Thursday, September 24, 2009

'Grope-N-Go' Espresso breast-baring Baristas???

Five baristas at a local bikini coffee stand are accused of engaging in prostitution while on the clock.

Police spokesman Robert Goetz said the five employees of Grab-N-Go Espresso were charged with prostitution and violating the city's adult entertainment ordinance following a two-month undercover investigation.

Goetz said no sex was involved, the the women, ages 18 to 24, are accused of groping and other sexual acts, including exposing their breasts and privates and licking whipped cream off of each other in exchange for money. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Sexpresso stands bring in the customers!!!
  2. "I take money for the company: the sex is free..."
  3. In London, you can eat sushi off naked models!!!

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