Thursday, February 04, 2010

Parents of young rapists in Italy fined for failure to give their sons an "education in feelings and emotions".

The parents of Italian children who commit violent crimes face the threat of crushing financial penalties following a landmark ruling by a judge in Milan.

The mothers and fathers of five teenage boys who repeatedly raped a young girl have been ordered to pay her compensation totalling €450,000 because of their failure to give their sons an "education in feelings and emotions". Judge Bianca La Monica awarded the damages against all the boys' natural parents, including those who had separated from their partners and no longer had custody of their sons.

Many details of the case have not been disclosed because of laws regarding the identity of rape victims and minors. But, according to the daily Corriere della Sera, the girl was forced to have sex on a number of occasions between 2001 and 2003. More...

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