Monday, March 31, 2008
Clinton's lie infuriates Bosnians...
The Bosnian girl who famously read a poem to Hillary Rodham Clinton during her 1996 visit to the war-torn country is shocked - and her countrymen infuriated - that the former first lady claimed to have dodged sniper fire that day.
Emina Bicakcic, now 20 and studying to become a doctor, told The Post she stood on the tarmac at the air base in Tuzla, greeted Clinton and even had time to share the lines of verse she'd written - all without fear of attack from an unseen enemy.
"I was surprised when I heard this," Bicakcic said, referring to Clinton's assertion that she braved snipers upon landing, ducking and sprinting to military vehicles. More...
Emina Bicakcic, now 20 and studying to become a doctor, told The Post she stood on the tarmac at the air base in Tuzla, greeted Clinton and even had time to share the lines of verse she'd written - all without fear of attack from an unseen enemy.
"I was surprised when I heard this," Bicakcic said, referring to Clinton's assertion that she braved snipers upon landing, ducking and sprinting to military vehicles. More...
Internet : ces inégalités qui dérangent

3%. C’est l’infime part de la population africaine bénéficiant d’une connexion internet, un chiffre vingt-trois fois inférieur à celui de la population nord-américaine. Ce fossé numérique rarement dénoncé par la presse internationale n’est que le reflet d’un développement inégal entre les continents, qui se traduit désormais par cet autre phénomène, celui des inégalités grandissantes quant au nombre de connexions internet par continent.
Notre planète bleue qui depuis 2006 compte plus d’un milliard d’internautes est aussi inquiétée par la censure de certains sites observée dans une quinzaine de pays, tous répertoriés dans une liste noire dressée il y a trois ans par Reporters Sans Frontières.
Ainsi, les gouvernements d’Arabie Saoudite, de Biélorussie, de Birmanie, de Chine, de Corée du Nord, de Cuba, d’Iran, de Lybie, des Maldives, du Népal, d’Ouzbékistan, de Syrie, de Tunisie, du Viêtnam et du Turkménistan n’hésitent pas à bloquer l’accès à certains sites critiques envers la politique gouvernementale (30 000 sites censurés sur le continent asiatique). Suite...
Voir aussi ici et ici...
Max Mosley and the Nazi orgy...
I don't really care what people do behind closed doors, so long as it harms no one else. But what I don't get is how some people just don't seem able to figure out that everything you do these days is probably being filmed or recorded or taped by someone else. Web-cams and cell-phones and surveillance cameras and TV cameras are ubiquitous. And yet, you get someone like Hillary Clinton
lying about her welcome in Bosnia and Max Moxley getting caught doing his thing. Why is this? Do they, in their arrogance, think that Big Brother is watching us but not them?
Je m’en fous qu’est-ce que les gens font derrière les portes closes, pour autant qu’ils ne fassent mal à personne. Mais je ne comprends pas comment certaines personnes ne pigent pas que, de nos jours, tous qu’on fait est probablement filmé ou enregistré par quelqu’un. Les webcams, les téléphones portables et les cameras de surveillance sont partout. Et pourtant, voilà Hillary Clinton qui raconte des mensonges sur son accueil en Bosnie et maintenant Max Mosley, grand patron de la Formule 1, qui a été filmé en train de faire son « truc » à la con. Et pourquoi ? Pensent-ils que Big Brother nous surveille nous, mais pas eux ?
lying about her welcome in Bosnia and Max Moxley getting caught doing his thing. Why is this? Do they, in their arrogance, think that Big Brother is watching us but not them?
Je m’en fous qu’est-ce que les gens font derrière les portes closes, pour autant qu’ils ne fassent mal à personne. Mais je ne comprends pas comment certaines personnes ne pigent pas que, de nos jours, tous qu’on fait est probablement filmé ou enregistré par quelqu’un. Les webcams, les téléphones portables et les cameras de surveillance sont partout. Et pourtant, voilà Hillary Clinton qui raconte des mensonges sur son accueil en Bosnie et maintenant Max Mosley, grand patron de la Formule 1, qui a été filmé en train de faire son « truc » à la con. Et pourquoi ? Pensent-ils que Big Brother nous surveille nous, mais pas eux ?
She is five, she is blind, and she plays Mozart...
Elle a 5ans, elle est aveugle, mais elle joue du Mozart!!
La Suisse et le"kit euthanasie"
La Suisse, pays des banques, des montres, des montagnes, du chocolat et du suicide… à l'hélium. Depuis un bon mois, Diginitas propose à ses "clients" cette nouvelle voie vers l'au-delà. Officiellement, l'euthanasie est ici interdite. Mais officieusement, la Suisse, comme les Pays-Bas, la Belgique et l'Etat de l'Oregon, aux Etats-Unis, tolère le suicide assisté et médicalisé à condition qu'il s'agisse d'un acte "altruiste et sans mobile égoïste".
Chantal Sébire qui réclamait à corps et à cri que l'Etat la laisse mourir, n'aurait donc eu aucune peine à passer de vie à trépas dans la Confédération. Ainsi va le tourisme de la mort. Un tourisme dont se passeraient bien les Suisses à vrai dire… Suite...
Voir aussi ici et ici...
Chantal Sébire qui réclamait à corps et à cri que l'Etat la laisse mourir, n'aurait donc eu aucune peine à passer de vie à trépas dans la Confédération. Ainsi va le tourisme de la mort. Un tourisme dont se passeraient bien les Suisses à vrai dire… Suite...
Voir aussi ici et ici...
Saudi father kills Facebook daughter...
A woman was beaten up and shot dead by her father for talking online with a man she met on the website Facebook.
The case was reported on a Saudi Arabian news site as an example of the "strife" the social networking site is causing in the Islamic nation.
It said the man shot his daugther after discovering she had been chatting online to a young man she had met on Facebook. More...
See also this and this...
The case was reported on a Saudi Arabian news site as an example of the "strife" the social networking site is causing in the Islamic nation.
It said the man shot his daugther after discovering she had been chatting online to a young man she had met on Facebook. More...
See also this and this...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ban breast-feeding???!!! WTF!
This guy is a real jerk and the TV channel is a joke to air this kind of nonsense.
Le franc-tireur et l'homme qui voulait se suicider...
The sniper and the man who wanted to shoot himself...
Le monde des doubles...

On dirait que les êtres sont en train de se doubler partout! Après le bébé à deux visages, le veau avec deux têtes, voici un serpent aussi avec deux têtes. Et prochainement...
It looks like living creatures everywhereare doubling up! After the baby with two faces, and the
calf with two heads, here's a snake with two heads as well. I wonder what will be next...
The Titans no longer lurk in the shadows...
A funny thing happened to the world economy this year: it tilted. Pretty much ever since the 60s, America had been the undisputed centre of business. It had the biggest economy; the No 1 economic model (or so the zealots kept telling everyone); the blue-chip banks; the world-beating businesses. Le défiaméricain was how France referred to Ford, IBM and the rest, meaning the American challenge.
Then came last summer and the biggest banking crisis America has had in decades. The economy? Almost certainly in recession. The model? Obviously, no longer so exemplary. The banks? Some of the biggest are being propped up by money from governments in the Middle East and China.
Amid all this, Asia is booming. China is the world's fastest growing economy, and India's national income is rising like never before. This shift of economic power from west to east, and other developing countries, has been going on quietly for a long time - but the credit crunch has both accelerated and exposed it for all to see.
Then there are the business deals, those rough and ready reckoners of where economic power lies. Tata announced this week that it would take over Jaguar and Land Rover. Both firms are in the DNA of British manufacturing and the seller is Ford, one of those American corporate imperialists so deplored by the French. Whatever this deal's strategic purpose, its symbolic significance is undeniable. Full story...
See also this and this and this...
Then came last summer and the biggest banking crisis America has had in decades. The economy? Almost certainly in recession. The model? Obviously, no longer so exemplary. The banks? Some of the biggest are being propped up by money from governments in the Middle East and China.
Amid all this, Asia is booming. China is the world's fastest growing economy, and India's national income is rising like never before. This shift of economic power from west to east, and other developing countries, has been going on quietly for a long time - but the credit crunch has both accelerated and exposed it for all to see.
Then there are the business deals, those rough and ready reckoners of where economic power lies. Tata announced this week that it would take over Jaguar and Land Rover. Both firms are in the DNA of British manufacturing and the seller is Ford, one of those American corporate imperialists so deplored by the French. Whatever this deal's strategic purpose, its symbolic significance is undeniable. Full story...
See also this and this and this...
The Question Box, rural India's Oracle...

Given all the clever people who worked in information technology, and all the enthusiasm they had for its potential to empower ordinary citizens, why didn't more of them come up with ways of taking computers to the people that didn't require millions of dollars, miles of cable and man-hours to realise?
It wasn't an idle inquiry. That same month, in the Indian village of Ethida, several hours' drive from New Delhi, the second Question Box came into being.
Like the first, which had opened in September in Phoolpur, another village in the region, it is, essentially, a large tin with a phone inside, and it does exactly what it says. On pressing a button, you are connected to an operator. You ask her a question, she searches on the internet and then tells you the answer. More...
See also: All about Question Box...
Can texting harm your IQ?
Txts n emails mk ppl stupid coz they R worse than smking pot & lead 2 a st8 of 'infomania'.
THE regular use of text messages and e-mails can lower the IQ more than twice as much as smoking marijuana.
That is the claim of psychologists who have found that tapping away on a mobile phone or computer keypad or checking them for electronic messages temporarily knocks up to 10 points off the user’s IQ.
This rate of decline in intelligence compares unfavourably with the four-point drop in IQ associated with smoking marijuana, according to British researchers, who have labelled the fleeting phenomenon of enhanced stupidity as “infomania”. More...
See also...
THE regular use of text messages and e-mails can lower the IQ more than twice as much as smoking marijuana.
That is the claim of psychologists who have found that tapping away on a mobile phone or computer keypad or checking them for electronic messages temporarily knocks up to 10 points off the user’s IQ.
This rate of decline in intelligence compares unfavourably with the four-point drop in IQ associated with smoking marijuana, according to British researchers, who have labelled the fleeting phenomenon of enhanced stupidity as “infomania”. More...
See also...
Une Haute autorité de l'Internet contre les pirates
Dans les jours qui viennent le projet de loi «Olivennes» destiné à lutter contre le piratage sur Internet doit passer devant le Conseil d'Etat, prélude à un examen en conseil des ministres puis à un vote par le Parlement prévu début avril. De quoi s'agit-il ? De Créer une Haute Autorité de sept membres nommés pour six ans, qui pourra intervenir auprès des fournisseurs d'accès à Internet pour surveiller et punir les internautes coupables de télécharger.
Il y a déjà une loi anti-terroriste, la LOPSI, qui permet à la police de placer des logiciels espions sur les ordinateurs des particuliers, mais ce, évidemment, avec l'autorisation d'un juge. Un peu comme les écoutes téléphoniques, dans un Etat de droit, ne peuvent être autorisées que par un juge.
Avec la loi Olivennes, on ira plus loin... Suite...
Voir aussi ici et ici...
Il y a déjà une loi anti-terroriste, la LOPSI, qui permet à la police de placer des logiciels espions sur les ordinateurs des particuliers, mais ce, évidemment, avec l'autorisation d'un juge. Un peu comme les écoutes téléphoniques, dans un Etat de droit, ne peuvent être autorisées que par un juge.
Avec la loi Olivennes, on ira plus loin... Suite...
Voir aussi ici et ici...
Global warming and the skeptics...
In Sunday's appearance on CBS' "60 Minutes," Gore tells reporter Lesley Stahl that the skeptics of man-made global warming are "almost like the ones who still believe that the moon landing was staged in a movie lot in Arizona and those who believe the world is flat."
"That demeans them a little bit," he says, "but it's not that far off."
In addition to being gratingly sanctimonious, Gore is wrong. A study conducted by Texas A&M professors found that the more Americans know about global warming, the more likely they are to dismiss it. More...
See also this and this...
"That demeans them a little bit," he says, "but it's not that far off."
In addition to being gratingly sanctimonious, Gore is wrong. A study conducted by Texas A&M professors found that the more Americans know about global warming, the more likely they are to dismiss it. More...
See also this and this...
Fatwa issued to kill two Saudi writers
One of Saudi Arabia's leading clerics has said in a fatwa issued last week that two Saudi journalists should be tried for apostasy and put to death if they do not repent, Reuters as well as several Arab media have reported.
The fatwa by Wahhabi cleric Sheihk Abdurrahman al-Baraak came in response to articles written by journalists Abdullah bin Bijad Al-Otaibi and Yusuf Abu al-Khayl in Al-Riyadh newspaper, in which they questioned the point of view that Christians and Jews should be considered unbelievers.
Bin Nijad's article was entitled, "The Islam of the Sharia and the Islam of Struggle," Abu al-Khayl's article was called, "The Other in the Islamic Balance." More...
See also this and this and this...
The fatwa by Wahhabi cleric Sheihk Abdurrahman al-Baraak came in response to articles written by journalists Abdullah bin Bijad Al-Otaibi and Yusuf Abu al-Khayl in Al-Riyadh newspaper, in which they questioned the point of view that Christians and Jews should be considered unbelievers.
Bin Nijad's article was entitled, "The Islam of the Sharia and the Islam of Struggle," Abu al-Khayl's article was called, "The Other in the Islamic Balance." More...
See also this and this and this...
Mourtada: "Je ne regrette rien"
Vous venez d’être gracié par le roi, après avoir passé 43 jours à la prison de Oukacha. Vous êtes soulagé ?
Oui, c’est sûr ! Cet épisode a été difficile à vivre. Je vais beaucoup mieux, mais je reste éprouvé. Je voudrais d'abord remercier le roi pour
avoir remis les choses à leur place. Je remercie aussi toutes les personnes qui m’ont soutenu, en premier lieu ma famille, les associations de défense des droits de l’homme, les internautes et la presse. Je tiens aussi à remercier mon avocat Ali Amar, et, plus généralement, tous ceux qui ont compris, dès le début, que je n’avais rien fait de mal. Suite...
Voir aussi ici et ici...
Oui, c’est sûr ! Cet épisode a été difficile à vivre. Je vais beaucoup mieux, mais je reste éprouvé. Je voudrais d'abord remercier le roi pour
avoir remis les choses à leur place. Je remercie aussi toutes les personnes qui m’ont soutenu, en premier lieu ma famille, les associations de défense des droits de l’homme, les internautes et la presse. Je tiens aussi à remercier mon avocat Ali Amar, et, plus généralement, tous ceux qui ont compris, dès le début, que je n’avais rien fait de mal. Suite...
Voir aussi ici et ici...
Les suisses et le boycott des JO...

Les Suisses sont favorables à ce que les officiels ne participent pas à la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux olympiques, en signe de protestation face à la répression chinoise au Tibet. Ils estiment par contre que notre pays et nos athlètes n'ont aucune raison de ne pas participer aux joutes sportives. Suite...
Voir aussi...
China, the Olympics, weather-control and megalomania...
To prevent rain over the roofless 91,000-seat Olympic stadium that Beijing natives have nicknamed the Bird's Nest, the city's branch of the national Weather Modification Office--itself a department of the larger China Meteorological Administration--has prepared a three-stage program for the 2008 Olympics this August.
First, Beijing's Weather Modification Office will track the region's weather via satellites, planes, radar, and an IBM p575 supercomputer, purchased from Big Blue last year, that executes 9.8 trillion floating point operations per second. It models an area of 44,000 square kilometers (17,000 square miles) accurately enough to generate hourly forecasts for each kilometer. More...
See also this and this...
First, Beijing's Weather Modification Office will track the region's weather via satellites, planes, radar, and an IBM p575 supercomputer, purchased from Big Blue last year, that executes 9.8 trillion floating point operations per second. It models an area of 44,000 square kilometers (17,000 square miles) accurately enough to generate hourly forecasts for each kilometer. More...
See also this and this...
An elephant painting ... an elephant! Amazing!
Un éléphant qui dessine un … éléphant ! Époustouflant!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
La première cause de mortalité dans le monde c'est...
Tous le monde sait tout sur Britney Spears, Laure Manadou, Sarkozy, Carla Bruni, etc. Mais quand il s'agit de savoir...
Voir aussi...
Voir aussi...
Let the mystery be...
Everybody's wonderin' what and where they all came from.
Everybody's worryin' 'bout where they're gonna go when the whole thing's done.
But no one knows for certain and so it's all the same to me.
I think I'll just let the mystery be.
Some say once you're gone you're gone forever, and some say you're gonna come back.
Some say you rest in the arms of the Saviour if in sinful ways you lack.
Some say that they're comin' back in a garden, bunch of carrots and little sweet peas.
I think I'll just let the mystery be.
Some say they're goin' to a place called Glory and I ain't saying it ain't a fact.
But I've heard that I'm on the road to purgatory and I don't like the sound of that.
Well, I believe in love and I live my life accordingly.
But I choose to let the mystery be.
See also...
Everybody's worryin' 'bout where they're gonna go when the whole thing's done.
But no one knows for certain and so it's all the same to me.
I think I'll just let the mystery be.
Some say once you're gone you're gone forever, and some say you're gonna come back.
Some say you rest in the arms of the Saviour if in sinful ways you lack.
Some say that they're comin' back in a garden, bunch of carrots and little sweet peas.
I think I'll just let the mystery be.
Some say they're goin' to a place called Glory and I ain't saying it ain't a fact.
But I've heard that I'm on the road to purgatory and I don't like the sound of that.
Well, I believe in love and I live my life accordingly.
But I choose to let the mystery be.
See also...
Is the world heading towards a food(rice) shortage?
Rising prices and a growing fear of scarcity have prompted some of the world’s largest rice producers to announce drastic limits on the amount of rice they export.
The price of rice, a staple in the diets of nearly half the world’s population, has almost doubled on international markets in the last three months. That has pinched the budgets of millions of poor Asians and raised fears of civil unrest.
Shortages and high prices for all kinds of food have caused tensions and even violence around the world in recent months. Since January, thousands of troops have been deployed in Pakistan to guard trucks carrying wheat and flour. Protests have erupted in Indonesia over soybean shortages, and China has put price controls on cooking oil, grain, meat, milk and eggs. More...
The price of rice, a staple in the diets of nearly half the world’s population, has almost doubled on international markets in the last three months. That has pinched the budgets of millions of poor Asians and raised fears of civil unrest.
Shortages and high prices for all kinds of food have caused tensions and even violence around the world in recent months. Since January, thousands of troops have been deployed in Pakistan to guard trucks carrying wheat and flour. Protests have erupted in Indonesia over soybean shortages, and China has put price controls on cooking oil, grain, meat, milk and eggs. More...
U.S.Soldiers having "fun" ....
Les soldats américains s’amusent en Iraq…
Cette vidéo montre comment les soldats américains « s’amusent » en Iraq. C’est la débilité qui est déchainée. On nous a dit au début que l’invasion de l’Iraq était pour chercher les armes de destruction massive, et puis ensuite c’était pour éliminer le « tyran » Saddam et, finalement, c’était pour apporter la démocratie à ces « sauvages »d' iraquiens. Et la dernière raison en date ? Est-ce que c’est pour montrer au monde entier le niveau de comportement débile des soldats américains ? (Attention : vers la fin de la vidéo vous verrez cette séquence tristement célèbre ou un marine lance un chiot depuis une falaise.)
American soldiers having fun in Iraq...
This video shows how American soldiers have "fun" in Irak. It's craziness completely unleashed. They told us at first that the reason for the invasion of Iraq was to find Saddam's Wmd's, and then later it was to get rid of the "tyrant" Saddam himself and, finally, we were told that it was to
bring democracy to those "uncivilised" Iraqis. And the latest reason? Is it to show the entier world to what levels of craziness the American soldier has sunk to? (Warning: towards the end of this video, you can see the infamous scene where a marine throws a puppy off a cliff.)
Cette vidéo montre comment les soldats américains « s’amusent » en Iraq. C’est la débilité qui est déchainée. On nous a dit au début que l’invasion de l’Iraq était pour chercher les armes de destruction massive, et puis ensuite c’était pour éliminer le « tyran » Saddam et, finalement, c’était pour apporter la démocratie à ces « sauvages »d' iraquiens. Et la dernière raison en date ? Est-ce que c’est pour montrer au monde entier le niveau de comportement débile des soldats américains ? (Attention : vers la fin de la vidéo vous verrez cette séquence tristement célèbre ou un marine lance un chiot depuis une falaise.)
American soldiers having fun in Iraq...
This video shows how American soldiers have "fun" in Irak. It's craziness completely unleashed. They told us at first that the reason for the invasion of Iraq was to find Saddam's Wmd's, and then later it was to get rid of the "tyrant" Saddam himself and, finally, we were told that it was to
bring democracy to those "uncivilised" Iraqis. And the latest reason? Is it to show the entier world to what levels of craziness the American soldier has sunk to? (Warning: towards the end of this video, you can see the infamous scene where a marine throws a puppy off a cliff.)
Students on a "daft" field trip to Amsterdam!!
It is a tour which is guaranteed to show the seamier side of life in Amsterdam.
The itinerary includes a trip to a "cannabis college" and the red-light district where prostitutes sit in windows advertising their wares.
Hardly the usual sort of trip undertaken by children aged between 14 and 16 - funded by taxpayers' cash.
The three-day jaunt to the Dutch city, whose coffee shop customers can smoke cannabis without fear of prosecution, was yesterday condemned as an "appalling abuse" of public money.
It involves 20 teenagers, 16 of whom attend the Helena Romanes School, a comprehensive in Great Dunmow, Essex. More...
See also...
The itinerary includes a trip to a "cannabis college" and the red-light district where prostitutes sit in windows advertising their wares.
Hardly the usual sort of trip undertaken by children aged between 14 and 16 - funded by taxpayers' cash.
The three-day jaunt to the Dutch city, whose coffee shop customers can smoke cannabis without fear of prosecution, was yesterday condemned as an "appalling abuse" of public money.
It involves 20 teenagers, 16 of whom attend the Helena Romanes School, a comprehensive in Great Dunmow, Essex. More...
See also...
The end of Swiss banking secrecy?
ike Paul Revere, Konrad Hummler sounded the alarm last week as he made his way by train and by plane to his bank’s branches across Switzerland. This country’s storied role as secret banker to the world’s wealthy is under threat like never before, Mr. Hummler warned.
Mr. Hummler, the jaunty, blunt-spoken managing partner of Wegelin & Company, a small private bank in St. Gallen, has watched a German tax-evasion scandal evolve into a debate about banking secrecy here. Worried that the treasured discretion of Swiss banks is under assault, Wegelin’s foreign clients have been inquiring about their money.
Mr. Hummler says that this time, Switzerland may not be able to stop the rest of the world from prying open Swiss banking. More...
See also this and this...
Mr. Hummler, the jaunty, blunt-spoken managing partner of Wegelin & Company, a small private bank in St. Gallen, has watched a German tax-evasion scandal evolve into a debate about banking secrecy here. Worried that the treasured discretion of Swiss banks is under assault, Wegelin’s foreign clients have been inquiring about their money.
Mr. Hummler says that this time, Switzerland may not be able to stop the rest of the world from prying open Swiss banking. More...
See also this and this...
Chantal Sébire: foutez-lui la paix, bordel!!!

Chantal Sébire: le procureur ne lâchera pas l'affaire.
Chantal Sébire avait bien pris des barbituriques, de puissants somnifères, qui ne faisaient pas partie de son traitement habituel, a annoncé jeudi le procureur de la République de Dijon, confirmant une info du Figaro, jeudi.
Il s'agit de Pentobarbital, dont "les concentrations observées sont près de 3 fois la dose mortelle", a-t-il dit.
Le procureur a aussi précisé que ce produit était utilisé en milieu vétérinaire et qu'il n'était pas disponible en pharmacie.
Un produit utilisé dans l'aide au suicide en Belgique et en Suisse.
Il fait même partie des kits d'aide au suicide en Belgique, mais il a été retiré du marché il y a quelques années en France. Suite...
Voir aussi ici et ici...
Le Viagra a 10ans et 35,000,000 d'adeptes!
Il y a dix ans, les autorités américaines autorisaient la commercialisation du Viagra, première pilule contre les troubles de l'érection. Une révolution qui a permis à de nombreux couples de reprendre espoir. Et ouvert la voie à d'autres traitements.
Une simple pilule pour avoir une érection. Les hommes en rêvaient. Viagra l'a fait.
Lancé il y a dix ans, le célèbre losange bleu a depuis été utilisé par 35 millions d'hommes dans le monde. Suite...
Une simple pilule pour avoir une érection. Les hommes en rêvaient. Viagra l'a fait.
Lancé il y a dix ans, le célèbre losange bleu a depuis été utilisé par 35 millions d'hommes dans le monde. Suite...
Switzerland: nothing but cuckoo clocks?
For years, prosperous and peaceful Switzerland has been underappreciated. Being small and successful, frankly, is boring to many people.
Consider the Cold War spy movie “The Third Man.” In a famous scene, the shady character played by Orson Welles observes, “In Italy, for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed—they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love; they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.” To add insult to slur, the cuckoo clock is actually from Germany.
Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, the founding leader of another economic success story, has told associates he modeled his policies after those of Switzerland minus its reluctance to interfere in the daily lives of its citizens and the accountability of its direct democracy. More...
See also this and this...
Consider the Cold War spy movie “The Third Man.” In a famous scene, the shady character played by Orson Welles observes, “In Italy, for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed—they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love; they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.” To add insult to slur, the cuckoo clock is actually from Germany.
Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, the founding leader of another economic success story, has told associates he modeled his policies after those of Switzerland minus its reluctance to interfere in the daily lives of its citizens and the accountability of its direct democracy. More...
See also this and this...
Friday, March 28, 2008
La Corée et l’Internet; ou va-t-on?
En Corée du Sud, les écoliers sont toujours plus nombreux à quitter l'école. Cours sur Internet et apprentissage par les jeux vidéo ont le vent en poupe.
Voir aussi...
Voir aussi...
Sex with a ... table?
Okay! Okay! Say what you like, but how on earth does anyone have sex with a table? And how did someone make THREE DVDs of the incident? And why is it illegal to have sex with a table; is it some kind of a four-legged protected species? Now I'm getting some dark ideas about King Arthur
and his Knights spending so much time around the Round Table...
Couldn't this guy simply wank off watching some porn on the Internet,
assuming that this whole story is not a hoax? Full story...
See also...
and his Knights spending so much time around the Round Table...
Couldn't this guy simply wank off watching some porn on the Internet,
assuming that this whole story is not a hoax? Full story...
See also...
The Quality of Life Index 2008
Porn and the Internet: a deadly combination?
I have been happily married for 10 years and I would say we have a good sex life. That is until recently. The other day I caught my husband looking at pornography on the internet. He said it was a one off, but I am not so sure.
I blame myself and I am very unhappy. What can I do?
According to the relationship charity Relate, increasingly couples are citing the internet as a problem in their relationship. More...
See also this and this...
I blame myself and I am very unhappy. What can I do?
According to the relationship charity Relate, increasingly couples are citing the internet as a problem in their relationship. More...
See also this and this...
Margaret Cho and September the 11th....

Top comedian and actress Margaret Cho has joined Willie Nelson and Charlie Sheen in questioning the official 9/11 story, stating that the public were going to become very angry when they realized there was a conspiracy behind the terror attacks.
Appearing on the nationally syndicated Alex Jones Show, Cho said her doubts about 9/11 were sparked by President Bush's non-reaction to the unfolding crisis. More...
See also this and this...
Calaspia: a Lord of the Rings in the making?

After record sales in India of their 700-page saga entitled Conspiracy of Calaspia, two Swiss teenagers with Indian roots are now set to conquer Europe.
The book tells the story of an adolescent, Bryn, and a motley group of courageous individuals who must brave danger and death to defend their planet against an evil enemy.
The twin brothers Jyoti and Suresh Guptara will be 20 years old on November 22. More...
See also...
Help the Net Bum! Hilarious!

Ninjas killed this guy's family, so he needs money for Kung Fu lessons!!! He probably deserves something for his sense of humour! If you want to donate something, click here...
Les ninjas ont tué la famille de ce mec, alors il a besoin d’argent pour des leçons de Kung Fu !! Si vous appréciez son sens d’humeur et aimeriez lui donner quelque chose, cliquez ici…
Are we living in a sane world?
Honestly I don't know. I would like to think that we humans have evolved, that we are the most intelligent species on this planet, perhaps even in the entire Universe (even though that may be stretching things a bit!), that we are created in the image of God. Maybe. And then you come across weird things, really horrid things that humans do to one another. Well, it's just an exception, you say to yourself, not everyone is that bad. And then you come across another, and you say, oh well, there are so many of us, hence, so many exceptions. And then you come acroos more. And you run out of excuses, and you say to yourself, humans are fucking full of shit... More...
See also disabled pregnant woman used as target practice..
And also this and this...
See also disabled pregnant woman used as target practice..
And also this and this...
The Smartest Unknown Indian Entrepreneur?
"We hire young professionals whom others disregard," Vembu says. "We don't look at colleges, degrees or grades. Not everyone in India comes from a socio-economic background to get the opportunity to go to a top-ranking engineering school, but many are really smart regardless.
"We even go to poor high schools, and hire those kids who are bright but are not going to college due to pressure to start making money right away," Vembu continues. "They need to support their families. We train them, and in nine months, they produce at the level of college grads. Their resumes are not as marketable, but I tell you, these kids can code just as well as the rest. Often, better.” More...
See also...
"We even go to poor high schools, and hire those kids who are bright but are not going to college due to pressure to start making money right away," Vembu continues. "They need to support their families. We train them, and in nine months, they produce at the level of college grads. Their resumes are not as marketable, but I tell you, these kids can code just as well as the rest. Often, better.” More...
See also...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
They live, oh yeah, they really do...
"Nada, a down-on-his-luck construction worker, discovers a pair of special sunglasses. Wearing them, he is able to see the world as it really is: people being bombarded by media and government with messages like 'Stay Asleep', 'No Imagination', 'Submit to Authority'. Even scarier is that he is able to see that some usually normal-looking people are in fact ugly aliens in charge of the massive campaign to keep humans subdued. " Movie...
If you haven't seen this movie, then you really should...
If you haven't seen this movie, then you really should...
Cool judge: Learn English or go to jail!!!
A judge known for creative sentencing has ordered three Spanish-speaking men to learn English or go to jail.
The men, who faced prison for criminal conspiracy to commit robbery, can remain on parole if they learn to read and write English, earn their GEDs and get full-time jobs, Luzerne County Judge Peter Paul Olszewski Jr. said.
The men, Luis Reyes, Ricardo Dominguez and Rafael Guzman-Mateo, plus a fourth defendant, Kelvin Reyes-Rosario, all needed translators when they pleaded guilty Tuesday. More...
See also this and this...
The men, who faced prison for criminal conspiracy to commit robbery, can remain on parole if they learn to read and write English, earn their GEDs and get full-time jobs, Luzerne County Judge Peter Paul Olszewski Jr. said.
The men, Luis Reyes, Ricardo Dominguez and Rafael Guzman-Mateo, plus a fourth defendant, Kelvin Reyes-Rosario, all needed translators when they pleaded guilty Tuesday. More...
See also this and this...
Exit:D’anciens néonazis et les skinheads...

Un programme lancé hier en Allemagne vise à aider les proches désemparés des crânes rasés. Objectif avoué: les désendoctriner.
La mue ne prend souvent que quelques semaines. Un jour, le fils de 16 ans se rase le crâne. Des affiches d’un parti néonazi fleurissent sur les murs de sa chambre. Et peu à peu, le dialogue familial s’envenime. Terrifiés, les parents se demandent alors où ils ont failli et comment faire pour ramener leur enfant à la raison. Suite...
Slavery dead? Let's not kid ourselves...
One hot june day in 2006, I saw what slavery really meant. In a rundown mansion in a slum of Bucharest, Romania, a pimp offered to sell me a young woman he described as "a blond." She had bleached hair, hastily applied makeup, and she apparently suffered from Down syndrome. On her right arm were at least 10 angry, fresh slashes where, I can only assume, she had attempted suicide. The pimp claimed that he made 200 euros per night renting her out to local clients. He offered to sell her outright to me in exchange for a used car.
I've met and talked with slaves and former slaves like Rambho in a dozen countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Romania, India, Sudan and Haiti. The International Labor Organization of the United Nations estimates that in Asia alone, there are about 10 million slaves. More...
See also this and this...
I've met and talked with slaves and former slaves like Rambho in a dozen countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Romania, India, Sudan and Haiti. The International Labor Organization of the United Nations estimates that in Asia alone, there are about 10 million slaves. More...
See also this and this...
Who are We? (Must see absolutely)
Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.
Wasn't the Inquisition bad enough?

Police in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh say they have arrested 17 villagers over the killing of a woman suspected of being a witch.
The 40-year-old woman, Phool Kunwar, was dragged from her home on Monday night, beaten and burned with a hot iron, police say. More...
See also this and this and this...
Olivier Martinez 1 vs Blogs français (Fuzz) 0
Je viens à l'instant de recevoir enfin l'information, brute et sans les détails de l'ordonnance : Fuzz est condamné.
Je n'aime pas employer des formules trop grandiloquentes mais je crois quand même que ce jeudi 27 mars 2008 restera comme une journée noire pour le web français.
Edit :
Le tribunal dans son ordonnance (que je n'ai pas encore en main) a retenu ma responsabilité d'éditeur en considérant que j'organisais l'information sur Fuzz en opérant un tri et une hiérarchisation des liens par catégories.
Si vous connaissez Fuzz et le fonctionnement des Digg-like vous savez tous parfaitement que ceci est inexact. Suite...
Voir aussi...
Je n'aime pas employer des formules trop grandiloquentes mais je crois quand même que ce jeudi 27 mars 2008 restera comme une journée noire pour le web français.
Edit :
Le tribunal dans son ordonnance (que je n'ai pas encore en main) a retenu ma responsabilité d'éditeur en considérant que j'organisais l'information sur Fuzz en opérant un tri et une hiérarchisation des liens par catégories.
Si vous connaissez Fuzz et le fonctionnement des Digg-like vous savez tous parfaitement que ceci est inexact. Suite...
Voir aussi...
Nos amis américains: occupez-vous de vos affaires...

L'élection de Jean Ziegler et la désignation de Richard Falk comme rapporteur de l'ONU sur les territoires palestiniens ont suscité des critiques américaines. La «rhétorique anti-israélienne» de l'ONU a été vivement dénoncée.
La vice-présidente de la Commission des Affaires étrangères de la Chambre des représentants Ileana Ros-Lehtinen avait écrit à la conseillère fédérale Micheline Calmy-Rey pour lui demander de retirer son soutien à Jean Ziegler. More...
Adobe launches Photoshop Express for free...
Adobe lance Photoshop Express gratuit... (en français)
Adobe Systems opened up Photoshop Express on Thursday, its long-anticipated Web-based image editor aimed at the millions of consumers that want a simple way to touch up, share, and store photos.
Photoshop Express, available for free with 2 gigabytes of storage at www.photoshop.com/express, is a significant departure from Adobe's desktop software business and a big bet that it can make money offering Web services directly to consumers. More...
Adobe Systems opened up Photoshop Express on Thursday, its long-anticipated Web-based image editor aimed at the millions of consumers that want a simple way to touch up, share, and store photos.
Photoshop Express, available for free with 2 gigabytes of storage at www.photoshop.com/express, is a significant departure from Adobe's desktop software business and a big bet that it can make money offering Web services directly to consumers. More...
The weed issue: How Europe deals with marijuana...
While Europeans are as firmly opposed to hard drugs as we are, the difference in how they approach marijuana is striking. Take the Netherlands, with its famously liberal marijuana laws. On my last trip to Amsterdam, I visited a "coffee shop" -- a cafe that openly and legally sells marijuana to people over 18. I sat and observed the very local, almost quaint scene: Neighbors were chatting. An older couple (who apparently didn't enjoy the trendy ambience) parked their bikes and dropped in for a baggie to go. An underage customer was shooed away. Then a police officer showed up -- but only to post a warning about the latest danger from chemical drugs on the streets. More...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Euro 08: Calling all disappointed British soccer fans...
Euro 08: Voici un message pour tous les supporters britanniques décus...
Musophobia, or being shitty scared of a tiny rodent...

A German man who spotted a mouse running across his living room floor while he was watching TV was so scared that he raced into the snow-covered street at 3:25 a.m. wearing nothing but boxer shorts, slippers and a blanket, police said. More...
I wonder if he'll ever visit this place...
Hillary Clinton "mis-spoke" about Bosnia...
Of course, politicians NEVER lie. They only "mis-speak". Right, Hillary?
The Real Meaning of 4,000 Dead

The passing of the 4,000th service member in Iraq is a tragic milestone and a testament to the cost of this war, but for those of us who live and fight in Iraq, we measure that cost in smaller, but much more personal numbers. For me those numbers are 8, the number of friends and classmates killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 3, the number of soldiers from my unit killed in this deployment. I'm 25, yet I've received more notifications for funerals than invitations to weddings. More...
See also...
(Thanks Stephen)
Tibet : éviter la dérive émotionnelle...

A l’heure où toute la presse et les chaînes de télévision prennent fait et cause pour le « combat du peuple tibétain » et contre la « répression sanglante » des autorités chinoises, n’y a-t-il pas lieu, en s’éclairant des événements du passé, de s’interroger sur les prises de position occidentales face aux conflits de ces dernières décennies, en essayant de comprendre la pression que les médias exercent pour influencer les opinions ?
Dans le cas du Tibet, nous assistons aujourd’hui à un matraquage de l’information qui semble avoir trouvé là un sujet porteur et n’émet pas le moindre doute quant à la responsabilité de ce que certains appellent même un « génocide culturel ». Ce monde journalistique semble en effet aujourd’hui œuvrer vers la simplification en distribuant les rôles : celui du bon et donc aussi celui du méchant. Tout comme George Bush, pourtant tellement moqué, qui évoquait les « forces du mal » pour justifier sa guerre en Irak. Suite...
Byron Ng and Facebook...
A Vancouver man named Byron Ng became the hottest name in social networking yesterday after he was able to bypass Facebook’s privacy settings and get to pictures that he wasn’t supposed to see – like Paris Hilton partying or her little brother drinking. Facebook closed the loophole yesterday.
Lucky find? Probably not. Last summer a Vancouver man named Byron Ng was the first to find an electronic version of most of the last Harry Potter book. The Vancouver Sun is reporting that they’re the same man, who has a day job as a computer technician. To find the book, Ng first tried GPS tracking the trucks carrying it, but eventually found it on a P2P service from an anonymous European source. More...
See also this and this...
Lucky find? Probably not. Last summer a Vancouver man named Byron Ng was the first to find an electronic version of most of the last Harry Potter book. The Vancouver Sun is reporting that they’re the same man, who has a day job as a computer technician. To find the book, Ng first tried GPS tracking the trucks carrying it, but eventually found it on a P2P service from an anonymous European source. More...
See also this and this...
Touche pas à mon blog!
Le buzz du moment: les internautes "n'aiment pas Olivier Martinez" qui a attaqué en justice l'un des leurs, Eric Dupin. Jugement aujourd'hui.
Rappel des faits:
L'agrégateur de news Fuzz, créé par le blogueur Eric Dupin, publie un lien renvoyant vers un blog people. Celui-ci évoque une rumeur, concernant l'acteur Olivier Martinez et sa relation - démentie - avec la chanteuse Kylie Minogue.
Suite à la publication de ce lien, l'acteur attaque le fondateur de Fuzz au motif d'une atteinte à sa vie privée. Une vingtaine d'autres sites sont également assignés. Suite...
Rappel des faits:
L'agrégateur de news Fuzz, créé par le blogueur Eric Dupin, publie un lien renvoyant vers un blog people. Celui-ci évoque une rumeur, concernant l'acteur Olivier Martinez et sa relation - démentie - avec la chanteuse Kylie Minogue.
Suite à la publication de ce lien, l'acteur attaque le fondateur de Fuzz au motif d'une atteinte à sa vie privée. Une vingtaine d'autres sites sont également assignés. Suite...
The FBI and the Pizza Man, a true story...
FBI agents conducted a "search and seizure" at the Southwood Psychiatric Hospital in San Diego, which was under investigation for medical insurance fraud. After hours of poring over many rooms of financial records, some sixty FBI agents worked up quite an appetite. The case agent in charge of the investigation called a local pizza parlor with delivery service to order a quick dinner for his colleagues.
The following telephone conversation took place:
Agent: Hello. I would like to order nineteen large pizzas and sixty-seven cans of soda.
Pizza man: And where would you like them delivered?
Agent: To the Southwood Psychiatric Hospital.
Pizza man: To the psychiatric hospital?
Agent: That's right. I'm an FBI agent.
Pizza man: You're an FBI agent?
Agent: That's correct. Just about everybody here is.
Pizza man: And you're at the psychiatric hospital?
Agent: That's correct. And make sure you don't go through the front doors. We have them locked. You'll have to go around to the back to the service entrance to deliver the pizzas.
Pizza man: And you say you're all FBI agents?
Agent: That's right. How soon can you have them here?
Pizza man: And you're over at Southwood?
Agent: That's right. How soon can you have them here?
Pizza man: And everyone at Southwood is an FBI agent?
Agent: That's right. We've been here all day and we're starving.
Pizza man: How are you going to pay for this?
Agent: I have my check book right here.
Pizza man: And you are all FBI agents?
Agent: That's right, everyone here is an FBI agent. Can you remember to bring the pizzas and sodas to the service entrance in the rear? We have the front doors locked.
Pizza man: I don't think so.
The following telephone conversation took place:
Agent: Hello. I would like to order nineteen large pizzas and sixty-seven cans of soda.
Pizza man: And where would you like them delivered?
Agent: To the Southwood Psychiatric Hospital.
Pizza man: To the psychiatric hospital?
Agent: That's right. I'm an FBI agent.
Pizza man: You're an FBI agent?
Agent: That's correct. Just about everybody here is.
Pizza man: And you're at the psychiatric hospital?
Agent: That's correct. And make sure you don't go through the front doors. We have them locked. You'll have to go around to the back to the service entrance to deliver the pizzas.
Pizza man: And you say you're all FBI agents?
Agent: That's right. How soon can you have them here?
Pizza man: And you're over at Southwood?
Agent: That's right. How soon can you have them here?
Pizza man: And everyone at Southwood is an FBI agent?
Agent: That's right. We've been here all day and we're starving.
Pizza man: How are you going to pay for this?
Agent: I have my check book right here.
Pizza man: And you are all FBI agents?
Agent: That's right, everyone here is an FBI agent. Can you remember to bring the pizzas and sodas to the service entrance in the rear? We have the front doors locked.
Pizza man: I don't think so.
Porno avant le journal!!! Mama mia!
Un couac à l'antenne qui provoque un tollé en Polynésie. La diffusion de sept minutes d'un film pornographique sur la chaine Tahiti Nui Télévision (TNTV) est l'un des motifs de la grève qui se poursuit depuis quelques jours au sein de cette chaine locale de télévision, a indiqué mardi le syndicat CSTP-FO à l'origine du mouvement.
Ces images, qui n'étaient pas programmées, ont été diffusées juste après un entretien en direct avec le Président de l'Eglise protestante et juste avant le point d'information de la mi-journée et "ont scandalisé" la population et les téléspectateurs de Polynésie, a affirmé Temarii Mahinui, représentant CSTP-FO. Suite...
Ne pas manquer:
The Elite and their blood-line...

Here's another reason why voting is just a show and a comedy. Most of those in high office come from the same blood-line and it really makes no big differene whom you vote for. They are all from the same family anyway... More...
93 years old, and still feeling horny!!! Hilarious!
It's rather comforting news that, after nearly ten decades on this planet, these "old" guys still hanker for that sexual fling! Does that mean that our libido never gets old but only our body does? In any case, I wish them better luck next time and under different circumstances! Story.
On the other hand, there is this Chinese guy, more than a hundred years old and yet doing something wonderful and pretty cool. Not everyone goes running after sex...
On the other hand, there is this Chinese guy, more than a hundred years old and yet doing something wonderful and pretty cool. Not everyone goes running after sex...
Manifestants tibetains tabassés par les flics ... à New York!!!
Tibetan demonstrators beaten up by cops ... in New York!!!
Combien gagnent les stars de la télé...

A l'heure où la télévision nous montre de plus en plus la préoccupation de la population au sujet du pouvoir d'achat, regardons combien gagnent ceux qui nous en parlent. Mais auparavant, il faut savoir que la plupart du temps, les salaires sont en fonction de la popularité pour les séries TV, ce qui n'est pas forcément le cas pour les émissions TV.
Alors bien sur il est beaucoup plus difficile d’avoir des chiffres en France où l’argent reste un sujet tabou. Néanmoins, il existe quelques chiffres…. Roger Hanin gagnerait environ 250.000 euros par épisode de Navarro. A peu près autant pour Yves Rénier et le commissaire Moulin, en revanche il faut diviser par deux les cachets pour obtenir celui de Julie Lescault ou de Mimie Mathy ou encore de Corinne Touzet . Suite...
Voir aussi...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
WTF! Man caught screwing vacuum cleaner!!!

You know, I've talked about this before, a man marrying a goat(which has died, by the way), and strange people in India marrying snakes, dogs, or marrying off monkeys, and so on. And you probably thought all this was pretty strange.
Well, now we are on to a different dimension. Some weird people have been caught screwing inamimate objects! And, wonder of wonders, it's not in India!!! This guy here has been making love to a bicycle, and this other chap has been vacuuming his underwear, or so he claims! What the hell is going on here? I have to admit that the vacuum-cleaner looks pretty cute and might have tempted the horny worker,
but still...
Tibet:is the Western media taking us for a ride?
Tibet: Est-ce que les médias occidentaux sont en train de nous embobiner ?
Les visages de la Mort...

The faces of Death. 4000 American and more than 500,000 Iraqi deaths in five years. Is it worth it? Click here to see the Faces of Death. See also...
Les visages de la Mort. 4000 morts américains et plus que 500,000 morts irakiens depuis 5 ans. Est-ce que ça vaut la peine? Cliquez ici pour voir les Visages de la Mort. Voir aussi...
The Japanese are not fools...

IN a recent poll, 25% of Japanese said that they would vote for Nobody.
Dans un sondage récent, 25% dejaponais apparemment voteraient pour Personne !
D’après l’image, voici pourquoi :
Votez pour Personne.
Personne ne tient les promesses faites avant les élections.
Personne se souci de vos soucis.
Personne n’aide les pauvres et les chômeurs.
Si personne n’est élu, ca ira mieux pour tout le monde.
Personne ne dit la vérité.
Tibet and China: what are the facts?
The current Tibetan rebellion against Chinese rule has captured world attention and sympathy. Protests from Katmandu to New York have ensured it stays on TV screens almost everywhere – except China, of course.
China’s government, which has been preparing a massive, carefully orchestrated Olympic summer extravaganza in Beijing, has been deeply embarrassed and lost a great deal of face. The latest Tibetan "intifada" erupted just after China’s party congress was celebrating the nation’s economic upsurge and orderly development.
Who is right about Tibet? Beijing claims Tibet has always been and remains an integral part of China. The Dalai Lama, insists Beijing, is a dangerous "splittist" fomenting rebellion with Western help. Chinese civilians have been attacked by Tibetan mobs, says Beijing. More...
Se also this and this...
China’s government, which has been preparing a massive, carefully orchestrated Olympic summer extravaganza in Beijing, has been deeply embarrassed and lost a great deal of face. The latest Tibetan "intifada" erupted just after China’s party congress was celebrating the nation’s economic upsurge and orderly development.
Who is right about Tibet? Beijing claims Tibet has always been and remains an integral part of China. The Dalai Lama, insists Beijing, is a dangerous "splittist" fomenting rebellion with Western help. Chinese civilians have been attacked by Tibetan mobs, says Beijing. More...
Se also this and this...
Monday, March 24, 2008
Il fait caca au poste de police!!!!
Vendredi matin, c’est à un individu particulièrement irascible que les gendarmes ont eu affaire.
Vers 9h30, l’homme de 20 ans roule à contresens sur la route de Meyrin, au guidon d’un scooter. A l’arrivée de la voiture de police, il fait demi-tour et refuse de s’arrêter. Les gendarmes réussissent à le bloquer contre un tas de neige. Interpellé, il se démène et ne cesse de donner des coups dans les sièges et la carrosserie de la voiture de police, et insulte copieusement les agents. Suite...
Vers 9h30, l’homme de 20 ans roule à contresens sur la route de Meyrin, au guidon d’un scooter. A l’arrivée de la voiture de police, il fait demi-tour et refuse de s’arrêter. Les gendarmes réussissent à le bloquer contre un tas de neige. Interpellé, il se démène et ne cesse de donner des coups dans les sièges et la carrosserie de la voiture de police, et insulte copieusement les agents. Suite...
St.Peter not first pope? Never went to Rome?
St Peter's journey to Rome led to the spread of Christianity in the West and the foundation of Roman Catholicism, so the Church has always taught.
But a new documentary will challenge the link as nothing more than a "conspiracy of faith". In it, prominent academics accuse the Vatican of misleading the world over the fate of the man regarded as Jesus Christ's closest disciple. In allegations likely to spark controversy, they accuse the Church of fabricating a connection with the apostle to validate giving ultimate power to the papacy.
Catholicism has taught for centuries that Peter was martyred and buried in Rome and that all popes succeed him, but the documentary will challenge this by asserting that he never reached the Italian city. Instead, it will accuse the Church of ignoring the discovery of a tomb in Jerusalem that archaeologists believe contains the bones of Peter. More...
But a new documentary will challenge the link as nothing more than a "conspiracy of faith". In it, prominent academics accuse the Vatican of misleading the world over the fate of the man regarded as Jesus Christ's closest disciple. In allegations likely to spark controversy, they accuse the Church of fabricating a connection with the apostle to validate giving ultimate power to the papacy.
Catholicism has taught for centuries that Peter was martyred and buried in Rome and that all popes succeed him, but the documentary will challenge this by asserting that he never reached the Italian city. Instead, it will accuse the Church of ignoring the discovery of a tomb in Jerusalem that archaeologists believe contains the bones of Peter. More...
Le numéro magique !!
1. Prenez une machine à calculer. (Vous ne pouvez pas faire ce calcul avec vos doigts !)
2. Saisissez les trois premiers numéros de votre téléphone (et NON pas l’indicatif interurbain)
3. Multipliez par 80
4. Ajoutez 1
5. Multipliez par 250
6. Ajoutez les 4 derniers chiffres de votre numéro de téléphone
7. Ajoutez les 4 derniers chiffres de votre numéro de téléphone encore une fois
8. Soustrayiez 250
9. Divisez par 2
Reconnaissez-vous le numéro ??
1. Grab a calculator.
2. Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the area
3. Multiply by 80
4. Add 1
5. Multiply by 250
6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number
7. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again.
8. Subtract 250
9. Divide number by 2
Do you recognize the answer ?
2. Saisissez les trois premiers numéros de votre téléphone (et NON pas l’indicatif interurbain)
3. Multipliez par 80
4. Ajoutez 1
5. Multipliez par 250
6. Ajoutez les 4 derniers chiffres de votre numéro de téléphone
7. Ajoutez les 4 derniers chiffres de votre numéro de téléphone encore une fois
8. Soustrayiez 250
9. Divisez par 2
Reconnaissez-vous le numéro ??
1. Grab a calculator.
2. Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the area
3. Multiply by 80
4. Add 1
5. Multiply by 250
6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number
7. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again.
8. Subtract 250
9. Divide number by 2
Do you recognize the answer ?
Priest Off clergy repellent!! Hilarious!
It's not my intention to be offensive to anyone, especially Catholics, but this is really funny!!
Ce n’est vraiment pas mon intention d’être malhonnête ou d'offusquer qui que ce soit, surtout les catholiques, mais cette “pub” est vraiment tordant. Il s’agit d’un « produit » pour lutter contre les prêtres pédophiles… Mort de rire !
Ce n’est vraiment pas mon intention d’être malhonnête ou d'offusquer qui que ce soit, surtout les catholiques, mais cette “pub” est vraiment tordant. Il s’agit d’un « produit » pour lutter contre les prêtres pédophiles… Mort de rire !
Web-cams at a funeral?
Mourners unable to attend their loved ones' funerals now have a chance to see the event live on the internet.
The pioneering scheme has been launched because family members are often spread across the globe.
A website allows relatives and friends the opportunity to pay their last respects without travelling to the ceremony.
Services are already being streamed on to the web from the first eight participating crematoriums in the UK, with remote mourners paying £75. More...
The pioneering scheme has been launched because family members are often spread across the globe.
A website allows relatives and friends the opportunity to pay their last respects without travelling to the ceremony.
Services are already being streamed on to the web from the first eight participating crematoriums in the UK, with remote mourners paying £75. More...
Marines ghost-riding an MRAP!!!
Voici des soldats américains “ghost-riding” (véhicule sans conducteur) un MRAP (véhicule résistant aux mines et aux embuscades)
You can be arrested in Dubai for "a speck of dirt"...
A speck of dirt invisible to the human eye was all it took to land Cat Le Huy in a Dubai jail.
Officials at Dubai airport claimed they had found 0.03 grams of hashish in the Endemol television executive’s bag after he had travelled to the United Arab Emirates to visit a friend last month. They accused him of possession — which would have led to a mandatory four-year prison sentence had he been convicted. After he spent six weeks in Dubai’s jails protesting his innocence, prosecutors dropped the case this month. More...
Officials at Dubai airport claimed they had found 0.03 grams of hashish in the Endemol television executive’s bag after he had travelled to the United Arab Emirates to visit a friend last month. They accused him of possession — which would have led to a mandatory four-year prison sentence had he been convicted. After he spent six weeks in Dubai’s jails protesting his innocence, prosecutors dropped the case this month. More...
The dark side of Dubai...
For years, Sharla Musabih has fought a lonely battle to protect battered wives and victims of human trafficking here. She founded the Emirates’ first women’s shelter here and she became a familiar figure at police stations, relentlessly hounding officers to be tougher on abusive husbands.
She has also earned many enemies. Emiratis do not often take kindly to rights advocates drawing attention to the dark side of their fast-growing city-state on the Persian Gulf, better known for its gleaming office towers and artificial islands.
Still, no one was quite prepared for the stories that started appearing in Dubai newspapers this month. More...
See also this and this...
She has also earned many enemies. Emiratis do not often take kindly to rights advocates drawing attention to the dark side of their fast-growing city-state on the Persian Gulf, better known for its gleaming office towers and artificial islands.
Still, no one was quite prepared for the stories that started appearing in Dubai newspapers this month. More...
See also this and this...
Reese: Obama is Wright for the White House...
I saw and heard something remarkable this past week. I saw Barack Obama deliver a courageous and eloquent speech that he actually wrote himself.
A politician who can write his own speeches and not sound like the idiot he usually is has become a rarity in American politics since the Madison Avenue types took over the political process. The typical political speech is a product of the staff and has been carefully crafted to appeal to all the points brought up by pollsters and focus groups.
Obama was victimized by the old guilt-by-association ploy. Somebody dug up some video clips of Obama's minister making some strong criticisms of America, as if Obama were responsible for the words of another person. The implication of such specious criticism is that since Obama didn't draw a pistol and shoot his pastor dead, he must agree with what the pastor said. More...
See also this and this...
A politician who can write his own speeches and not sound like the idiot he usually is has become a rarity in American politics since the Madison Avenue types took over the political process. The typical political speech is a product of the staff and has been carefully crafted to appeal to all the points brought up by pollsters and focus groups.
Obama was victimized by the old guilt-by-association ploy. Somebody dug up some video clips of Obama's minister making some strong criticisms of America, as if Obama were responsible for the words of another person. The implication of such specious criticism is that since Obama didn't draw a pistol and shoot his pastor dead, he must agree with what the pastor said. More...
See also this and this...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Le député néerlandais et le Coran...
Un député néerlandais qui a fondé le parti populiste (extrême droite) va produire un film, dont on ne sait rien, mais dont tout le pays parle. L'Express nous apprend cette semaine que le film Fitna (qui veut dire en arabe sédition ou chaos) du député Geert Wilders est le sujet de conversation n°1 dans le pays, alors qu'on ne sait pas de quoi il va parler ni combien de temps il va durer (certains avancent l'hypothèse d'un quart d'heure à peine...) Suite...
Voir aussi...
Voir aussi...
Don't think different; you'll be fired! Hilarious!
Brent Barlow, 27, a software analyst and beta-tester at Apple Computer headquarters in Cupertino, was fired Monday for "thinking a little too different."
Apple spokespersons said the firing was necessary because Barlow "consistently failed to adhere to the normal standards of conduct and daily routines expected of employees of Apple Computer."
Among the floutings of convention cited in Barlow's Apple employee file: developing a pulley system to store his mountain bike above his workstation, listening to Bob Dylan on his headphones while testing software, and taking barefoot walks around the Apple campus to "feel more connected to the creative energy of others." Full story...
Apple spokespersons said the firing was necessary because Barlow "consistently failed to adhere to the normal standards of conduct and daily routines expected of employees of Apple Computer."
Among the floutings of convention cited in Barlow's Apple employee file: developing a pulley system to store his mountain bike above his workstation, listening to Bob Dylan on his headphones while testing software, and taking barefoot walks around the Apple campus to "feel more connected to the creative energy of others." Full story...
The Moron and the Xbox 360 ...
Those that know me are aware that my house was burglarized on March 12th while I was returning from SXSW. For the uninitiated, my house was broken into around 2:30-3:00pm and they made off with my xbox 360, an old powerbook (which they grabbed the wrong charger for) and ripped my TV right off the wall. Needless to say it was shitty news to come home to, but things can be replaced and I was happy that my dog, who was downstairs at the time, wasn't hurt. Full story...
Why are Tibetans REALLY protesting?
This is a very interesting article from the Guardian as to why the Tibetans are really protesting, a reason that I have not seen evoked elsewhere. While most observers keep repeating the childish call to boycott the Beijing Olympics to punish China or keep praising the useless Dalai Lama and conveniently don't seem to notice the American occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan nor that of Israel and the Gaza strip, they fail to see beyond the usual clichés about China and Tibet.
The riots are apparently NOT about freedom for Tibet, NOT about communism, NOT about the authoritarian Chinese govt. It is, says the author, about modernity and the loss of Tibetan identity. Full story...
See also...
The riots are apparently NOT about freedom for Tibet, NOT about communism, NOT about the authoritarian Chinese govt. It is, says the author, about modernity and the loss of Tibetan identity. Full story...
See also...
28 Jan 1986 et Challenger explosa en plein vol...
Jan 28th.1986 and Challenger exploded in the air...
«Le Matin Bleu»: un phénomène?

Quand je vois tous les exemplaires du Matin Bleu qui trainent au réfectoire au travail tous les jours, je crois que c’est surtout un phénomène de la déforestation galopante de la planète, de l’information « people » sans aucune importance et malsaine, et du gaspillage ahurissant…
(Les commentaires qui suivent l’article sont intéressants…) Cliquez ici...
Les banques suisses dans la tourmente...
Une «situation des plus décevante que nous ne pouvons tolérer». C'est en ces termes que Brady Dougan, directeur général de Credit Suisse a condamné les irrégularités comptables d'un «petit groupe de traders», révélées le mois dernier et dont l'ampleur a été précisée jeudi. Ces employés avaient «intentionnellement» gonflé, en fin d'année, la valeur des plus-values attendues sur le marché des CDO. Ces titres, qui ont servi à financer la bulle immobilière américaine, font l'objet d'un krach depuis neuf mois. Le 19 février, à peine une semaine après l'annonce d'un solide quatrième trimestre 2007 - la période avait pourtant été sanglante - la banque avait estimé que la valeur de ces portefeuilles devrait être revue de près de 3 milliards de francs. Suite...
Voir aussi ici et ici...
Voir aussi ici et ici...
C'mon baby, push! push!
American men are following the film star trend and giving wives extravagant gifts after they give birth, reports Tim Shipman
It has always been the way that the only reward expected by women from the trials of childbirth has been the gift of life, in the form of a new baby.
But American mothers are increasingly demanding more material compensation for pregnancy and labour: diamonds, other jewellery, or an expensive holiday. More...
See also...
It has always been the way that the only reward expected by women from the trials of childbirth has been the gift of life, in the form of a new baby.
But American mothers are increasingly demanding more material compensation for pregnancy and labour: diamonds, other jewellery, or an expensive holiday. More...
See also...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Blogs: le petit flic de Sarkozy...
La blogosphère est en ébullition depuis la nomination par Nicolas Sarkozy d'un "chargé de mission" sur internet. Les internautes craignent une volonté de "surveiller" tout ce qui concerne le président.
«L'oeil de Sarkozy sur le net», «KGB Web», «le petit flic de Sarkozy», «Big Brother»: sur les blogs, le site de socialisation Facebook, dans des vidéos de parodie mises en ligne sur Dailymotion, les termes employés sont très virulents. Suite...
Voir aussi...
«L'oeil de Sarkozy sur le net», «KGB Web», «le petit flic de Sarkozy», «Big Brother»: sur les blogs, le site de socialisation Facebook, dans des vidéos de parodie mises en ligne sur Dailymotion, les termes employés sont très virulents. Suite...
Voir aussi...
Woman stuck to toilet seat:boyfriend charged.

Remember the woman stuck to her toilet seat for two years? Well, her boyfriend is being charged with ill-treatment. What was he thinking? Full story...
Violence and Chaos in Lhasa...
I always thought that the Tibetans were a peaceful and peace-loving people. The recent troubles in Lhasa and these videos seem to indicate quite a different story...
J'ai toujours pensé que le peuple tibetain était un peuple tranquil et paisible. Mais ces derniers temps, cette image des tibetains a été chamboulée...
See also/Voir aussi...
J'ai toujours pensé que le peuple tibetain était un peuple tranquil et paisible. Mais ces derniers temps, cette image des tibetains a été chamboulée...
See also/Voir aussi...
This be the verse...
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.
Philip Larkin
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.
From pissed up walls to pissed up mirrors!

Say you are fed up with men persistenly urinating against public walls: so what do you do? Do you educate your male citizens, telling them that it is just not right to wet any wall other than the one in the toilet with their urine, build more public toilets,or you make them discharge the fluid from their kidneys against huge mirrors so
that they can see themselves in action?
This is the idea that a place in India called Ghaziabad has come up with! Full story...
See also...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Facebook: Fouad Mourtada gracié!
Le jeune ingénieur marocain condamné à trois ans de prison ferme pour avoir "usurpé" l'identité du prince Moulay Rachid sur le site Internet "Facebook", a été libéré suite à une grâce royale, a-t- on appris de source judiciaire mercredi à Rabat.
Fouad Mourtada, 27 ans, avait été condamné le 22 février dernier par un tribunal de Casablanca à trois ans de prison ferme et à une amende de 900 euros.
Il a été poursuivi pour falsification d'informations et d'avoir usurpé l'identité du prince Moulay Rachid sans le consentement de ce dernier. Suite...
Voir aussi...
Fouad Mourtada, 27 ans, avait été condamné le 22 février dernier par un tribunal de Casablanca à trois ans de prison ferme et à une amende de 900 euros.
Il a été poursuivi pour falsification d'informations et d'avoir usurpé l'identité du prince Moulay Rachid sans le consentement de ce dernier. Suite...
Voir aussi...
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