
  7. Singapore replacing Switzerland as global financial haven?

One in seven believe U.S. government staged the 9/11 attacks...

One in seven people are convinced that the U.S. government was involved in a conspiracy to stage the September 11 attacks which killed nearly 3,000 people.

A survey, which interviewed 1,000 people in the UK and the same number in the U.S., found that 14 per cent of Britons 15 per cent of Americans think the past administration was involved in the tragedy.

They were asked: 'It is generally accepted that these attacks were carried out by Al Qaeda. However some people have suggested there was a wider conspiracy that included the American government. Do you, yourself, believe that there was a wider conspiracy, or not?'

The belief that there was a conspiracy was more common among younger people, with a quarter (24 per cent) of 16 to 24-year-olds subscribing to the theory. More...

Don''t miss:
  1. FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US... 
  2. UN human rights official claims 9/11 was US plot... 
  3. The Osama bin Laden cock and bull story... 
  4. Who are the real terrorists?
  5. 'Evidence proves 9/11 story is a lie'
  6. What happened to WTC7 on Sept.11, 2001?
  7. US 9/11 cameraman faces extradition, fears for life...
  8. Mysterious deaths of 9/11 witnesses...
  9. Al Qaeda is a myth, never existed, says BBC... 
  10. How Hollywood programs us to ignore the ‘men behind the curtain’ 

Alaa Wardi and 6ofoletna 3aysheen

Who are you?

Trying to mould me into something you want, something to your expectations yet I am content with myself. So let me be, odd and free.

Tell me where I can find somebody who is flawless, unblemished? Nowhere, for we all are stuck in our past, holding in our trembling inner child.

Why and tell me how we can be so obsessed with picking out others mistakes and flaws. We are all not so different, connecting to each other, holding hands of mental doubts.

I wish, oh how I wish, we can live like children again. Full of innocence and nothing to weigh us down. The chance to have a new beginning, without threat nor fear. Source...

Don't miss:
  1. Alaa Wardi's acapella version of Fi Hagat...
  2. Zeb & Haniya and Bibi Sanam
  3. Susheela Raman - Mamavatu!
  4. Pakistan's Sachel Ochestra takes five! Cool...

In India's Kerala, the moral brigade goes on the rampage against women and lovers...

On 19 June, Thesni Bhanu, an infotech professional, was on her way to work at Kochi’s Info Park, riding pillion with a male friend on his motorcycle. They stopped at Kakanadu, a small town en route. Thesni stood near the bike while he went to get a cigarette. Out of the blue, a group of about half-a-dozen men charged up to her, and started making pointed queries along the lines of ‘Who are you?’ and ‘Where are you from?’ Since it was none of their business, Thesni ignored them. The men, clearly drunk, started using swear words. When she retorted in kind, one man slapped her and twisted her arms, as two others cheered. She fell to the ground, twisting her neck badly. When her friend returned from the nearby shop, he too found himself at the receiving end of an ugly interrogation.

Seizing a moment, Thesni rang the police. They arrived in about 15 minutes, but would not register a case. Her neck was aching, and it was only after she was admitted to hospital the next day and the assault caught media attention that the police top brass took notice. Once the case was logged, 72 hours after the incident, three of the men were arrested. But Thesni is far from reassured of her safety. “If a woman travels with a male friend in Kerala, she will be manhandled,” she says, outlining the problem, “If we travel alone, we will be sexually attacked, probably by the same moral brigade that cannot stand us travelling with males.” More...

Don't miss: 
  1. The worst places in the world for women: Afghanistan, Congo, Pakistan, India...
  2. Rape is the fastest growing crime in India... 
  3. Hindu fanatics beating up "indecent" girls in India! WTF! 
  4. In this Indian district, 13 women have been burnt alive in past 12 months...
  5. When Indian expats abandon their wives and run off with the dowry. WTF!
  6. Housewife in India burnt alive by husband and in-laws for not providing additional dowry.
  7. The world's most dangerous countries for women in pictures...
  8. Indian woman burnt to death for not fulfilling dowry demands...
  9. Village in India bans jeans for girls!!!
  10. Austrian girl in Kerala refused aid because "not VIP," friends groped and molested... 

Facebook row led to 'duel at 8am'

TWO men arranged to meet behind a pub for an earlymorning fight after becoming involved in an argument between their partners on Facebook.

Former boxer Craig Lowe and soldier Craig Daniels waded into the row the two women – close friends – were having on the social networking website.

The men agreed to meet hours later at The Smithy, in Stainton, Middlesbrough, to resolve their differences, Teesside Crown Court was told.

 Mr Daniels came off worse in the fight and suffered a broken cheekbone, which was repaired by surgeons who inserted metal plates into his face. More...

Don't miss:
  1. 20-year-old arrested for "anti-Catholic" comments on Facebook...
  2. He takes a hostage and updates situation on Facebook!!!
  3. Singapore teacher criticizes students' essays on Facebook!!!
  4. 6 girls arrested for Facebook "Attack a Teacher Day"
  5. 16 students in India suspended for Facebook attack on teacher...
  6. Teacher kills herself after ex-boyfriend posts naked photos of her on Facebook...

Sadistic brutality in Libya (Graphic)