Monday, October 31, 2011

Fury in India over Monsanto's aubergine piracy...

It's hard to imagine that the humble brinjal (also known as eggplant or aubergine) could kick up such a storm. But it has.

This is a story of one of the world’s largest agricultural biotechnology companies - the United States-based Monsanto - and its run in with farmers in south India, following murky allegations of its attempts to "steal" nine indigenous brinjal varieties and genetically modify them.

Monsanto claims that its main priorities are farmers and integrity. Its website says: "Integrity is the foundation for all that we do. Integrity includes honesty, decency, consistency and courage." And this, Monsanto pledges, includes engaging in dialogue with "diverse points of view".

That may well be. But in India, this corporate foresight has gone awry, for the seed giant may have forgotten to enter into dialogue with farmers in the Indian states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and, indeed, the federal government of India. The allegation being levelled against Monsanto is that between 2005 and 2006, the company, through its Indian subsidiary Mahyco and several agricultural universities in India, inserted a bacterial gene into the indigenous brinjal genome to create a genetically modified version named BT brinjal. These seeds were then sown in limited field trials in India. But when it embarked on its programme to genetically modify the brinjal, it did so without first asking India's National Biodiversity Authority for consent. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Hungary destroys all Monsanto GMO maize fields...
  2. Monsanto sued in India for illegal GM brinjal...
  3. Monsanto official beaten up in India over failed GMO cotton seeds...
  4. Monsanto farmer suicides in India. Horrendous..
  5. India accuses Monsanto of conducting GM trials on the sly... 
  6. GM genocide, India's appalling farmer suicides...
  7. Farmers in India selling their wives...

Why we love Russia...

America's death porn culture: celebrating the deaths of Gadaffi and Saddam and ...

The United States government and military revels in death and pornographic intimidation. The videos and photographs of howling Iraqis celebrating the hanging of Iraqi president Saddam Hussein after his U.S.-administered kangaroo court trial in Iraq and the physical abuse, alleged sodomizing, and execution of Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi by NATO-armed and directed rebels after his convoy in Sirte was reportedly struck by a U.S. drone-launched missile, exemplify America’s fixation with pornographic death scenes…

The George Walker Bush and Barack Hussein Obama administrations share a fascination for displaying the dead bodies of their vanquished enemies. For Bush, it was the gruesome stone-slabbed corpses of Qusay and Uday Hussein, Saddam’s sons, after they were killed in a firefight with U.S. troops in. That was followed by the body of Sadaam after his hanging in.

 Of course, it did not suit President Obama to broadcast a photograph of Osama Bin Laden, allegedly killed while resisting arrest in Abbotabad, Pakistan. In the case of Bin Laden, there is a strong reason to believe that Osama’s body could not be shown because there was no body of Osama. Whether an Osama Bin Laden look-a-like was killed or not may never be known, but what is certain is that the Obama administration’s explanation for ”Osama’s” burial at sea from a U.S. aircraft carrier appears dubious. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. In praise of lynching: US media cheers Gaddafi killing...
  2. Hillary Clinton jokes about Gaddafi's murder...
  3. "High-class terrorists running US, UK and France"
  4. The Colbert Report on the "Islamic" attack on Norway...
  5. German poster model faces sack for pro-Gadaffi comments...
  6. The night the lights went out in Georgia...

Satan is alive ... and living in your cell-phone!

I grew up in a conservative Christian church with a robustly literal view of Satan. He was pictured as an actual being with mind-invading capacities for temptation and an insatiable lust for doing evil. Despite my upbringing, I had never been able to believe in Satan as anything more than a quaint, outdated metaphor. There's no need for a supernatural tempter. Humans are capable of monumental evil all on their own.

But I've recently changed my mind. Now I'm convinced. There is a Devil, he is real, and he lurks in our cell phones. And our iPads, laptops and desktops. The Prince of Darkness buries himself deep in the demonic depths of the computer, the microchip, the touchscreen, the instant messager. Seduced by the possibility of communication that is both faceless and conducted at lightning speed, we step, perhaps innocently at first, into an infernal realm that soon overtakes us. We find ourselves texting and writing messages we'd never communicate face-to-face with a real person. Our perception of evil is warped by our ubiquitous electronic telecommunication devices that promise faceless communication at lightning speed.

The electronic devil isn't adorned in a red cape with horns and smoke shooting out of its nostrils. It is shrouded in the effortless speed and sexiness of simulated relationships served up by our electronic gizmos. The magic of the computer world blinds us to consequences, politeness and due regard - our basic ethical principles. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. We humans are becoming irrelevant as machines take over... 
  2. Facebook users 'are insecure, narcissistic and have low self-esteem'
  3. One in five American divorces now involve Facebook...
  4. Social innovation will be more important than technological innovation...
  5. Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world...
  6. Rupert Murdoch: a portrait of Satan...
  7. Arrest of "vampire" sparks discussion on pop culture...
  8. Is the Internet ruining our minds?
  9. How to start a revolution: Facebook and Twitter or an organized hierarchy?

Lying, cheating climate scientists caught lying, cheating again...

Oh dear. I really didn't want my first blog post in a week to be yet another one about global bloody warming. Problem is, if those lying, cheating climate scientists will insist on going on lying and cheating what else can I do other than expose their lying and cheating?

The story so far: ten days ago a self-proclaimed "sceptical" climate scientist named Professor Richard Muller of Berkeley University, California, managed to grab himself some space in the Wall Street Journal (of all places) claiming that the case for global warming scepticism was over. Thanks to research from his Berkeley Earth Surface Temperatures (BEST) project, Professor Muller stated confidently, we now know that the planet has warmed by almost one degree centigrade since 1950. What's more, he told the BBC's Today programme, there is no sign that this global warming has slowed down. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Nobel physicist resigns over "incontrovertible" global warming...
  2. Al Gore's five loaves and two fishes...
  3. New NASA data blow gaping hole in Global Warming alarmism... 
  4. BBC gives less coverage to climate sceptics... 
  5. David Bellamy: BBC shunned me for denying climate change...
  6. Global warming? A new ice age? Whatever it is, we are being screwed ...
  7. Earth Hour, a despicable hoax...
  8. The Great Global Warming swindle...

Not enough women, so wives in this Indian village are shared...

Two Frenchwomen live in a cave to escape wireless electro-magnetic rays...

Two women claiming to suffer from electro-hypersensitivity have resorted to living in a cave in the French Alps. They say they have been made ill by wireless internet and mobile phones.

Anne Cautain and Bernadette Touloumond live the life of hermits in the cave near Saint-Julien-en-Beauchêne in the Haute-Alpes region. The two women have sought refuge there due to their hyper-sensitive reactions to the electro-magnetic radiation caused by waves from wireless communication.

The two have tried to make their cave comfortable, installing two beds and a small table. Yet their candle-lit sanctuary has no heating or electricity.

“This will be my third winter here,” Cautain told the AFP news agency. “Believe me. I would prefer to be in a house, sitting in front of the fireplace.”

The 55-year-old has long suffered from terrible headaches, which she says are a result of her sensitivity to the electro-magnetic radiation. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Is your cell phone's radiation level safe? 
  2. Cell phones are dangerous and we're deliberately being kept ignorant about it...
  3. Cellphone radiation changes brain activity...
  4. Transmission towers in Malaysia causing headaches, nausea...
  5. Cell phone tower near California school causing cancer?
  6. Are phone masts causing cancer? 
  7. Mobile phones killing off world's bee population... 

Robert Mugabe threatens Switzerland after wife is denied visa...

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has warned Switzerland he would "reciprocate" after his wife and top officials were denied visas to attend a UN meeting in that country, state media said Monday.

"Now they are showing that they are vicious and we will reciprocate because they have their properties here," Mugabe said in the state-run Herald newspaper.

"We are not without means to reciprocate," he said.

"It is violation of rules and regulations governing host countries of UN meetings."

Mugabe's wife Grace, his personal bodyguard, and four top officials were denied visas to attend to a meeting of the UN's International Telecommunications Union in Switzerland, causing the trip to be cancelled, according to state media. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Mugabe back in Singapore for fifth time in four months... 
  2. Robert Mugabe 'spends £2m per month on travel abroad...
  3. Zimbabwe starves, but Grace Mugabe is shopping in Hong Kong...
  4. Zimbabwe lives in misery but Mugabe gets £330,000 birthday bash: 8000 lobsters... 
  5. South African foreign minister rents £20,000 private jet rather than ...
  6. No visa Dalai Lama cancels visit to South Africa...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Man in Karachi abused the corpses of 48 women!!!

Mohammad Riaz stood tall at five foot five inches with a white cloth covering his face at the North Nazimabad police station. DSP Abdul Rashid Khan claims that he has confessed to having defiled the corpses of 48 women in the Paposh Nagar graveyard in the last eight years.

“We had an inkling that something was not right at the graveyard but we did not know what was wrong,” he said. “We had gotten some of the gorkans [grave diggers] to work with us and keep an eye on this man for a month.” The DSP added that Riaz could not have been caught earlier as he had vanished out of the blue.

While talking to the media on Saturday, Riaz said that he had heard a new grave had been dug and a woman had been buried. “I went inside the grave like I usually do and got scared,” he said. “The dead woman’s face and teeth were disgusting. There was a light in her eyes that really horrified me. I got out as fast as I could and started running.” He added that when he saw the woman’s face, he had sworn never to indulge in these sort of activities ever again. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Pakistani brothers 'dug up corpse and made it into curry'
  2. 4 people in India caught eating half-cremated corpse...
  3. 13-year-old boy in China kills 3-year-old girl and has sex with the corpse...
  4. Funeral director charged with abusing corpse!!!
  5. Creepy: cops film man having sex with his comatose wife...
  6. 91-year-old widow lives with corpses of husband and twin sister!

German poster model faces sack for pro-Gadaffi comments...

Germany’s advertising world could soon be one long-legged blonde-haired beauty fewer, as the model in the Alice phone company adverts could be sacked for remarks she made about her relationship to Muammar Qaddafi’s son Mutassim.

Vanessa Hessler, who has long been the face of the telecoms firm told a magazine that not only was the Qaddafi family normal, but that the rebels who ousted the dictator were financed by foreigners and that the Libyan people had prospered under him.

“It was a passionate story; we were together for four years,” the 23-year-old model told the Italian magazine Diva e Donna, speaking of her relationship with Mutassim, who was killed on October 20.

 “At the moment everything disgusts me apart from Libya. I don’t like to think that it is true. It is all very sad.” Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. When Hilary Clinton "deeply valued" the Gadaffis...
  2. Gaddafi's son toured US military facilities weeks before Libya crisis...
  3. The stars that entertained the Gaddafi clan...
  4. Row grows after Beyonce private show for Hannibal Gaddafi...
  5. Tony Blair's six secret visits to Col Gaddafi...
  6. Prince Charles' fawning letter to Gadaffi...
  7. Former German minister becomes pariah for claiming 9/11 was conspiracy...

Palestinian negotiators 'avoided shaking Tony Blair's hand'

Senior Palestinian negotiators avoided shaking Tony Blair's hand and delivered a series of calculated snubs during a high-level meeting with international mediators this week, officials in the West Bank said on Friday.

The alleged display of disdain is the latest demonstration of Palestinian fury towards Mr Blair amid accusations that he has behaved like "an Israeli diplomat" in his role as the international envoy to the Middle East peace process.


"There was nothing to talk to Mr Blair about," a senior Palestinian official familiar with the talks said. "We do not consider him the leader of the Quartet. He said almost nothing during the whole meeting."

In a further pointed snub, the Palestinian Authority consciously broke with protocol and normal procedure by stripping Mr Blair's name from three letters delivered to the Quartet, addressing them instead to the Quartet's individual members, the official said. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Irony really is dead when Tony Blair the hawk is a peace envoy...
  2. As Gaza is being blown apart, peace envoy Tony Blair is on vacation!!!
  3. Tony Blair and the Shah of Palestine, people power vs the politicians...
  4. This girl refuses to shake hands with Sarkozy!!
  5. Israel: student detained for refusing to shake Shimon Peres' hand...
  6. Obama rebuffed by Saudi welcoming committee...

The world is at the mercy of irrelevant pygmies like Silvio Berlusconi and Nicolas Sarkozy...

Gone are the statesmen of stature – today’s leaders are a motley set of lechers and buffoons.


On Thursday’s Newsnight, just before a clip of Berlusconi eyeing up the comely and very blonde new Danish PM, an Italian guest complained that this was highly disrespectful to Italy. To which the obvious response was: “Remind us who kept electing the idiot?” Or, as the helium‑voiced comic Emo Phillips asked his German girlfriend when she moaned about the difficulty of finding a decent bagel in Berlin, “And whose fault’s that?”

 If Berlusconi were the sole manifestation of the stupefying chasm between the hugeness of this crisis and the smallness of those supposedly dealing with it, that would be one thing. Yet a better reason for the minuscule Sarkozy to relish mention of his name is relief and gratitude. Without Berlo monopolising the ridicule, the spotlight would fall on the absurdity of Le President himself. Small wonder that Sarko was so keen to fly to Beijing in his £300 million bespoke jet: it is the only major capital in which he could share a conference table with native leaders without requiring his booster seat. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Tony Blair proves God has a sense of humour...
  2. Hillary Clinton jokes about Gaddafi's murder...
  3. Scandal after scandal and, yet, Berlusconi is still going strong! 
  4. Gaddafi is a clown, but no one is laughing...
  5. To look taller, Nicolas Sarkozy requests "short" bodyguards for India visit!!!
  6. Obama choice makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize...

South Korea's ageing population causes concern...

You're smartphone isn't smart, it's a sneak...

As marketing pitches you don't get much lower: "Track every text, every call and every move your spouse makes..."

Yes, software manufacturers have harnessed the green-eyed monster.

"A cell phone plays a role in almost every affair," said one producer of mobile phone spyware.

Another spelled it out: "When you begin to notice signs of a cheating spouse, the best way to catch that cheat is to spy on his or her cell phone using spy software.

"Such software is required because the cell phone has become the modern day keeper of secrets and its uses are as versatile and diverse as their makes and models."

But it is not just for jealous partners.

Software designed to completely mine every secret on a smartphone can track its users, record their calls, copy their emails, read their text messages and bug the rooms the phones are sitting in. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Microsoft 'intentionally designed software for phones to track customers...
  2. Yahoo condemned over plans to snoop on emails on behalf of advertisers...
  3. 10 ways the police state is tracking us...
  4. Like the iPhone, Android phones record user-locations too...
  5. Researchers display evidence that iPhone 4 records all your travels...
  6. Police in Michigan downloading motorists' smart phone information illegally...

Bangalore is India's suicide capital...

India's 'Silicon Valley' - is also the country's suicide capital, accounting for some 16 percent of suicides in India's biggest cities. Most of those killing themselves there are aged between 16 and 40.

Late last month, 23-year-old Malini Murmu, a brilliant student from the prestigious Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore committed suicide after her boyfriend announced he was dumping her by updating his status on a social networking site.

In another tragic incident, a 31-year-old software engineer, who had resigned from the global IT firm, Infosys, murdered his two-year-old daughter before killing himself. He had been facing health problems which had affected his ability to work. In August, a doctor and his son died by deliberately consuming insecticides at a holiday resort. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. " India has become the suicide capital of the world"
  2. 17,368 farmer suicides in 2009 in India, a total of 216,500 since 1997...
  3. Why do so many Indians commit suicide?
  4. Monsanto farmer suicides in India. Horrendous..
  5. Indian girl kills herself after boyfriend circulates sex clip... 
  6. Girl in India commits suicide after being gang-raped for months... 
  7. Man in India commits suicide after 4th daughter is born...
  8. Man in India commits suicide to "see what lies beyond..."

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Icelanders, genealogy and the incest dilemma...

The television commercial for a local mobile phone company here wouldn’t work in many places outside Iceland.

It portrays a curly-haired couple who just woke up next to each other after what appears to be a one-night stand. (That isn’t the scandalous part in this famously liberal society.)

The two are pictured lingering in bed, on their smart phones, checking out a genealogical website called Íslendingabók. Their smiles freeze when they find out they are related. Closely.

 While other nations might find the commercial funny — mainly for its “as if” value — Icelanders can relate on levels unimaginable in larger countries. The commercial works here because, in this isolated island country of 300,000 people, these situations actually happen. Regularly. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. I had sex with my brother and I don 't feel guilty... 
  2. Mother jailed for sex with 14-year-old son...
  3. Frightened Australian incest couples turn to the internet...
  4. Siblings in Sweden charged with incest and face jail... 
  5. Incestous brother and sister spared prison...
  6. Barack Obama is related to Sarah Palin!
  7. The Elite and their blood-line...

French socialists finally dump Strauss-Kahn, feel betrayed and duped...

Five months after his arrest in New York on attempted rape charges, Dominique Strauss-Kahn is still making lurid headlines and France's Socialists are breathing a sigh of relief at a narrow escape.

Once touted as the French left's best hope to take on President Nicolas Sarkozy in next year's presidential election, Strauss-Kahn has been caught up in a series of scandals despite New York police dropping charges that he sexually assaulted a hotel maid.

Now France's Socialists are turning their backs on the man they once hailed as the party's saviour.

"We can see in hindsight that his candidacy would have been very vulnerable," prominent Socialist lawmaker Pierre Moscovici told news magazine Le Point this week.

"I am disgusted," a high-ranking French Socialist once close to Strauss-Kahn said. "I have the feeling of being cruelly betrayed, the feeling that I was duped by Dominique." Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Strauss-Kahn: a trial of the accuser not the accused... 
  2. Strauss-Kahn is " “a predator who seeks not to please but to take... 
  3. Strauss-Kahn: Spotlight on France's 'macho' culture... 
  4. France's women put sexism on trial in wake of Strauss-Kahn case ...
  5. Former French minister Jack Lang accused of 'orgy with little boys...
  6. French culture minister Mitterrand in 'boy sex' scandal... 
  7. French pedophile leadership...
  8. Hotel, Porches and no taxes: socialist Dominique Strauss Kahn's IMF perks!
  9. Where but in France could a sexual predator still be feted as the nation's saviour?

Nigel Farage on the Greece bailout, Europe and the USA...

Elderly Tennessee woman quits church after pastor is charged stealing her pain-killers...

A Smyrna woman said she left the church she belonged to for 55 years after her pastor was charged with stealing her pain medicine.

Rickey Alan Reed, pastor of First Free Methodist Church in Smyrna, was charged with aggravated burglary after church member Jean Harris set up video surveillance on a side door to her home to find out why her Lortab pain medication kept disappearing. An entire bottle went missing in May.

Harris said she was prescribed the powerful medication after a 2006 shoulder injury to help her manage pain.

A video recording showed Reed coming to the locked door and trying to get into the house. Harris told The Tennessean on Monday that she called police after realizing that Reed was going to keep stealing painkillers. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. US pastor charged with raping three women at gunpoint...
  2. Girl spanked to death in the name of God...
  3. Pastor filmed naked girls in church bathroom but escapes prosecution... 
  4. Sex abuse by two paedophile clergymen in Australia led to 26 suicides...
  5. Pastor had sex with teen boys ... to cure them of homosexuality!!!
  6. 21 priests suspended for alleged child molestation in Philadelphia ...
  7. Catholic bishop caught at airport with child porn...

Furious Greeks lampoon German 'overlords' as Nazis...

Greeks angry at the fate of the euro are comparing the German government with the Nazis who occupied the country in the Second World War.

Newspaper cartoons have presented modern-day German officials dressed in Nazi uniform, and a street poster depicts Chancellor Angela Merkel dressed as an officer in Hitler’s regime accompanied with the words: ‘Public nuisance.’

She wears a swastika armband bearing the EU stars logo on the outside.

The backlash has been provoked by Germany’s role in driving through painful measures to stop Greece’s debt crisis from spiralling out of control. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Rise of the Fourth Reich, how Germany is using the financial crisis to...
  2. France and Germany under fire for"monstrous" power grab ...
  3. The 'rituals' of the Greek riots...
  4. Scandal the European parliament tried to keep secret...
  5. The EU dream has turned into a nightmare...

How an Indian charity converted "orphan" Nepalese girls into Christians...

An Indian missionary charity falsely portrayed young Buddhist girls from Nepal as "orphans" of murdered Christians in a global fund-raising operation involving British and American churches.

Parents paid a child-trafficker more than £100 to take their daughters to good schools in Nepal's capital, Kathmandu, but instead they were taken more than 1,200 miles to Tamil Nadu, southern India.

At the Michael Job Centre, a Christian orphanage and school in Coimbatore, they were converted to Christianity, given western names and told that its charismatic founder, Dr PP Job, was now their father.

 On websites, the children were given serial numbers and profiles. The charity claimed they had been either abandoned by their parents who did not want the financial burden of raising girls, or orphaned after their "Christian" parents were murdered by Nepal's Maoist insurgents. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. 14-year-old Christian girl kidnapped in Punjab to be converted to Islam...
  2. India: Hindus on the rampage against Christians: convert or we'll kill you...
  3. Pakistan: Rape as a tool for conversion to Islam...
  4. Madonna taken for a ride by "mystical" Kabbalah centre...
  5. Bono and Bill Gates-backed Global Health Charity exposed as a fraud...

Friday, October 28, 2011

California Sikh wins $295,000 payout for beard ban...

California has paid damages to settle a lawsuit filed by a man who was barred from becoming a prison guard because he refused to shave the beard required by his Sikh religion.

Civil rights organisations had claimed that the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's policy amounts to religious discrimination.

They say the state makes exceptions for men with certain medical conditions and should make similar allowances for Sikhs, Muslims, Orthodox Jews and others whose religion requires facial hair.

Under the settlement the state will not change its rules requiring most men to be free of facial hair so they can be fitted for gas masks.

But it is paying Trilochan Oberoi $295,000 in damages and giving him a $61,000-a-year job as a manager in the corrections department.

 The 63-year-old Mr Oberoi, who once served in the Indian navy, has fought a six-year battle to become a guard at Folsom State Prison. Source...

Don't miss:
  1. Sikhs in Europe protest airport turban harassment...
  2. How to tie a turban on the move!!!
  3. 3 English kids get to know the Sikhs, saints and soldiers...
  4. Sikhs in France plan new school to combat turban ban...
  5. Muslim woman sacked for refusing to wear headscarf...
  6. Young men arrested in Somalia ... for shaving off their beards!!!
  7. TSA to woman: 'We're going to have to examine your hair'

Singing Geneva banker: 'The global economy is about to crash'

A tuneful banker is causing a stir in Switzerland with his infectious and disarmingly jolly song about impending global financial doom.

The song's composer, Gorka Cruz, works in the banking system but is also a frequent participant in anti-establishment rallies in Geneva, the Swiss city where he lives and works.

The 33-year-old banker spent four years working in the back office of Barclays and has just finished working for a hedge fund.

“My approach may seem contradictory, but working for a bank does not prevent me from having a critical eye on things,” he told newspaper La Tribune de Genève. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Swiss group 77 Bombay Street and Up in the Sky...
  2. Great speech by young protestor at "Occupy Wall Street..."
  3. Nigel Farage: United States of Europe insane politics...
  4. "That idiot in Brussels" storms out of live TV debate...

Resentment builds in Libya's devastated Sirte...

Residents of Muammar Gaddafi's home town of Sirte are struggling to come to terms with the destruction and humiliation of their city, a former fishing village which once had aspirations to be the "capital of Africa".

After rebels captured swathes of Libya, Gaddafi sought sanctuary in the city he had groomed as an international hub with its own grand conference centre. During an eight-week siege, much of Sirte was reduced to rubble in fighting between Gaddafi loyalists and fighters of the new interim government.

"We never expected such destruction," said a resident who gave his name as Abu Abdul-Rahman, pointing to his bullet-riddled television and broken furniture. "Is this what they call a revolution? We chose to flee instead of fighting and still they destroyed our homes."

 He added: "They treated us like animals who didn't deserve to be protected." Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Sirte destroyed by NTC-NATO offensive in Libya, habitants homeless...
  2. The execution of Gaddafi in pictures and videos...
  3. Sirte residents turn anger on Libya's new rulers... 
  4. Eerie media silence on the slaughter in Sirte, Libya... 
  5. The aftermath of NATO bombing a school in Sirte, Libya (Extremely graphic... 
  6. NATO bombs continue to kill children and civilians in Sirte, Libya... 
  7. NATO bombing of Sirte (Libya): the new Guernica... 
  8. 'Video shows Muammar Gaddafi being sodomized'

French fundamentalist Christians besiege Jesus excrement play...

Paris police have arrested around 20 Christian fundamentalists who burst into a theatre and threw stink bombs to protest against a play featuring the face of Christ drizzled with fake excrement.

Police made the arrests at the Theatre de la Ville, on the banks of the Seine near Notre Dame cathedral, during a performance of "On the Concept of the Face, Regarding the Son of God", directed by Italian Romeo Castellucci.

The play, which runs until October 30, is the story of an incontinent man being looked after by his son.

A copy of a huge portrait of Christ by Renaissance artist Antonello da Messina hangs at the back of the stage and appears to be covered in excrement towards the end of the performance. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. French Catholic fundamentalists attack " Piss Christ" art work...
  2. Chile: outrage at busty Virgin Mary models!!!
  3. 'Nude Koran picture' outrages Moroccans...
  4. Philippine 'phallic' art exhibit forced to close...
  5. "Desecrated" church in India closed after unmarried couple had sex in porch!!!

Porn is ruining the lives of an entire generation...

Young men in their 20s apparently have no groove in bed — and it's all because they're addicted to pornography, according to a report in Psychology Today.

But the problem is much more serious than simply either being good or bad in the sack, it's a physiological issue causing a new generation of men to lose their libidos 30 years sooner than expected.

How did this happen?

According to the report, overexposure to sexually explicit images and video have caused men to lose interest in ordinary sexual encounters — including experiences with a real woman: Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Porn is as addictive as cocaine and gambling?
  2. Why this pop-porn will damage a generation of children...
  3. Why more and more women are using internet porn...
  4. Too much internet porn can cause impotence???
  5. The men who believe porn is wrong...
  6. Do women become addicted to sex? 

When Hilary Clinton "deeply valued" the Gadaffis...

"Britain's best-loved psychic" challenged to prove her powers...

A TV psychic who claims to speak with the dead is being challenged to prove her powers.

Sally Morgan, the clairvoyant who styles herself "Britain's best-loved psychic", has been invited by sceptics to take part in a specially-designed test to demonstrate her abilities, the Guardian reported.

The Halloween challenge, set to take part in Liverpool next Monday could qualify as the first step towards claiming a million-dollar prize offered by an educational foundation for any psychic who can prove their "gift" is real.

 Morgan has written three books and is filming her latest series for Sky Living. Her website offers psychic readings over premium rate phone lines, the newspaper said. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Romania may fine or jail witches if their predictions do not come true!!!
  2. Psychic claims she can contact dead pets!!!
  3. The Great Tantra Crap...
  4. Humans do have psychic powers...
  5. 'I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met'
  6. Robert Monroe talks about his out of body experience...

China fights to silence the social network...

China's Communist Party has set out to curtail social networking following years of unfettered growth after its top committee issued an edict launching a new drive to control open messaging.

Websites such as Sina Weibo, a Chinese version of Twitter, have been allowed to grow explosively, with some 400 million Chinese now posting opinions and sharing information.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party, a 300-strong body of party, state and army leaders, has signalled its alarm that there is no equivalent to the Great Firewall that marshals the internet. It promised yesterday to "strengthen the guidance and administration of social internet services and instant communications tools" to ensure "orderly dissemination of information".

 Anyone spreading "false rumours" was threatened with stern punishment. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Even China's prime minister gets censored by the Communist party!!!
  2. Social networks booming in Asia...
  3. Technology keeping Internet freedom ahead of censorship...
  4. How Asian govts try to strangle the Internet...
  5. India forces magazine to blank out map of Kashmir...
  6. Internet freedom: Estonia the best, Iran the most repressive...
  7. US law enforcement tried to get videos removed from YouTube...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

'Real life Slumdog Millionaire' is first to win $1m on Indian gameshow...

A poor government clerk from a remote and poverty-stricken region of northern India was partying with film stars on Thursday night after becoming the first person to win 50 million rupees, worth over $1m or £634,000, on an Indian gameshow.

In an astonishing real life version of the plot of the 2008 Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire, whose impoverished hero from a tough neighbourhood of the Indian commercial capital Mumbai wins the biggest prize on a TV quiz show, 27-year-old Sushil Kumar answered a final question correctly to take the jackpot of the massively popular local edition of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

"We can't believe it. The whole village have come to our house. We are worried that my dad will die of happiness," Sunil Kumar Patel, the winner's brother, told the Guardian. "We can't speak to Sushil. His mobile is off because he is out with the stars and on and off planes."

Kumar, who has a master's degree in psychology from a local college, wept when the Indian movie legend Amitabh Bachchan, the show's host, handed him a cheque for 50 million rupees after the contestant gave all the right answers in the show's final round. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. The Slumdog Price is Right!!! Hilarious...
  2. Slumdog kids return home to heroes' welcome...
  3. Who wants to be millionaire horny version!!!
  4. Slumdog Millionaires? A look at India's underworld...
  5. Is your husband "urban" or "rural?" Ah, blondes...

World's most expensive house in Mumbai remains empty ... because of supersition!!!

The world's most expensive home is lying unused and abandoned because its billionaire owners believe moving in will bring them bad luck.

The 27-storey, billion-dollar tower in Mumbai, called Antilia, is said to have fallen foul of vastu shastra - an obscure Hindu version of feng shui.

Built for India's richest man, Mukesh Ambani - ranked by Forbes as the ninth wealthiest person in the world with a fortune of $27billion - Antilia has dominated the Mumbai skyline since being completed last year.

But speculation has grown as to why Mr Ambani, his wife Nita and their two children have not moved into their extravagant new home.

Certainly the property - which has three helipads, six floors of parking and a series of floating gardens - is comfortable enough. More + photos...

Don't miss:
  1. India's richest man moves into palace bigger than Versailles...
  2. BBC film on Mumbai slums is "poverty porn", says angry India...
  3. Superstition still widespread in high-tech Asia...
  4. Blondes march in Latvia to create positive energy!!!
  5. Manchester City turn to "feng shui" to get better results!!!
  6. Want to be a millionaire? Sydney man's feng shui good fortune...

In praise of lynching: US media cheers Gaddafi killing...

US law enforcement tried to get police brutality videos removed from YouTube...

Google faced down demands from a US law enforcement agency to take down YouTube videos allegedly showing police brutality earlier this year, figures released for the first time show.

The technology giant's biannual transparency report shows that Google refused the demands from the unnamed authority in the first half of this year.

According to the report, Google separately declined orders by other police authorities to remove videos that allegedly defamed law enforcement officials.

The demands formed part of a 70% rise in takedown requests from the US government or police, and were revealed as part of an effort to highlight online censorship around the world. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Technology keeping Internet freedom ahead of censorship...
  2. How Asian govts try to strangle the Internet...
  3. India forces magazine to blank out map of Kashmir...
  4. Internet freedom: Estonia the best, Iran the most repressive...
  5. Rockefeller: Internet is “Number One National Hazard” (For whom?)

Another school suspends student for criticizing teacher on Facebook...


Here's what happened, according to their complaint:

"At approximately 10:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 7, 2011, Brusly High
School senior Minor Doe criticized one of his teachers on Facebook.

"Minor Doe posted the comment to his own Facebook page, from his own computer, in his own bedroom, at his parents' home.

"He formatted the comment so that it was visible only to 10 students with whom he had been working earlier that evening, all of whom had Facebook pages of their own.

"Unbeknownst to Minor Doe, one of those students took a cell phone picture of the posting and sent it via text message to the teacher at issue.

"Having intended the Facebook post as a joke, Minor Doe deleted it the following morning before school.

"Upon receiving the text message, the teacher reported Minor Doe's Facebook post to Principal Lemoine. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Florida teacher suspended for gay bashing on Facebook...
  2. Singapore teacher criticizes students' essays on Facebook!!!
  3. Student suspended for Facebook page can sue principal...
  4. 16 students in India suspended for Facebook attack on teacher...
  5. Student sues school for damages in sexting case...

Catholics give church poor grades on response to sex scandal...

Nearly a decade since American bishops adopted a zero tolerance policy in the wake of a clergy abuse scandal that rocked the Catholic Church, the view from the pew is they are not doing a good job of handling accusations of abuse, the National Catholic Reporter says in its report on a new survey.

Sixty-nine percent of Catholics think Catholic bishops have done a fair or poor job following up on accusations of abuse by priests, with older people assessing their efforts more harshly than younger members of the church.

Older Catholics also are more likely to say that the scandal has hurt the political credibility of church leaders who speak out on social or political issues, but overall more than 80 percent of respondents to the survey say it has muted the voice of the church. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. The Church's scandalous child absue cover-up...
  2. Abuse victims accuse Catholic church of using talks as smokescreen... 
  3. Child abuse victims sue Pope for 'crimes against humanity'... 
  4. Catholic clergy 'abused children for decades in County Donegal' 
  5. High tension between Vatican and Ireland over child abuse cover-up... 
  6. Belgian child abuse victims sue Vatican... 
  7. Vatican ordered Irish bishops to hide child abuse...
  8. Pope covered up paedophile priest who abused 200 deaf boys...
  9. Pedophiles and popes: doing the Vatican shuffle...

Russian paedophile caught in the act ...

House wrecked by San Jose cops looking for suspect...

The San Jose Police Department stormed into a Stockton home searching for an accused killer, but they left without him, and left behind a complete mess.

“I feel like a war was taken on here, and we lost,” homeowner Joann Rice told CBS13.

Almost all of the windows are smashed in, there are holes in the wall, and there’s a layer of tear gas in the air so thick breathing it in makes you cough.

That is the home Rice came back to after the San Jose police held a fruitless 12-hour search on Saturday for Steve Ruiz, the man accused of killing a Hells Angels member at a funeral. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Police beat and taser 'gentle' mentally-ill homeless man to death... 
  2. Cops shoot and kill dog in front of a child. WTF!
  3. Police in the US brutalize and abuse the American citizen with impunity...
  4. Cops manhandle and arrest Wall Street protestors... 
  5. Man dies in Britain after being pepper-sprayed and arrested by 11 cops. 
  6. The perfect storm: the riots in England...
  7. Innocent family's ordeal as 50 masked and armed cops storm home... 
  8. Brave US cops arrest children selling lemonade... 

Match-making parties in Japan ... for monks!!!

A number of matchmaking events involving Buddhist monks, who are permitted to marry and have families in Japan, have taken place in the capital.

The daughters of temple owners without clear male successors have also been drawn to these events in order to meet potential monk husbands.

Ageing populations and shrinking birthrates combined with the often solitary life of a monk have resulted in growing concerns surrounding the hereditary succession of temples.

 As a result, one such matchmaking event was recently organised by a consultation office at the headquarters of the Buddhist order Nichiren Shu. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Looking for a job with no pay but plenty of heavenly benefits?
  2. Buddhist monks and social networking!!!
  3. 88-year-old monk charged with sexual assault!!!
  4. Singles in Japan on a marriage-hunting quest...
  5. A guide for Japanese women on how to nab a foreign lover!!!

Farmers in India plan to disrupt first F1 Grand Prix...

Farmers in India say they are planning to disrupt the country's first Formula 1 race in a row over how the land was acquired for the circuit.

In order to build the track, the smallholdings of more than 300 farmers were forcibly bought up by the state government.

The farmers are now saying they will protest at the race - which is being staged at the end of this month - as they claim they were ripped off and not given enough money for their property.

The farmers also say the land should have been used to create job opportunities instead, rather than an F1 track which, they say, is a sport only for the rich.

Tickets for the event are expected to cost more than £100. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Police shoot and kill four farmers in Assam, India...
  2. Land grabs in Southern China trigger 3 days of riots...
  3. Helpless in Chitapur: the poor vs bulldozers in India...
  4. Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix not everyone's cup of tea...
  5. The spectacular Isle of Man TT races...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Residents flee as floods spread in Thailand's capital...

Floodwater swamped a new area of Thailand's capital on Wednesday as some shops started rationing food and the prime minister warned that parts of Bangkok could be flooded for up to a month.

Residents of Bang Phlad, a riverside district some way from Bangkok's three swamped northern districts, were told to urgently evacuate as floods hit the capital on a second front, deepening anxiety in the city of at least 12 million people, many of whom were expected to flee ahead of a special five-day holiday.

"After assessing the situation, we expect floodwater to remain in Bangkok for around two weeks to one month before going into the sea," Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra told reporters.

"However ... we shouldn't face water as high as two or three meters staying for two or three months as we've seen in other provinces." Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Thailand declares holidays to cope with flood crisis...
  2. One year later, anger still rife in flood-ravaged Pakistan...
  3. The Pakistan floods in heart-wrenching pictures...
  4. Cars being washed away in the Brisbane floods...
  5. The terrifying power of the Japanese tsunami...

Yemeni women burn their veils in protest against govt crackdown...

Hundreds of Yemeni women on Wednesday set fire to traditional female veils to protest the government's brutal crackdown against the country's popular uprising, as overnight clashes in the capital and another city killed 25 people, officials said.

In the capital Sanaa, the women spread a black cloth across a main street and threw their full-body veils, known as makrama, onto a pile, sprayed it with oil and set it ablaze. As the flames rose, they chanted: "Who protects Yemeni women from the crimes of the thugs?"

The women in Yemen have taken a key role in the uprising against President Ali Abdullah Saleh's authoritarian rule that erupted in March, inspired by other Arab revolutions. Their role came into the limelight earlier in October, when Yemeni woman activist Tawakkul Karman was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, along with two Liberian women, for their struggle for women's rights.

Wednesday's protest, however, was not related to women's rights or issues surrounding the Islamic veils -- rather, the act of women burning their clothing is a symbolic Bedouin tribal gesture signifying an appeal for help to tribesmen, in this case to stop the attacks on the protesters. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Social networks: Arabs warn Assad, Saleh, they're next...
  2. 'At least 40' killed in Yemen street battles...
  3. Slaughter and carnage in Sanaa, Yemen... 
  4. Street battles in Yemeni capital leave 41 dead...
  5. Yemeni army kills 20 protesters in Taiz...
  6. Syria: another child tortured and killed by Assad regime...
  7. 14-year-old boy in Bahrain shot and killed by police...

Sex, lies and Malaysian politics...

Malaysia fancies itself a conservative society, with plenty of restrictions on racy movies and activities that might lead its majority Muslim population astray. But get inside a courtroom and anything goes, with details that would make a New Yorker blush, published in the mainstream media.

In the latest trial of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, whose sex life has been an object of prosecutorial attention off and on since 1998, the court — and the press — has been filled with graphic descriptions of the anatomy of Mohamad Saiful Bukhairy Aslan, the 26-year-old former aide who has accused Anwar of sodomy. Outside of court, the titillations are also commonplace — especially when an opposition politician or his family is involved.

Take the 16-year-old son of Lim Guan Eng, the chief minister of the opposition-held Penang state. The youth was the subject of bloggers accusing him of fondling a girl and getting kicked out of his school, with his father supposedly having to pay bribes to hush up the matter. Unfortunately, it transpired that the girl whose photo was distributed as the victim was a 21-year-old Hong Kong chess champion who is now attending Wellesley University in the United States, has not been in Malaysia for seven years and has never met Lim’s son. She demanded an apology for herself and the youth.


All of this is despite the fact that the so-called khalwat cops – conservative Muslim patrolmen – patrol assiduously to ensure there is no “excessive closeness” between people of opposite sexes, busting the odd luckless teenage couple caught smooching. But in the houses of power the powerful have been going at it like goats nonstop for years, and not just with the four wives they are allowed under Islamic law. In 2002, the Reformasi website named top public figures and officials who were having relatively public affairs, including Najib Tun Razak, then the defense minister and now the prime minister, who was caught in a Port Dickson hotel room with the actress and singer Ziana Zain. None have been apprehended by the khalwat police. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Sex, lies and videotape in Malaysia...
  2. WikiLeaks and Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu's murder in Malaysia...
  3. Malaysia: Anwar Ibrahim, "sodomized" again...
  4. Sordid sex-murder affair in Malaysia: who killed Altantuya Shaariibuu?
  5. Dirty politics in Malaysia forces nude photo opposition member to quit...
  6. Malaysian prime minister's wife Rosmah in scandals galore...
  7. Thailand's Crown Prince promotes dog to air chief marshal and displays topless wife...
  8. And the most tolerant nation for sex scandals is...