Thursday, February 02, 2012

Harassing women in Saudi Arabia can get you sentenced to washing dead bodies!!!

If you are scared of the dead, then you should avoid harassing women in Saudi Arabia.

A judge in the Gulf Kingdom went out of his way and sentenced a teen age boy to washing five dead bodies after he was caught harassing women.

Members of the Commission for the promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the most feared religious police in the country, seized the boy at a crowded shopping mall in the western town of Medina.

“After confessing to harassing girls, the judge sentenced the boy to washing five dead bodies and attending their funerals,” Sabq newspaper said. Source...

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  2. 75-year-old woman in Saudi Arabia to get 40 lashes for "mingling..."
  3. Young Saudi men banned from malls unless accompanied by family!!!
  4. Engineer in India made to sweep hospital for harassing two women!!!
  5. India: woman beheads would-be rapist...

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