Sunday, September 25, 2011

The night the lights went out in Georgia...

I used to think that the US was a deeply religious country; so much so that its theocratic fundamentalism distorted every aspect of its crazed political agenda. Well, that last part is still true. But no one could engage in the kind of rampage of sadistic, destructive behavior in which our nation is engaged without the belief that there is no accounting, no consequence--in short, that there is no hell.

When the state of Georgia murdered Troy Davis on Wednesday, it brought condemnation from around the world. This act of state-sanctioned murder also brought into focus the death grip of moral certainty which now has a stranglehold on the US, even in the face of a world which increasingly sees it as morally bankrupt. But a society as thoroughly racist as the US is just as thoroughly determined, perhaps paradoxically--and perhaps not--to deny, ignore and deflect criticism that would raise any doubt, lest the festering sore of its legacy be provoked and proceed to sepsis.

Like a cornered liar or a thief with a guilty conscience, the righteous executioners must continue to see themsevles as upholding justice, democracy, human rights--whatever the good guys do--even when, no especially when, their crazed and horrific actions bring disastrous consequences for those around them. It is no surprise, then, that Barack Obama thought it inappropriate to intervene in the Davis case while simultaneously trying vigorously to blunt the effort for Palestinian self-determination. Nor could he or any in the elitosphere be expected to see the irony of his disinterest in Georgia's killing a black man while he crowed to the UN about "liberating" Libya, his much vaunted and bombastic rhetoric empty except for the contempt it showed for the Libyan people, the black segment of which is now at the mercy of the rapist racists of the TNC while Obama and his Euromercenary allies gladhand each other and twist the arm of any who dare disagree. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Troy Davis: a legal lynching...
  2. The persecution of "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh...
  3. " I was arrested for a law that doesn't exist."
  4. Police crack down as Wall Street protests spread...
  5. A decade after 9/11, police departments are increasingly militarized...
  6. Bankers and CEOs raping and pillaging the nation...
  7. Nobel Committee asked to strip Obama of Peace Prize...
  8. Race hatred against Africans clouds Libya's democratic ambitions... 

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