Friday, October 07, 2011

Michelle Obama’s spending is an embarrassment for the White House...

Although ignored by most of America’s liberal-dominated media, several online US news sites are reporting that Michelle Obama’s grand tour of southern Africa earlier this year cost American taxpayers nearly half a million dollars – and that's just for the flights. This follows in the wake of claims this August from sources inside the White House itself that the First Lady may have spent “$10 million of taxpayers’ money on vacations alone in the past year.” Without all the figures available, it is impossible to establish the total cost to the public purse of Michelle Obama’s 42 days of holiday during that period, which included her trip to Spain last year (though not the Obamas' recent sojourn in Martha’s Vineyard).


There can be no doubt that this latest revelation about Michelle Obama’s spending is an embarrassment to the White House at a time when the president is talking about spending cuts, and at least trying to give the impression that he is reining in the deficit. It is also a symbol of the gulf between the taxpayer-subsidised, privileged lifestyle of America’s ruling elites in Washington, compared to the tens of millions of hard-working Americans who are struggling to pay the mortgage, hold on to their homes, put food on the table for their families, and simply make ends meet. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. The world's most powerful woman is ...
  2. Monstrous $1.1 million bus for Obama campaign... 
  3. Poor looters are the street version of the wealthy ones...
  4. Forty planes and six armoured cars for Obama's three-day visit to India!!!
  5. US to spend $200m a day on Obama's Mumbai visit..
  6. Tony Blair claimed £7,000 for new roof just TWO days before...
  7. EU spent £250,000 on personal shower for Nicolas Sarkozy...

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