Friday, August 12, 2011

Poor looters are the street version of the wealthy ones...


Watching the rioting, looting and burning in the United Kingdom this week has been interesting. The (mostly) young men wearing hoodies and setting fire to the shops of middle-class merchants and immigrants aren't spouting revolutionary slogans.

They've proven themselves to be mostly opportunistic nihilists and hooligans with a taste for flat-screen televisions and other consumer goodies. The U.K. rioters are merely street-level versions of the rich they ostensibly hate, but whose values they reflect in every way.

What's interesting is how we pour our revulsion on the looters, who deserve it without question, while continuing to admire their moral doppelgangers bloodlessly manipulating the levers of the global economy to their advantage.

Such myopia reminds me of a passage from the book of James, the closest thing that the New Testament has to Marx besides Jesus himself: "But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court?" Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. The tiny dot, or how the few rule the many...
  2. They got bailed out, we got sold out... 
  3. The sun never sets on the British welfare system... 
  4.  London riots: What nobody dares to say... 
  5. Britain's rioters: young, poor and disillusioned... 
  6. Why London is burning... 
  7. Capitalism in crisis, a warning from history: 80 years ago... 
  8. Enquiry into Tony Blair's £6 million a year security bill...
  9. Blackout: the great MPs' expenses cover-up...
  10. The disgrace of greedy British politicians...
  11. Britain's ruling class is milking the country...

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